

百科诗派 百科诗派 2020-09-09

"Undeconstructible and enigmatically unyielding," that is Yin Xiaoyuan.  Her poetry weathers vain attempts at interpretation and rebukes all efforts at categorization. Her ink blends Catherine- wheel fireworks and hydroelectricity: Awe and Shock.  A partisan of the new, so strong and audacious, she unites Octavio Paz and Ezra Pound, rescues Oulipo from its degenerative state, and exposes-- bluntly and unapologetically--Beauty and Philosophy running in tandem and chafing against each other. No one can ask a poet--or Poetry--to achieve more. 

––George Elliott Clarke 

Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada (2016 & 2017) 

“无法解构,拒绝媾和。”(《质数颂》)——这便是对于诗人殷晓媛的最佳注解。她的诗歌气象使得一切破译的企图望洋兴叹,一切归类的尝试相形见绌。她是“墨”与“凯瑟琳”[1]的耦合体——轮转烟火[2]与水电能源:令人油然而生敬畏与震撼之感。她是新生事物的坚定同盟,强悍无畏,文风犹如奥克塔维奥·帕斯(Octavio Paz)与埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)联袂,挽“乌立波”风格于既倒,在率直与毫无愧色的文本间,美学与哲学的马车并驾齐驱,彼此角逐。对于诗人造诣,对于诗歌文本的期待,至此观止。





Yin Xiaoyuan holds back nothing. Their poems are bulky, excessive, cinematic and suddenly despondent and pulling back and the poem ends. I applaud the richness of the work, its bravery, its quirkiness. I turn the pages of Cloud Seeding Agent eagerly for another vista and another reshuffling of what a poem is. I feel like a fledgling lover, abandoned, happy and surprised.

—Eileen Myles

Poet, author of I Must Be Living Twice




Consistently surprising in their inventiveness and leaps of logic, the poems of Yin Xiaoyuan read like bulletins, fables, case reports and songs built from the wreckage of the information age, but also in accordance with our ancient human need. These poems are engineered to jostle rather than to comfort, and their absurdist surreality often takes comically dark and disquieting turns: “Today a buttery-coated rodent / nibbled away buds of your last wild rose.” Nonetheless, and almost in spite of themselves, they make a dwelling of uncertainty amid a dawning doom, giving voice to the way it feels to be alive now: “When you unpack your entire life / On the shore, like windblown sleet, froth and foam will rise / From the center of the ocean, and sweep across your feet….” Riddled with science, the fantastic, gorgeously complex sentences and exhilarating music, the work of Yin Xiaoyuan offers, in its insistence on creating something new and strangely beautiful from the rubble of our world, a modest, unsentimental, and not unwelcome hope.

—Timothy Donnelly

author of The Problem of the Many, Columbia University School of the Arts

殷晓媛的诗歌让读者处于一种持续的惊愕之中,它们如此匠心独具,逻辑线在其中疾冲猛跃,使得它们被赋予新闻简报、寓言、结案报告等五光十色的文本特质,又仿佛大数据时代的信息碎片被谱曲填词,但同时这些文本的内核又与我们古老人类文明的内在需求形成一种观照。它们被“研发”出来,旨在掀起风波而非安于舒适,它们荒诞主义与超现实的肌理通常映射向怪诞的暗调与令人惴惴不安的跌宕起伏:“今天,一只皮毛如黄油的啮齿动物,在寒冷的高山上,/啃食最后的火红野玫瑰” (《同素异形体》)尽管如此,它们已超越自身边界,在一种行将降临的末日氛围营构出一处充满不确定性的栖居之所, 由此记叙此在所感知的生命能量:“你在岸边,松开自己如解开层层包裹,大洋之上//白沫如涌起自地心的霰雪,跌落脚边/冲洗成片的鸡血石。” (《生存之波粒二象性》)这些诗歌文本中各种科幻、奇幻元素纵横交错,形成极为繁复蔚为壮观的句式,及令人亢奋不已的乐感。殷晓媛的作品执着于在世界的瓦砾之上一件件创造出卓异、绮丽的全新事物,给予人们幽微、冷峻而又不可抗拒的希望。       


