
山河跳!| 惊雷与沉香

Canton Gallery 广州画廊 2022-12-03

Mountain River Jump!: A Thunder and Eaglewood

2020.7.25 (周六)   15:00
2020.7.25 - 2020.9.6

Rm 101, Building No.10, 
Quantang Rd No.38, 
Haizhu Dist, Guangzhou, China

逢周一二休息,周三至周日 11:00-18:00 
Closed on Mon-Tue, open on Wed-Sun 11:00-18:00

山河跳!(黄山+黄河)在广州画廊的展览原计划在三月开始,因为众所周知的影响在盛夏开幕,呈现内容也彻底的转变。在这段延迟的时间里,艺术家通过在家创作修复对生活的乐趣和信心。在“惊雷与沉香”中展出的除了新作,还有回顾山河跳!舞狮表演 “河东狮”(2020)的双频录像,今年早些时候此录像作品在日本东京惠比寿映像祭的地域连携项目中亮相。

Thunderbolt possesses lethal destructive power and divinity. It is said that if eaglewood is struck by lightning, it will secrete a certain substance to wrap the wound for self-healing and subsequently, form a very unique fragrance. Although people fail to find such an eaglewood tree in nature so far, such an anecdote is still psychologically authentic to the story-listeners.
This exhibition of Mountain River Jump! (Huang Shan + Huang He) at Canton Gallery was scheduled to open in March. Due to the universal influence of Covid-19, it relaunches in midsummer, with a thorough change in the content. During the postponement period, Huang Shan and Huang He restored their joy and confidence in life through home-made artistic experiments. In addition to the latest piece, A Thunder and Eaglewood is going to review the double-channel video Lion Dance: Lioness Roars (2020)  featuring a performance conducted by Mountain River Jump!. It showed in Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2020 Regional Cooperation Project, Tokyo in Japan earlier this year.

Mountain River Jump! also brings us their works as individual artists. Huang Shan reinterprets the ineffable connections between astronomical phenomena and invertebrates, by combining humorous language with bright colours. In her paintings, the floating lottery balls suggest an absurdly urban legend containing word game, children’s programmes, folk health care and luck. Huang He’s works are inspired from a particular ink-painting method, which is believed to have originated in the Tang Dynasty, named Ink Pool. By using paper to record the instantaneous moments of the flowing ink, she tries to evoke free association in the viewers’ mind. Analogous to the famous Rorschach Inkblot Test in psychiatry, she assumes the patterns of the ink flows can tell the spiritual characteristics of human beings. 

黄山 Huang Shan
蛤蛤蛤蛤  Hahahaha
布面丙烯  Acrylic on canvas
30×30cm  2020

黄河 Huang He
有眼睛的树·墨池法  A Tree with Eyes·Ink Pool
Chinese Ink on Canson Watercolor Paper
30×20.45cm  2020


山河跳!的创作曾被《ArtAsiaPacific》介绍,近期参与项目包括:“惠比寿映像祭2020”地域连携部分,东京,日本;“末路斜阳”,上海当代艺术博物馆;“佛系青年:冷漠与共”,北京德国文化中心歌德学院;“原力寺”,上海油罐艺术;“浪淘沙FM”,UCCA沙丘美术馆,北戴河;Glow Like That, Victoria Dockside , K11艺术基金会,香港;“DOJO 道场:抽象艺术寺院”,Le Commun,日内瓦;“制造性别”,北京泰康空间等等。山河跳!将在2021年参与首届亚洲协会三年展,纽约。

Mountain River Jump! is an artist duo founded in 2016 by twin sisters Huang Shan and Huang He, who were born in 1985. The duo has a variety of creative formats in art, often applying "divination consulting" as a performance to examine the potential of such art medium, and to interact with the audience at the intrinsic level. With their studies into Oriental mysticism and folklore, the artists pry open the topics of identity politics, labor issues, feminism, life politics, modernity and others. They pay attention to the embodiment of mythological clues in a daily context, attempting to carry out "psychoanalysis" of the reality, and reflecting on the materialist culture within modern China and its psychological status. Huang Shan and Huang He presently work and live in Foshan, Guangdong. 

Their practice was introduced by ArtAsiaPacific. Recent participated projects of Mountain River Jump! include: Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2020 Regional Cooperation Project, Tokyo; Sunset on a Dead End, Power Station of Art (PSA), Shanghai; The Force Temple, Tank Shanghai; Waves wash away the sand FM, UCCA Dune, Beidaihe; Glow Like That, Victoria Dockside, K11 Art Foundation, Hong Kong; DOJO le temple de l'abstraction, Le Commun, Genéva; GENDERS ENGENDER, Taikang Space, Beijing, etc. They are going to take part in We Do Not Dream Alone, Asia Society Triennial, New York in 2021.

过往展览回顾  Exhibition review
黄山、黄河、山河跳!| 2017西岸艺术与设计博览会

*Due to the traffic issue, the route to enter Canton Gallery by car is Yanxiang Road-Quantang Road.

Established in Guangzhou, 2015. Persistently focusing on Pearl River Delta Area based artists, aspiring growth for both.

Rm 101, building No.10, Quantang Rd No.38, Haizhu Dist, Guangzhou, China

展览期间逢周一二休息,周三至周日 11:00-18:00 
Closed on Mon-Tue, during exhibition, open on Wed-Sun 11:00-18:00


