
SNN:尔湾市政府刊文介绍资助教育业绩,尔湾市直接资助每年920万美元 IPSF130万美元

2017-03-20 SNN CAAOC一SNNnews
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SNN学生记者 Tom Gao 编译  

         尔湾每年的920万美元 - 这是前所未有的,而且我们需要更多,比起所有没有运行自己的学校制度的美国城市,尔湾市议会为其公立学校提供的支持是前所未有,无与伦比的(这词用的,据说公仆们遣词用句上脸皮必须要厚)

    前几日SNN学生记者编译的IUSD学区教育长Terry Walker视频讲话中提到:尔湾学区是橙县和加州预算最低的学区之一。尔湾学区每年的预算是3亿2千万美元,比加州平均学区3亿7千万美元的年预算少了5千万美元。按照热心家长介绍,这个数据主要是加州财政教育预算给尔湾学区的数据,Property Tax是学校和社区经费的主要来源,这些地方税收本来应该归地方所有,地方安排用途,但是加州所有地产税其实是交给州级大政府全权掌管,然后通过统一公式逐级下拨给地方,然后拨给学区,不是按照学区上交的比例,因此缴税和使用自己上面并不对等,对于贫困人口多的地方预算拨款反而照顾多一些。)












■总捐款额 - 间接和直接的资助资金 - 帮助了学区保持拥有在美国最好的项目。








例如,Tustin学区的Irvine校园受益,获得共924,613美元的直接和间接资助资金。而尔湾学区,获得的支持总额为8,318,534美元。 Irvine学区和Tustin学区都可以使用城市分配的的直接资助资金。










Supporting our Schools

Irvine’s $9.2 million per year—unprecedentedand much-needed

   The support that Irvine’s City Council provides to its public schools is unprecedentedand unmatched by any U.S. city that does not run its own school system.


How Financial Support is Generated

         TheCity provides $9.2 million per year in direct funding through Irvine’s Partnershipfor Educational Excellence and indirect support with services provided via IrvinePublic Safety and Community Services Departments that benefit Irvine studentsand their families. Direct funding supports Irvine students’ academic performanceand class size support measures in two programs: the Educational PartnershipFund Program as well as the Irvine Challenge Match Grant, with matching funds.


For example:

The City's direct funding for Irvine's public schools, all ofIrvine Unified as well as the Irvine campuses of nearby Tustin Unified School District,equals $4 million a year.

This includes $1.3 million for Irvine Unified via the Irvine PublicSchools Foundation through a Challenge Match Grant program. As the communitydonates funds to the nonprofit that supports Irvine Unified School District,the City matches those funds, $1 to $1, for up to $1.3 million per school year.

Indirect contributions include shared use of the William WoollettJr. Aquatics Center and City fields, school resources officers, crossing guardsand student programs, reaching $5.2 million a year.

The total numbersboth the indirect and direct contributionshelp theschool districts to remain among the very best programs in the country.

The City of Irvine's direct giving has now reached $20 million overthe past 10 years.


     OnJan. 26, 2016, the City Council approved the uninterrupted financial support ofpublic schools. The Resolution approved $4 million for at least two more years—fiscalyears 2016-17 and 2017-18.

         TheCity of Irvine has provided funding to Irvine schools and students through theEducational Partnership Fund since 2006 and through the Challenge Match GrantProgram since 2008.


How the Support Works for 2016-17


  Forexample, the Irvine campuses of Tustin Unified School District benefit,receiving $924,613 in direct and indirect support. For Irvine Unified School District,the total is $8,318,534. Direct City support for Irvine Unified School Districtand Tustin Unified School District is allocated based on enrollment.

      Eachschool district has the discretion to use the City’s direct funding to meet itsneeds, which may include school nurses, guidance services, additional classroomstaff and supplies, field trips, and service learning programs, among otheroptions. Indirect support is provided with programs that include:


Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) police officers provideclassroom instruction that focus on making the right choices; drug preventioneducation; and Internet safety education.

School Resource Officers are assigned to middle schools and highschools to provide crime prevention and safety education. The program includesParent-Teacher Association meetings, safe campus meeting and high riskintervention meetings.

Crossing Guards assist elementary and middle school students throughoutthe City during the school year.

The High School Youth Action Team and Middle School Youth ActionTeam (see “Springing to Action” are funded through the City.

Exploring the Great Park, a science, technology, engineering, artsand math (STEAM) program is offered to about 2,500 first grade studentsthroughout Orange County. This is operated under a contract with Inside theOutdoors, a division of the Orange County Department of Education.

Other Programs, such as Irvine youth employment and emergency preparedness, as well as fields and pools are part of the joint use agreement.


本文由SNNnews学生记者翻译编辑: 学生记者 Tom Gao 来自 RanchMS 8年级,原文:尔湾市政府刊物 Inside Irvine

相关资料: 学区教育长Terry Walker的2016-2017学年的讲话

       视频中Terry Walker介绍了尔湾联合学区过去取得的一些成绩,尔湾学区位于全国top5,同时他也介绍了尔湾教育预算匮乏,尔湾教育预算每年大幅度低于加州平均学区水平,而我们知道加州的教育预算本身在美国也排名落后。 Terry Walker特别重点提到:“尔湾学区是橙县和加州预算最低的学区之一。尔湾学区每年的预算是3亿2千万美元比加州平均学区3亿7千万美元的年预算少了5千万美元。你可以很快的算出,在20年间,我们已经比加州的平均年预算少了10亿美元。所以我们必须非常有战略性的使用这些资源”。


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