《众数之惑》作者, 哥伦比亚大学文学院诗歌部负责人

Poems given to the physical experience of the world. “Beauty of the universe,” says Stefan Klein and it is right because in mass and energy, in quantum and wormholes, between the centrifuge and centripetal forces, life and its opening are settled, its possibility, its permanent path full of coats and feet to say yes to the poetic experience. Yin Xiaoyuan knows it and makes it arrive beautifully punctual. 

—María Ángeles Pérez López  

Poet and Professor

University of Salamanca, Spain




[1]指物理学家、散文家、科普作家斯特凡·克莱因(Stefan Klein)的著作《身处无限的边缘:邂逅宇宙之美》(《On the Edge of Infinity: Encounters with the Beauty of the Universe》)。他生于德国慕尼黑,来自一个三代均为科学家的“科学世家”,在慕尼黑大学取得物理学博士学位,专业领域涉及生物物理学、理论物理学以及分析哲学。著有《快乐的科学》《列奥纳多的遗产》《我们都是散落的星骸》等,他的作品被译为超过25种语言,占据多个国家的畅销榜。他曾担任多家科学刊物的编辑、撰稿人,并获得德国科普写作大奖乔治·冯·霍尔茨布林克奖,现为自由撰稿人,文章多发表于《自然》《纽约时报》等主流媒体。

Yin Xiaoyuan’s writing is remarkable. The energy it displays in intellectual conception is compelling. So too is the precision and concentrated detail of these verses. This is experimental writing at its  best, nurtured within the context of Encyclopedic Poetry School, which she founded. Yin’s poetry ranges confidently over the poetic traditions of both Europe, the USA and China, modifying and enriching both, borne up by a belief in translation as a crucial and creative stimulus to the inter-play of cultures. Poems such as “Wolfram” are notable for their exhilarating command of English, lexis is confident and expansive; rhythms are sustained yet exciting; argument and dramatic voice carry to fine conclusions. Lines such as these are highly original and deserve to be greeted with the utmost enthusiasm.


Professor emeritus, Italian and English Literatures, Cambridge University




Yin Xiaoyuan is the founder of E.P.S.-- an emerging group of Chinese poets who—by offering new paradigms for the mixing of genres in the Encyclopedic Poetry Movement—have transformed writing with breathtaking language juxtapositions, with the introduction of innovative scientific subject matter, and with astonishing, non-linear representations of reality. Her poetry pushes language to the brink of the undefinable, where the ordinary through a miracle of imaginative alchemy becomes numinous. Yin Xiaoyuan’s poetry is powerful, bold, and uncompromising.  

--Bill Wolak

poet, photographer, collage artist, professor 



Xiaoyuan’s exciting poetry charts a new path in contemporary Chinese poetry, and this beautiful volume shows her poetic gifts on full display. The rich inventiveness of her poems stems from a combination of her compositional virtuosity, the use of different linguistic and conceptual domains, and the experience gathered from her prolific activity as a poet engaged in translating poems from many cultures. Her poems reveal a deeply original and welcome voice in the panorama of contemporary Chinese verse. An avant-garde artist, she has created a series of unpredictable and stunning poems, which testify to the ingenuity of her poetic talent. 

--Jacob Blakesley

Associate Professor in Comparative Literature and Literary Translation, University of Leeds




La teoría literaria china difiere absolutamente de occidente. Ya Confucio afirmaba que la poesía tiene una función didáctica y puede forjar al individuo y al pueblo a través de una moral de influencia personal, para ello había que practicar la lectura así como ejercitarse en la composición poética, lo cual ayudaba a mantener un equilibrio personal entre lo que se siente y lo que se dice. También el maestro Zhuang Zi dijo que el concepto de literatura se define como manifestación del Tao, es decir, el camino espontáneo y natural que nada tiene que ver con lo artificioso y pragmático,  y el artista/texto se convierte en un espejo que  refleja la verdadera naturaleza de las cosas. 

