
城市决定未来(Cities are the Future)| 复杂文摘翻译

2016-08-27 复杂文摘翻译小组 集智俱乐部


22. 城市决定未来(Cities are the Future)

23. 建造功能性城市 (Building functional cities)

24. 走向智慧、可持续、健康城市的基本原则 (Meta-principles for developing smart, sustainable, and healthy cities)

25. 行为经济学有潜力造福病人、保险公司和雇主 (Behavioral Economics Holds Potential To Deliver Better Results For Patients, Insurers, And Employers)

26. 开放创新2.0的十二条准则 (Twelve principles for open innovation 2.0)

27. 对基于Twitter政治集体运动研究中的偏见的一个有偏的回顾 (A Biased Review of Biases in Twitter Studies on Political Collective Action)


22.  城市决定未来

(Cities are the Future)

May 22, 5:38 AM From science.sciencemag.org

by Nicholas S. Wigginton, Julia Fahrenkamp-Uppenbrink, Brad Wible, David Malakoff

(Translated by -陈开壮,edited by 唐璐)

Earth has become an urban planet. More than half of the world's people now live in cities, and the proportion is growing. And urban areas are sprawling even faster than they are adding people, swallowing up both farmland and wildlands. The implications are sobering. The land area needed to provide city residents with food, energy, and materials is expanding; this ecological footprint is often 200 times greater than the area of a city itself. The resulting carbon emissions, added to those from cities themselves, mean that urbanization is now the main driver of climate change.


地球已成为一颗城市星球。如今有一半的世界人口生活在城市中,这个比例还在不断增长。城区面积的扩张甚至比新增人口还来得迅猛,吞噬农地和荒地。 这其中的启示发人深省。用于为城市居民提供食物、能量、和原材料所需的土地面积在不断扩张,这个生态区域常常比城区本身的面积大200倍。由此导致碳排放,再加上城市本身的碳排放,意味着城市化现在成了气候变化的主要推动力。



23. 建造功能性城市 

(Building functional cities)

May 19, 11:36 PM From science.sciencemag.org

by J. Vernon Henderson, Anthony J. Venables, Tanner Regan, Ilia Samsonov

(Translated by - 刘清晴, edited by 傅渥成)

The literature views many African cities as dysfunctional with a hodgepodge of land uses and poor “connectivity.” One driver of inefficient land uses is construction decisions for highly durable buildings made under weak institutions. In a novel approach, we model the dynamics of urban land use with both formal and slum dwellings and ongoing urban redevelopment to higher building heights in the formal sector as a city grows. We analyze the evolution of Nairobi using a unique high–spatial resolution data set. The analysis suggests insufficient building volume through most of the city and large slum areas with low housing volumes near the center, where corrupted institutions deter conversion to formal sector usage.


许多文献资料都指出:非洲的许多城市都是功能失调的,它们在土地利用方面一团糟,而且在“连接性(connectivity)”方面也很差劲。导致土地低效利用的一个因素是由于坚固耐用的住宅的施工是在脆弱的体制下决策的。我们使用一种全新的手段建立了城市生长模型,用正规社区(formal sector)中较高建筑的高度来描述既有正规民居又有贫民窟的城市土地使用的动力学特征,以及城市持续不断的再发展情况。我们用一个独特的具有较高空间分辨率的数据库分析了Nairobi(译注:肯尼亚首都)的演化过程。分析结果表明,该城市的大部分地区建筑容积(housing volume)不足,同时市中心附近存在大片的贫民窟,住宅容积低。混乱的城市规划阻碍了这些区域向正规社区的转变。





24.  走向智慧、可持续、健康城市的基本原则 (Meta-principles for developing smart, sustainable, and healthy cities)

May 20, 9:34 PM From science.sciencemag.org

by Anu Ramaswami, Armistead G. Russell, Patricia J. Culligan, Karnamadakala Rahul Sharma, Emani Kumar

(Translated by 陈立群,edited by 唐璐)

Policy directives in several nations are focusing on the development of smart cities, linking innovations in the data sciences with the goal of advancing human well-being and sustainability on a highly urbanized planet. To achieve this goal, smart initiatives must move beyond city-level data to a higher-order understanding of cities as transboundary, multisectoral, multiscalar, social-ecological-infrastructural systems with diverse actors, priorities, and solutions. We identify five key dimensions of cities and present eight principles to focus attention on the systems-level decisions that society faces to transition toward a smart, sustainable, and healthy urban future.





