

征稿 集智俱乐部 2022-06-14


The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 poses a substantial challenge to the world and affects nearly every citizen in every country. Numerous social and economic movements, constraints and (sometimes incentivized) new policies have been imposed from periodic sanitization, social distancing, intermittent quarantines, lockdowns and travel bans, to vaccination engagement and new online learning and collaborations. New datasets are being collected and analyzed to assist researchers in developing and improving methods and contributing to the understanding of the social and economic impact, development and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. To report these unique issues in the era of COVID-19, the Journal of Social Computing (jOsOcO) seeks manuscripts for a special issue on the Social Dynamics of COVID-19.

Papers of interest may include but not be limited to: 
(1) related open datasets with illustrations and application examples related to this special issue; 
(2) social transmission and evolution in the spread of disease, health (mis)information and related sentiment during the COVID pandemic;
(3) human interaction, mobility and communication changes resulting from COVID non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as social distancing measures, quarantines, lockdowns and travel restrictions;

(4) large-scale social and cultural consequences emerging from the COVID era—from shifts in learning, community development, scientific and artistic collaboration to the formation of new personal relations and groups to the emergence of novel transaction networks.

Submission guidelines

Journal of Social Computing (jOsOcO), published by IEEE and Tsinghua University Press, is an open access (without publication fee for authors), peer-reviewed scholarly journal which aims to publish high-quality, original research that pushes the boundaries of thinking, findings, and designs at the dynamic interface of social interaction and computation.  For more details, please see https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=8964404

Articles submitted to Journal Social Computing should not exceed 15,000 words, including all text, abstract, keywords, bibliography, biographies, and table text. Each table or figure is counted as 250 words. Authors are encouraged, but not required, to use a template for submission (accepted articles will ultimately be typeset by journal staff for publication). Submissions should not have been submitted, currently under review or published elsewhere. Submissions should be made via our online submission system: https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jsc-tup

Important dates

Deadline for submission: Sept 15, 2021

First notification to the authors: December 1, 2021

Final decision to the authors: February 1, 2022

Publications: 1st quarter 2022

Guest editors

James Evans, University of Chicago

Xiaoming Fu, University of Goettingen

Jar-Der Luo, Tsinghua University

Email: jsc-eic@cs.uni-goettingen.de

关于Journal of Social Computing

Journal of Social Computing (JoSoCo)
于2020年10月出版创刊的英文期刊 Journal of Social Computing (《社会计算》)是关注计算社会科学、复杂社会系统和人机交互等领域研究最新成果的电子刊物。
该刊物由清华大学主办,清华大学出版社发行。其电子版于 11 月 1 日上线 ieeexplore.ieee.org,并以开放获取(OA)的方式服务于全球的科研工作者。
Journal of Social Computing (JoSoCo)截图
美国芝加哥大学社会学系、德国哥廷根大学数学与计算机系以及清华大学社会科学学院为 Journal of Social Computing 提供了学术支持。来自美国芝加哥大学James Evans 教授、德国哥廷根大学傅晓明教授和清华大学罗家德教授共同担任该期刊的主编。而来自 11 个国家的 51 位专家学者组成了编委会。
芝加哥大学社会学系教授 James Evans
James Evans 是芝加哥大学社会学系教授,是科学学(science of science)、复杂网络、知识社会学的世界级知名学者。

哥廷根大学计算机系教授 傅晓明


清华大学社会学系教授 罗家德



