




1. 社会主义基本经济制度basic socialist economic system


译文:Its basic socialist economic system – public ownership playing the dominant role while developing together with other forms of ownership, multiple models of distribution with “to each according to their work” as the principal form, and a socialist market economy – is conducive to stimulating the vitality of market entities, unleashing and developing productive forces, promoting efficiency and equity, and achieving common prosperity.

2. 新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization例句:我国具有全球最完整、规模最大的工业体系、强大的生产能力、完善的配套能力,拥有1亿多市场主体和1.7亿多受过高等教育或拥有各类专业技能的人才,还有包括4亿多中等收入群体在内的14亿人口所形成的超大规模内需市场,正处于新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化快速发展阶段,投资需求潜力巨大。

译文:China has the world’s largest and most complete industrial system, strong production and support capacity, more than 100 million market players, more than 170 million people with higher education or professional skills, and 1.4 billion consumers, including a middle-income group of over 400 million, forming a super-large domestic market. China is making great headway in new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization, with huge potential for investment.

3. 长三角一体化发展战略strategy for promoting integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta例句:长三角一体化发展战略实施一年多以来,三省一市和有关部门贯彻落实党中央决策部署,工作抓得紧,有不少亮点。

译文Since the launch of the strategy for promoting integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta more than a year ago, people in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces and Shanghai Municipality – regions which make up the Delta – together with those of the competent government departments, have worked hard to implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and secured remarkable results.

4. “三农”(issues related to) agriculture, rural areas and rural people


译文:Only with progress in issues related to agriculture, rural areas and rural people can China, a huge country with a population of 1.4 billion, secure the initiative in overall development.

5. 城乡经济循环

economic flow between urban and rural areas


译文:The economic flow between urban and rural areas is an inherent part of the domestic economy, and is also key to ensuring a healthy balance between the domestic economy and international engagement in the double development dynamic.

6. 科技自立自强greater strength and self-reliance in science and technology


译文:The 19th CPC National Congress set the strategic goal that China will become a global leader in innovation by 2035. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee stated that we should uphold the core role of innovation in our country’s modernization drive and take greater strength and self-reliance in science and technology as a strategic support for national development.

7. 科教兴国战略、人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略strategies for invigorating China through science and education, making China a talent-strong country, and driving development through innovation


译文:To ground our efforts in the new development stage, apply our new development philosophy, foster the new development dynamic, and promote high-quality development, we must further implement our strategies for invigorating China through science and education, making China a talent-strong country, and driving development through innovation

8. 新一轮科技革命和产业变革 new revolution in science, technology and industry


译文:As a new revolution in science, technology and industry gathers pace, China urgently needs to boost its capacity for scientific and technological innovation.

9. 做强做优做大我国数字经济to improve, expand, and strengthen our digital economy


译文:Looking forward, we should take into consideration both the domestic and international situation, and both development and security, with a view to achieving the overall goal of national rejuvenation against a backdrop of global change on a scale unseen in a century. We should fully exploit our advantages in massive data and the diverse scenarios where it is applicable, and further integrate digital technology with the real economy. We should empower traditional industries to transform and upgrade, foster new industries and business forms and models, and improve, expand, and strengthen our digital economy.

10. 规范和引导资本健康发展to ensure the healthy growth of capital through regulation and guidance


译文:One of the Party’s main economic tasks is to ensure the healthy growth of capital through regulation and guidance.

1. 农为邦本,本固邦宁。
Only when agriculture is stable can a country enjoy peace.
2. 栽下梧桐树,引来金凤凰。A tall and luxuriant Chinese parasol tree attracts golden phoenixes.
3. 国之称富者,在乎丰民。A country is truly prosperous only when its people are prosperous.
4. 合天下之众者财,理天下之财者法。It is wealth that binds the people of a country together, and it is the law that governs the wealth of a country.
5. 取之有制、用之有节则裕,取之无制、用之不节则乏。Utilized with restraint, resources will be abundant; otherwise, they will be scarce.
6. 祸几始作,当杜其萌;疾证方形,当绝其根。We must nip troubles in the bud and eliminate illnesses at their earliest stage.
7. 科技立则民族立,科技强则国家强。A country can thrive only when it is strong in science and technology.
8. 培养创新型人才是国家、民族长远发展的大计。The cultivation of innovative talent is crucial to the long-term development of any country.

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