Las oníricas imágenes de la poesía de Yin Xiaoyuan, respondiendo a su tradición,  no se despliegan en conocidas imágenes por extrañas que pudieran ser, sino que nos llevan al enigmático mundo del principio, del “tiempo Hadeano”, densidades que van cobrando formas configurando la mente para imaginar otros conceptos. A medida que sus metáforas construyen un escenario multi-real, en algunos pone en cuestión la masculinidad como principio que ha regido la subjetividad humana, en un escenario de pantallas LED y de aritméticas configuradas en el espacio de las redes, más allá del tiempo que conocemos puesto que éste se dimensiona en otras posibilidades. “Cuando apartaste la mirada más allá de los rieles del tiempo, él se hizo visible emergiendo desde la superficie de lo etéreo, brillando con vigor y tenacidad. Esos atributos suyos no perecen con el cuerpo, ni siquiera con el alma. Está encarnado en todas partes, en el clima, la energía e incluso en el Zen”. Como dijo Octavio Paz, “la luz es tiempo que se piensa.”

El entramado de metáforas configura partículas y densos ramajes entre bosques de verdores diferentes. La naturaleza cobra una forma amenazadora como “la materia inevitablemente funcionará como una fuente de luz/ un universo inundado de gluones, fotones y mesones. El misterio , de la misma manera que las almas se combinan con los cuerpos/ son bendecidos con la gravedad y la velocidad”. La originalidad de esta poesía no la encontraremos en el ritmo –la traducción del chino al español presenta sus dificultades-, la encontraremos en el concepto mismo del poema. La autora propone “Caminos cuánticos” , donde solo a través de los campos de energía y vibraciones nos iremos encontrando con haces de voces fantasmagóricas, clasificando a los hombres con puntuaciones según estructuras,  por lo que al lector puede imaginarse formas insólitas, surrealistas, navegando en el espacio del poema. 

Iniciadora del Movimiento de poesía Hermafrodita, la poeta extiende sus versos exentos de trascendencia y sublimación, solo es posible el encaje en un mundo matemático donde la belleza de las ecuaciones configuran esta insólita poesía en un espacio que multiplica y proyecta varias realidades: “Las calles te han dado todos los colores y sonidos de la vida que están el sistema paralelo al suyo”. 

--Concha García

Ganadora de los premios: Universidad de León (1987)  Barcarola (1988), Jaime Gil de Biedma (1995) y Dama de Baza


殷晓媛的诗歌宛如绮丽梦幻的走马灯,与古典诗学传统遥相呼应,它拒绝在庸常意象中羽化,乍看似乎奇异怪诞,却将我们引入鸿蒙初开的秘境——极邈远的冥古宙。在那一时空,密度具化为形体,演化出智性,幻化成其中酝酿的万千世相的奥义。在隐喻体系所构筑的多重现实中,她对雄踞于人类主体性之间、被视为典范的男性气质提出诘问。在由网络空间LED屏矩阵与算法建构的场景中,事件超越常规意义上的时间概念而独立存在,概率分布于多维空间中。“你若顺着时间轨迹望去,他是横亘虚无中的顽骨。他在无数个传说中隐显,像一种壮烈或孤绝的性状,并不随灵魂躯体故去。你们看到他,如气象,如能量,如禅......”(《质数颂》)诚如奥克塔维奥·帕斯(Octavio Paz)所言:“光,即会思考的时间。”