25.  行为经济学有潜力造福病人、保险公司和雇主 (Behavioral Economics Holds Potential To Deliver Better Results For Patients, Insurers, And Employers)

May 20, 4:15 PM From content.healthaffairs.org

by George Loewenstein, David A. Asch and Kevin G. Volpp

(Translated by -Frank,edited by 唐璐)

Many programs being implemented by US employers, insurers, and health care providers use incentives to encourage patients to take better care of themselves. We critically review a range of these efforts and show that many programs, although well-meaning, are unlikely to have much impact because they require information, expertise, and self-control that few patients possess. As a result, benefits are likely to accrue disproportionately to patients who already are taking adequate care of their health. We show how these programs could be made more effective through the use of insights from behavioral economics. For example, incentive programs that offer patients small and frequent payments for behavior that would benefit the patients, such as medication adherence, can be more effective than programs with incentives that are far less visible because they are folded into a paycheck or used to reduce a monthly premium. Deploying more-nuanced insights from behavioral economics can lead to policies with the potential to increase patient engagement and deliver dividends for patients and favorable cost-effectiveness ratios for insurers, employers, and other relevant commercial entities.





26.  开放创新2.0的十二条准则 (Twelve principles for open innovation 2.0)

May 21, 4:07 PM From www.nature.com

by Martin Curley

(Translated by -胡鹏博,edited by 唐璐)

A new mode of innovation is emerging that blurs the lines between universities, industry, governments and communities. It exploits disruptive technologies — such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things and big data — to solve societal challenges sustainably and profitably, and more quickly and ably than before. It is called open innovation 2.0. The promise is sustainable, intelligent living: innovations drive economic growth and improve quality of life while reducing environmental impact and resource use. For example, a dynamic congestion-charging system can adjust traffic flow and offer incentives to use park-and-ride schemes, guided by real-time traffic levels and air quality. Car-to-car communication could manage traffic to minimize transit times and emissions and eliminate road deaths from collisions. Smart electricity grids lower costs, integrate renewable energies and balance loads. Health-care monitoring enables early interventions, improving life quality and reducing care costs.


一种新出现的创新模式模糊了大学、工业、政府和公众的界限。它利用了一些颠覆性技术,例如云计算,物联网和大数据,来持续有效的解决一些社会问题,而且要比之前更加快速和精妙。这个创新模式被称为开放创新2.0(open innovation 2.0)。目标是一个可持续的、智能的生活:创新驱动的经济增长和生活质量的改善,同时减少对环境的影响和资源的消耗。例如,动态堵车收费系统能够调整交通流量并且会激励人们更多的去使用停车换乘方案,而这个方案是由实时交通状况和空气质量引导的。车间通信可以调控交通,将换乘时间和尾气排放降到最低,并且避免由碰撞引起的道路交通死亡事故。智能电网可以降低耗费、整合可再生能源和平衡负载。卫生保健监控可以实现早期介入,从而改善生活质量和减少保健费用。



27.  对基于Twitter政治集体运动研究中的偏见的一个有偏的回顾 (A Biased Review of Biases in Twitter Studies on Political Collective Action)

May 20, 6:21 PM From arxiv.org

by Peter Cihon, Taha Yasseri

(Translated by Cancy,edited by 傅渥成)

In recent years researchers have gravitated to social media platforms, especially Twitter, as fertile ground for empirical analysis of social phenomena. Social media provides researchers access to trace data of interactions and discourse that once went unrecorded in the offline world. Researchers have sought to use these data to explain social phenomena both particular to social media and applicable to the broader social world. This paper offers a minireview of Twitter-based research on political crowd behavior. This literature offers insight into particular social phenomena on Twitter, but often fails to use standardized methods that permit interpretation beyond individual studies. Moreover, the literature fails to ground methodologies and results in social or political theory, divorcing empirical research from the theory needed to interpret it. Rather, papers focus primarily on methodological innovations for social media analyses, but these too often fail to sufficiently demonstrate the validity of such methodologies. This minireview considers a small number of selected papers; we analyze their (often lack of) theoretical approaches, review their methodological innovations, and offer suggestions as to the relevance of their results for political scientists and sociologists.


近年来,研究人员被社交媒体平台所吸引,尤其是作为社会现象实证分析沃土的 Twitter。除非离线没有记录,社交媒体源源不断的为研究人员提供了交互和话语的访问跟踪数据。研究人员试图使用这些数据来解释特定社交媒体和适用于更广泛的社会的社会现象。本文提供了一个基于 Twitter 研究的政治群体行为简述。这些已有的文献常常提供了在 Twitter 上的特定社会现象的洞察,然而经常无法使用标准化的方法去解释超出个体的研究。此外,现有的文献通常未能提出基础性的方法用于解释社会或政治理论,从而割裂了实证研究与理论。相反,现有的文献主要侧重于社交媒体分析方法论的创新,但这些往往不能充分证明这些方法的有效性。这个简述选取了较少的文章进行分析,我们分析了这些文章中提到的理论方法(通常这些文章是缺乏理论方法的),回顾他们在方法上的创新,并且为政治学家与社会学家提供与研究结果相关的建议。











