译文:We must counter any risks and threats that endanger Party leadership, the socialist system, the sovereignty, security and development interests of our country, our core national interests and principles, the fundamental interests of our people, the realization of the Two Centenary Goals, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must allow ourselves no respite until victory is won.译文:We must carry out the great historic struggle with many new features. We must be prepared to make even greater efforts, and keep guard against and defuse major risks at all times.
译文:We must understand the features of this great historic struggle and be clear on our targets. We must be courageous, stick to the right pathway, maintain the initiative, understand how to fight, and build up the spirit and capacity to do it. We are determined to overcome all difficulties by effectively addressing challenges, defusing risks, removing obstacles, and solving problems on the way forward, and we are resolved to win this great new struggle in the new era.
译文:The Communist Party of China and the Chinese people have grown and gained strength in the course of our struggle. Our fighting spirit has been apparent in the whole process of the country’s revolution, construction and reform.
to be ready for the fray
译文:Being ready for the fray is a distinctive quality of our Party. It is through struggle that our Party has developed to its present state, and that is what will create a bright future.例句:这几年,我们掌握应对风险挑战的战略主动,对危及党的执政地位、国家政权稳定,危害国家核心利益,危害人民根本利益,有可能迟滞甚至打断中华民族复兴进程的重大风险挑战,果断出手、坚决斗争,解决了许多长期想解决而没有解决的难题,办成了许多过去想办而没有办成的大事。
译文:Over the past few years, we have adopted proactive and preemptive strategies to deal with risks and challenges, taking resolute measures to tackle those that threaten the Party’s governing status and the stability of state power, or undermine the country’s core interests and the people’s fundamental interests. In defusing the major threats that could have delayed or interrupted China’s rejuvenation process, we have shown great determination and courage, solved many long-standing, complex problems, and accomplished many long-sought and elusive goals.例句:在波澜壮阔的抗美援朝战争中,英雄的中国人民志愿军始终发扬祖国和人民利益高于一切、为了祖国和民族的尊严而奋不顾身的爱国主义精神,英勇顽强、舍生忘死的革命英雄主义精神,不畏艰难困苦、始终保持高昂士气的革命乐观主义精神,为完成祖国和人民赋予的使命、慷慨奉献自己一切的革命忠诚精神,为了人类和平与正义事业而奋斗的国际主义精神,锻造了伟大抗美援朝精神。伟大抗美援朝精神跨越时空、历久弥新,必须永续传承、世代发扬。
译文:In the great and momentous War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the valiant Chinese People’s Volunteers forged a great spirit of patriotism, heroism, optimism, loyalty, and internationalism. Patriotism inspired them to uphold the interests of the country and the people above all else and put their lives on the line to defend the dignity of the country and the nation. Revolutionary heroism motivated them to fight tenaciously and fearlessly. Revolutionary optimism encouraged them to keep up their morale despite hardships and difficulties. Loyalty to the revolutionary cause reinforced their devotion to missions entrusted by the nation and the people. The spirit of internationalism stimulated them to fight for peace and justice for humanity. The great spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea extends through time and space and continues to flourish. We must carry it forward from generation to generation.例句:无论时代如何发展,我们都要砥砺不畏强暴、反抗强权的民族风骨。
译文:Regardless of how times may change, we must forge the national character to defy oppression and fight hegemony.例句:无论时代如何发展,我们都要汇聚万众一心、勠力同心的民族力量。
译文:Regardless of how times may change, we must pool the indomitable national strength that unites us all.例句:无论时代如何发展,我们都要锻造舍生忘死、向死而生的民族血性。
译文:Regardless of how times may change, we must forge a national spirit of devotion and the courage to risk our own lives for the interests of the country.例句:无论时代如何发展,我们都要激发守正创新、奋勇向前的民族智慧。
译文:Regardless of how times may change, we must forge ahead and continue innovating on the basis of what has worked in the past.例句:作为负责任大国,中国坚守和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值,坚持共商共建共享的全球治理观,坚定不移走和平发展、开放发展、合作发展、共同发展道路。
译文:As a responsible major country, China upholds the common values of humanity, including peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom. We follow the principle of achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration in global governance, and commit ourselves to peaceful, open, collaborative and common development.1.勇于创新者进,善于创造者胜。
Those who are innovative and creative can always make breakthroughs and achieve victory.
Backwardness left us vulnerable to attack; only development can make us strong.
The weak-minded cannot be wise; the dishonest cannot succeed.
We the Chinese people do not provoke others, nor do we shy away from trouble. We do not give in to fear or yield in the face of difficulties and dangers. The Chinese nation will never cower before threats, or be subdued by oppressors.
China will never tolerate any threat to its sovereignty, security and development interests, or allow any force to violate or divide its sacred territory.
Founded amid domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, our Party has been tempered through numerous tribulations, and grown strong by surmounting difficulties. It does not fear powerful enemies or any risk or challenge; it has the courage to fight and the mettle to win.
Our Party has fought to create history, and will continue to fight to win the future.
So long as we bear in mind our Party’s original aspiration and founding mission, press ahead with the great new project of strengthening the Party in the spirit of self-reform, and strengthen the Party’s ability to provide political leadership and theoretical guidance, and to organize and inspire the people, we will make it the strong and reliable spine of our nation.
So long as we stand firmly on the side of the people and uphold their principal position, we will spark their mighty and indomitable force and produce new and splendid chapters in the history of China’s national rejuvenation.
So long as we step up efforts to develop national defense and the armed forces in keeping pace with the times and march towards the Party’s goal of building a strong military, we will ensure greater strategic support for national rejuvenation.
As long as we keep to the path of peaceful development and endeavor to build a global community of shared future with the peoples of other countries, there will be a bright future for peace and development.
Our world belongs to the peoples of all countries. Difficulties and challenges confronting the world can only be addressed and overcome when all countries pull together. Peace, development and win-win cooperation are the right way forward.
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