12岁必读童书100本| 英国小学阅读

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英国小学的阅读教育提倡的是:reading for pleasure,即通过阅读获取乐趣,顺便构建自己的知识体系,很多英国教育学者们的的研究也都指明了同一主题:




The Cat in the Hat《戴帽子的猫》作者: Dr Seuss (0 - 5 岁)

Where the Wild Things Are 《野兽家园》作者: Maurice Sendak (0 - 5 岁)

The Tiger Who Came to Tea 《来喝下午茶的老虎》作者:Judith Kerr (0 - 5 )

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 《饥饿的毛毛虫》作者: Eric Carle (0 - 5 )

The Elephant and the Bad Baby 《大象和坏小子》  作者:Elfrida Vipont (0 - 5 )

Meg and Mog 《女巫麦格和小猫莫格》 by Helen Nicholl (0 - 5 )

Dogger 《戴夫的玩具》by Shirley Hughes (0 - 5 )

Each Peach Pear Plum 《桃子李子和梅子》by Allan Ahlberg (0 - 5 )

Would You Rather? 《你愿不愿意?》by John Burningham (0 - 5 )

The Snowman 《雪娃娃》 by Raymond Briggs (0 - 5 )

Not Now, Bernard 《伯纳德,等一下》 by David McKee (0 - 5 )

Where's Spot? 《斯波特去哪儿了?》 by Eric Hill (0 - 5 )

Dear Zoo《亲爱的动物园》 by Rod Campbell (0 - 5 )

Gorilla 《大猩猩》 by Anthony Browne (0 - 5 )

Hairy Maclary From Donaldson's Dairy《唐纳森日记里的毛毛狗》 by Lynley Dodd (0 - 5 )

The Jolly Postman 《快乐的邮递员》 by Allan Ahlberg (0 - 5 )

Princess Smartypants《顽皮公主》 by Babette Cole (0 - 5 )

I Want My Potty 《我想要自己的厕所》 by Tony Ross (0 - 5 )

We're Going on a Bear Hunt 《我们出发去猎熊》 by Michael Rosen (0 - 5 )

I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato 《我永远也不吃西红柿》by Lauren Child (0 - 5 )

Room on a Broom 《女巫扫帚排排坐》 by Julia Donaldson (0 - 5 )

Lost and Found 《失而复得》by Oliver Jeffers (0 - 5 )

Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears《小老鼠:帮你解除恐惧的书》 by Emily Gravett (0 - 5 )

Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes《十个小手指和十个脚趾头》 by Mem Fox (0 - 5 )

I Want My Hat Back 《我想要回我的帽子》 by Jon Klassen (0 - 5 )


Pippi Longstocking 《长袜子皮皮》 by Astrid Lindgren (5 - 7 years)

Winnie-the-Pooh 《维尼小熊》 by A. A. Milne (6 - 8 years)

The Story of Babar 《小象巴巴的故事》 by Jean de Brunhoff (6 - 8 years)

Little House in the Big Woods《大森林里的小木屋》 by Laura Ingalls Wilder (6 - 8 years)

The Enchanted Wood 《魔法森林》 by Enid Blyton (6 - 8 years)

Five on a Treasure Island 《宝岛上的五人》 by Enid Blyton (6 - 8 years)

Finn Family Moomintroll 《魔法师的帽子》 by Tove Jansson (6 - 8 years)

My Naughty Little Sister 《我的淘气妹妹》 byDorothy Edwards (6 - 8 years)

Charlotte's Web《夏洛的网》 by EB White (6 - 8 years)

A Bear Called Paddington《一只叫做帕丁顿的熊》 by Michael Bond (6 - 8 years)

Asterix the Gaul《阿斯泰利克斯的高卢人》 by Rene Goscinny and Albert Uderzo (6 - 8 years)

Flat Stanley《扁平娃斯坦利》 by Jeff Brown (6 - 8 years)

The Worst Witch《最糟糕的女巫》 by Jill Murphy (6 - 8 years)

Mister Magnolia 《光脚丫先生》 by Quentin Blake (6 - 8 years)

The Queen's Nose《女王的鼻子》 by Dick King-Smith (6 - 8 years)

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs《三个小猪的真实故事》 by Jon Scieszka (6 - 8 years)

Amazing Grace《奇异恩典》 by Mary Hoffman (6 - 8 years)

The Adventures of Milly Molly Mandy《米莉茉莉曼迪的冒险》 by Joyce Lankester Brisley (6 - 8 years)

Horrid Henry 《调皮的亨利》 by Francesca Simon (6 - 8 years)

The Sheep-Pig《牧羊猪》by Dick King Smith (6 - 8 years)

Clarice Bean, That's Me《查理,是我呀》 by Lauren Child (6 - 8 years)

That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown《艾米丽布朗的兔子》 by Cressida Cowell (6 - 8 years)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid《小屁孩日记》 by Jeff Kinney (6 - 8 years)

The BFG《吹梦巨人》 by Roald Dahl (6- 8 years)

The Arrival 《抵岸》by Shaun Tan (6- 8 years)

The Adventures of Tin Tin《丁丁历险记》 by Herge (9 - 12 years)

Swallows and Amazons《燕子与鹦鹉》 by Arthur Ransome (9 - 12 years)

Ballet Shoes《芭蕾鞋》 by Noel Streatfield (9 - 12 years)

The Hobbit 《霍比特人》by J R R Tolkien (9 - 12 years)

The Little Prince《小公主》 by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (9 - 12 years)

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe《狮子,女巫和壁橱》 by C. S. Lewis (9 - 12 years)

The Borrowers 《借东西的小人》 by Mary Norton (9 - 12 years)

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase《威洛比山庄的狼》 by Joan Aitken (9 - 12 years)

Stig of the Dump《仓库里的斯蒂格》 by Clive King (9 - 12 years)

Carrie's War《嘉利的战争》 by Nina Bawden (9 - 12 years)

Goodnight Mr Tom《晚安汤姆先生》 by Michelle Magorian (9 - 12 years)

The Witches 《女巫们》by Roald Dahl (9 - 12 years)

Matilda《玛蒂尔达》 by Roald Dahl (9 - 12 years)

Truckers: The First Book of the Nomes by Terry Pratchett (9 - 12 years)

The Story of Tracy Beaker《特雷西秘密手记》 by Jacqueline Wilson (9 - 12 years)

Flour Babies《面粉娃娃》by Anne Fine (9 - 12 years)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone《哈利波特和魔法石》by J. K. Rowling (9 - 12 years)

Skellig《史凯利》 by David Almond (9 - 12 years)

Holes《别有洞天》 by Louis Sachar (9 - 12 years)

Artemis Fowl《阿特米斯》 by Eoin Colfer (9 - 12 years)

Journey to River Sea《河流海洋之旅》 by Eva Ibbotson (9 - 12 years)

Private Peaceful《柑橘与柠檬啊》 by Michael Morpurgo (9 - 12 years)

Millions《百万英镑》 by Frank Cottrell Boyce (9 - 12 years)

Once《曾经》 by Morris Gleitzman (9 - 12 years)

A Monster Calls《当怪物来敲门》 by Patrick Ness (9 - 12 years)





“烤”出来的家庭作业 |英国小学教育

小学生需要多读书吗? |英国小学观点


如何将民主制度引入课堂? |英国小学教育

荐书| 从英国小学生的角度看,怎样才算好图书?