在她作品中,纵横交织的隐喻构成文辞微粒,继而繁茂为深浅色阶相映生辉的森林式致密枝叶。自然物理在她笔下呈现出摄人心魄的威势:“质量为形体之髓...... 胶子、光子、介子...... 直到上帝粒子催发它们,照魂魄的形态生成躯体,伴随以重力与速度” (《上帝粒子,或一茶匙未知元素》)她的诗歌经由翻译通道由中文进入西班牙语境,本身便是一个艰辛的过程,可以觉察到韵律的流失使诗歌的原汁原味有所损伤。我们还看到,在诗的概念内核中,作者将“量子化道路”提上议程,我们只能深潜于能量场中,微粒的振动间,去寻觅其间幻异之声的光线;而人类被贴上数值刻度与机械结构的标签进行归档,因而读者思绪得以信马由缰,与那些光怪陆离的超现实之物邂逅,在诗的太空中自我导航。




这部诗集名叫:《Clouding Seeding Agent》




《Cloud Seeding Agent》(中文:《播云剂》)为殷晓媛物理、化学、生物学、信息技术、投影几何、摄影等领域系列主题组诗之精选,中文版创作于2012-2015年间,2017年由北岳文艺出版社集中出版;2016年自译为英文,2017-2020年陆续被译为意大利语(译者:[意大利]皮娜·匹科洛、 [意]阿尔贝托•佩莱加塔)和西班牙语(译者:[西班牙]何塞·路易斯·戈麦斯·托雷、[阿根廷]法比欧拉·里瑙多、[古巴]亚瑟夫•阿南达•卡尔德隆、[洪都拉斯]弗朗西斯·西曼等),在西班牙、意大利、阿根廷、古巴等多家刊物发表。




他的Twitter。她的LinkedIn。他2的Troubleshooting Ticket。

他3的iCloud和Facebook。她2的Wolfram Mathematica。


她的B-girl天团他的安赫尔瀑布翼装飞行他2的Gordian Knot。


他4的羚羊谷之旅他5加密的bucket list她4抛向冰川的Marathon军表……





你headspin superman windmill boomerang知悉他3在观众席沐着丝兰夜光静默盛开,















Remote Assistance

Alpha Man’s Twitter; Alpha Woman’s LinkedIn; Beta Man’s Troubleshooting Ticket;

Gamma Man’s iCloud and Facebook; Beta Woman’s Wolfram Mathematica.

—Like a tropical cyclone, you hovered over them, perspicaciously witnessing everything, from God’s perspective.

Alpha Woman’s B-girl; Alpha Man’s Angel Fall wing-suiting; Beta Man’s Gordian Knot;

Reticent Gamma Man’s Dutch courage; Workaholic Beta Woman’s Lemniscate of Bernoulli;

Kagemusha Gamma Woman’s Neve Mic Preamp; Delta Man’s tour into Antelope Canyon; Epsilon Man’s encrypted bucket list;

Delta Woman’s Marathon military watch, which she threw to the glaciers.

The unobvious cross-shaped notches beside their spirals were the passages whereby you used to enter,

put on their bones and muscles, IDs, experiences, and life dramas.

(Scarlet positive charges and blue negative charges dashing along the sky crushed into each other,

and the arc discharge could blast over a truck.)

It was you, who did all the headspins, superman windmills, and boomerangs,

while Gamma Man sat in the audience, blooming like yucca in the dusk.

You cut the knot of love like Alexander the Great when you said farewell to her on top of Mount Elbrus.

You were soaked in the infatuating glimmers of the dawn among the red sandstones,

wearing an antique ring discovered somewhere, by clues Epsilon Man had left.

Once you said, there were two things you loved besides Mathematics: Alpha Man’s wild wings and Gamma Woman’s gothic metal.

“The personality integration was implemented. Or something just dawned upon me.”

Gamma Man has rich and telegenic body languages: “Believe me, everything I did, I did it of my own free will.”

His bones are too strong to be hollowed out gradually by age. His lips are lusciously plump and face radiant.

—She has no idea how you had acted as the only pivot in the windmilling.

They put themselves in your hands. So mercifully, you made turbulent torrents of time stop for them to swim across.

You let them off easily—again.




























它将被写入他的自传。章节题目叫——“Finally Safe”。






A Day among Unacquainted Firewalls

It was late autumn, when vines of lightning climbing down through the windows turned red.

