
SNN“前行”系列报道之一:Northwood High华裔网球女生 芝加哥大学等7所名校提前录取

SNN CAAOC一SNNnews 2017-04-27
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SNN学生记者 Valerie Tu  & Tom Gao采访报道  

       每年二至三月份,大部分美国高中学生依然还在焦急等待自己的大学录取消息,然而,Kerisa Lin ,尔湾Northwood 高中的一名华裔12年级学生,已经手握多所知名大学的录取通知书:芝加哥大学,埃默里大学,华盛顿大学,加州大学尔湾分校,克莱蒙大学等,她最终已经决定在USnews大学排名榜排名第3位的芝加哥大学度过她的大学生活。作为尔湾Northwood 高中网球女队的队长,她的网球水平已经在美国18岁组排名进入前百。SNN学生记者Valerie Tu 和Tom Gao近日采访了Kerisa Lin。















       SNN记者还了解到,尽管网球打的很好,但Kerisa并不打算将网球作为她的职业。“语言艺术这堂课帮助了我很多”Kerisa 说,“我未来有可能选择一个关于语言艺术的事业,英语或者也有可能是经济。”但Kerisa 也说,她将在大学中决定她事业上的发展方向,她说,“我相信我最终一定能找到那件最令我感兴趣的事情。”  



 SNN "Go Ahead" series:

 Northwood High Chinese tennis girl  

7 ED admission including Chicago University  

       SNN News student reporters Tom Gao and Valerie Tu had thepleasure to interview Kerisa Lin, who is well-known for her tennis skills.Kerisa is currently a senior in Northwood High School who got accepted by many colleges,like Emory University, University of Washington, University of CaliforniaIrvine , Claremont University, etc, but out of all of those amazing colleges,she finally decided to go to the University of Chicago.


      The University of Chicago was established in 1890, bestknown for not only the arts and sciences, but also known for many otherprofessional fields such as business, law , medicine, and etc. It is located inChicago, Illinois. As Kerisa said, she was partly attracted by the campus ofthe school and all the amazing people she met during her visit trip, and shealso wanted to experience a new environment different than Irvine.


      According to Kerisa, she had been playing tennis eversince she was seven, at that time she just moved from Malaysia to California. althoughin the beginning all was just for fun, the non-competitive type of playing.When tennis started to get more and more serious and Kerisa started going totournaments, she said that life started to feel different, it changed herschedule, and it changed her habits. During her junior year, Kerisa had facedher biggest challenges, she had resistance to the social world since she wasbusy between school and tennis. She thought that she could overcome all theproblems by herself and cope with them successfully, but as Kerisa recalled,she would had rather talked to friends and family to release her stress. Herstress mainly came from school as well as tennis. In junior year, it is oftenwhen students worry about which college they will be going to and how to maketheir dream colleges to accept them, and so was Kerisa. She felt that herschedule was really tight along with all her tennis tournaments. Defeats in thetournaments also brought stress to Kerisa.


      A lot of people know that Kerisa’s father is Coach Di, whoused to be a professional tennis player, playing tennis as his career. AsKerisa told the reporters, her father had watched over her as she trains fortennis tournaments as well as teaching her and encouraging her in life. “Mymom,” said Kerisa, “she is always encouraging me and warns me whenever mygrades tend to fall downwards. But thanks to her, I become the successfulperson today.” “I am very grateful for my parents because my dad works superhard everyday to pay off the bills and to offer good learning environments tome, and my mom contributes a lot in monitoring my grades and they would bothadvise me whenever I need it.”


       During the interview, the student reporters wereknowledged on academics by Kerisa. According to herself, Kerisa’s favorite schoolsubject is Language Arts, or English, because writing is a very essential skillin life, along with how one will be viewed depending on their writing. At thesame time, Kerisa said, that she was very glad to have an English teacher whonot only teaches valuable knowledges, but also teaches the philosophy andlong-lasting life lessons. These valuable lessons, according to Kerisa, arevery precious as it helps her to determine and decide such as which is thecorrect way to handle a situation or what should her react to one thing.Language Arts really contributes a lot to her, Kerisa said, and she might evenpossibly obtain a career that have relevance with Language Arts. However, shechooses to decide her future career as she completes college, “I am sure that Iwill eventually find something that interests me the most, and we will seethen”, said Kerisa.


      Kerisa knows that"Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back." shetakes classes that would help her to improve on her strengths in high schooleven when she already did very well and that is why she is a successful studentnow who got a scholarship to the well-known university the University ofChicago. Therefore, working hard, as many quotes said to inspire people, is thebest way to create one’s future and pursue their dreams.



本文由SNNnews学生记者采访报道,学生记者 Valerie Tu 来自 Jeffrry Trail  Middle School 8年级,学生记者 Tom Gao 来自 Rancho  Middle School 8年级

指导老师的话: SNN“前行”GO AHEAD系列报道是SNNnews推出的针对2017年优秀毕业生和优秀高中生学生的英文专访系列,本次学生记者的采访是第一个采访稿件,总体采访基本到位,内容全面,文字也流程。但是作为专访,最后的实现内容上还有欠缺,缺少一些生动的故事来让文章更加生动,加油!



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