【活动预告】艺耀大湾 ——《 高奇峰三题》陈继春
《高奇峰三题 》
Three Questions about Gao Qifeng
主讲人: 陈继春
Lecturer :Chen Jichun
Art Consultant of Macao Fine Arts Association, Vice Chairman of Guangdong Art Critics Association
Lecture content:
In recent years, the lecturer has made new discoveries on the research of Gao Qifeng, which can bring the most cutting-edge academic sharing in this field to the audience. The keynote will focus on three topics: "Who is Gao Qifeng's teacher?", "Three Collections of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall", and "How Gao Qifeng Deals with Foreign Journalists." The lecturer hopes to exchange views with you on the special research on Gao Qifeng.
召集人: 陈烨
王嘉 广东美术馆研究员
黎丽明 广州艺术博物院研究馆员
陈文轩 岭南画派纪念馆助理研究员
时间: 2022年12月12日 10:00-11:45
Time:10:00-11:45 , December 12th , 2022
直播入口: Livestreaming access:
主办: 广州美术学院美术馆 / 岭南画派纪念馆
Organizers:Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Museum / Memorial Hall of Lingnan School of Painting
协办: 广州美术学院国际合作与交流处 / 广州美术学院艺术与人文学院 / 广东省青年美术家协会文艺美学研委会
Co-organized:International Office of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts / School of Arts and Humanities of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts / Literature and Art Aesthetics Research Committee of Guangdong Young Artists Association
支持: 广州大学美术与设计学院美术系
Supported: Art Department of School of Art and Design,Guangzhou University
资助: 广东省科技厅“海外名师”项目
Sponsored: "Overseas Famous Teachers" Project of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology(GDST)
海报设计:马驰 谢天豪
编辑:陈烨 秦雨卉
审核:王秀媛 余爽 刘子瑗
审定:陈晓阳 洪荣满