Carpenters hit the walls with square hammers but barely scratched them: “Remarkably solid.”

For a moment was he assured that fireworks of noises were all shut out, where they faded and were chilled thoroughly.

When he summoned these words he suspended himself in the moonlit minty air outside, like a frost-covered ghost.

Security Level: Low

Shadows emerging from the horizon flooded over the streets and church spires.

A cast of crabs, a field of Rafflesia arnoldii flowers, or just wisps of Mansonesque lines.

They applied grinding wheels to his mortal frame, sanding off his coarse wrappers, eating all bulbs and roots in his territory.

Window glass grew scalding, ready to grill.—They ended up as rags on a clothesline.

Security Level: Medium

He received a message—“I’ve been outside for 3 days. I wonder why you keep neglecting me.

I saw you drawing the brocade drapes, your eyes following the track of the sun … Now I’m as dried as roselle flowers.”

Security Level: High

A giant jellyfish rose like floating candles—the surface blacked out.

A constellation grew in the dimness like coral reef—the surface blacked out.

A ghost ship skimmed over and scared off seagulls—the surface blacked out.

… It never lit up any more.

He stayed in the quiescent darkness for 30 minutes, or 30 hours —the flowing of time is so intangible.

This will be one of the scenes in his biography, with the chapter title—“Finally Safe.”

He was found slumped over his keyboard. The computer was on, a formula calculation running on the screen.

Waves of characters overlapping and erasing one another.

Task Manager showed: There was no “currently running program.”

As serene as a smile after the curtain call.






































32-bit Color Depth

(An announcement: The Color Test System has been activated. This is the first warning. Please return to your rooms.)

“Have you noticed it? What we are in is not a hotel.

The scarlet velvet couches, dark golden carpets and chandeliers are but a camouflage—

This is an institution. It seems other buildings are only a green belt away, but you can never take a step outwards.”

(Eyes blood-red, he grasped a glass of Depth Charge from the trolley and gulped it down.)

A piece of cloth was clipped to the board sent to your room—Purple, neatly cut.

“Why is purple a possible outcome?”

A Jacaranda tree by the window sprayed sparks in the storm, scratching the sky and made it bleed …

What kind of personality are you? Red or blue? They are diffused into each other this very moment.

Look at those pieces of porcelain! They are neutralizing one another, their outlines mixing—

A spindle-shaped vase and a napkin box mixed into some scallop-shaped ware.

Moving, rustling, on the boundary between light and shadow.

A hypocrite lobby manager and a grumpy woman mixed into the sullen guest in room 1037.

The last person stepping out of the elevator adhered to the wall

—like a potato wrapped in candied floss. “Help! ” she cried.

But there was nothing you could do. The outlines of everything were opening up towards the infinite,

while borderlines between colors shattered.

“This company, emerging from nowhere, has pronounced their breaking the bottleneck of Photoshop,

by successfully making 32-bit pictures,

which is definitely an astounding breakthrough:

A gradient has replaced a color atlas.”

Veronica’s irises are like the Grand Prismatic Spring: emerald in the middle, garnet on the outer ring, and mustard at the edge …

Men drown in them described them as “a crescendo of hues,” in which he witnessed his own soul being detached from his flesh.

Window frames shimmered with mercury luster.

They drew the curtains wide and felt the world outside:

“Super-5-star luxury and lustration, in the year 2023 we opened outlines of objects …”

—Those are letters written on the scrolls, hanging from top of this skyscraper.

You were born and imprisoned in such a picture,

brighter than you were in your previous life, but remained odorless.



Pinyon Publishing出版社创建于2008年。

主要出版多种风格诗集、画册、小说,及定期出版期刊《Pinyon Review》:


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11” ╳ 8.5”英寸(约28 ╳ 22cm)













Susan ENTSMINGER & YIN Xiaoyuan




Pinyon Publishing

23847 V66 Trail, Montrose, CO 81403



