We need to pull together to defeat COVID-19.重振贸易投资。
We need to reinvigorate trade and investment.要统筹疫情防控和经济发展,加强各国宏观经济政策协调,推动世界经济早日走出危机阴影。
We need to balance pandemic response and economic development, strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination across countries, and get the global economy out of the woods at an early date.
We need to help the global economy upgrade its growth drivers, shift its growth model and adjust its structure so as to steer it onto a track of long-term, healthy and stable growth.
We need to unleash the power of innovation in driving development.要挖掘创新增长潜力,共同加强知识产权保护,在充分参与、凝聚共识的基础上制定规则,为科技发展打造开放、公平、公正、非歧视的环境。
We should tap into the potential of innovation in spurring growth, jointly step up intellectual property protection, make rules on the basis of extensive participation and consensus building, and foster an open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological development.
We should intensify exchanges and cooperation on innovation, facilitate integration of science and technology with economic growth, increase the sharing of innovation results, and remove all barriers that hamper the flow of knowledge, technology, talent and other factors of innovation. By doing so, we will better unleash the gushing vitality of innovation.
We need to improve on global governance.要坚持真正的多边主义,践行共商共建共享的全球治理观,动员全球资源,应对全球挑战,促进全球发展。
We should uphold true multilateralism, embrace a global governance vision featuring extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and mobilize resources from across the world to meet global challenges and advance global development.
We should choose dialogue over confrontation, tear down walls rather than erect walls, pursue integration instead of decoupling, opt for inclusiveness, not exclusion, and guide reforms of the global governance system with the principle of fairness and justice.