
复杂社会系统中的危机及遗传环路设计自动化 | 复杂文摘翻译第3期

复杂文摘翻译小组 集智俱乐部 2018-12-10

1.  复杂社会系统中的危机:以智利为例的一个社会理论观点(Crisis in complex socialsystems: A social theory view illustrated with the chilean case)

From onlinelibrary.wiley.com April 1, 12:39 AM

By Aldo Mascareño, EricGoles, and Gonzalo A. Ruz

(Translated by -王与剑-生物物理学-呼和浩特,Reviewed by Jake)



The article argues thatcrises are a distinctive feature of complex social systems. A quest forconnectivity of communication leads to increase systems' own robustness byconstantly producing further connections. When some of these connections havebeen successful in recent operations, the system tends to reproduce theemergent pattern, thereby engaging in a non-reflexive, repetitive escalation ofmore of the same communication. This compulsive growth of systemic communicationin crisis processes, or logic of excess, resembles the dynamic ofself-organized criticality. Accordingly, we first construct the conceptualfoundations of our approach. Second, we present three core assumptions relatedto the generative mechanism of social crises, their temporal transitions(incubation, contagion, restructuring), and the suitable modeling techniques torepresent them. Third, we illustrate the conceptual approach with a percolationmodel of the crisis in Chilean education system.



2. 遗传环路设计自动化 (Genetic circuitdesign automation)

From Science 01 Apr 2016:Vol. 352, Issue 6281 April 1, 9:45 PM

By Alec A. K. Nielsen, et al.

(Translated by - 刘清晴,Reviewed by Jake)



我们使用Cello为大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli,其DNA包含88万个碱基对)设计了60条遗传环路。其中每条DNA序列都是由软件生成的,并没有进行进一步的调整。在这些遗传环路中,有45条环路在每一个输出状态中(多达10个调节因子和55个部件)都执行正确。包括所有这些环路在内,92%的输出状态都符合预期。



Computation can be performed in living cells by DNA-encoded circuits thatprocess sensory information and control biological functions. Theirconstruction is time-intensive, requiring manual part assembly and balancing ofregulator expression. We describe a design environment, Cello, in which a userwrites Verilog code that is automatically transformed into a DNA sequence.Algorithms build a circuit diagram, assign and connect gates, and simulateperformance. Reliable circuit design requires the insulation of gates fromgenetic context, so that they function identically when used in differentcircuits. We used Cello to design 60 circuits for Escherichia coli (880,000base pairs of DNA), for which each DNA sequence was built as predicted by thesoftware with no additional tuning. Of these, 45 circuits performed correctlyin every output state (up to 10 regulators and 55 parts), and across allcircuits 92% of the output states functioned as predicted. Design automationsimplifies the incorporation of genetic circuits into biotechnology projectsthat require decision-making, control, sensing, or spatial organization.







