PCIC 2021华为因果推理挑战赛开放组队报名
PCIC 2021华为因果推理挑战赛
2021年08月10日: 北京时间晚上11:59,初赛结束,复赛开始。
2021年09月11日:PCIC 2021将邀请获奖团队进行技术报告。
• Gold Prize: $5,000
• Silver Prize: $3,000
PCIC 2021 Huawei Causal Inference Competition
The goal of causal inference is to combine external knowledge and study design to draw a causal conclusion between variables. It has gained popularity in fields including statistics, biostatistics, biomedical science, computer science, economics, epidemiology, and various social sciences. To promote both research and application on real-world problems, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab and Peking University jointly organize the competition focusing on causal inference and discovery at the 2021 Pacific Causal Inference Conference (PCIC 2021). The datasets used in the competition are either directly collected from or generated according to real scenarios.
The competition consists of two tracks. Track 1 aims to discover the causal graphs from event sequence data, which often occur in real applications such as social interactions amongst users or alarm records indicating whether a system operates properly. Obtaining such information is meaningful to better understand the relations among entities or to find root causes that can be more informative about the actual system fault. Track 2 focuses on the user preference prediction problem. In real-world movie recommendation systems, each movie is usually associated with descriptive tags, either by users or professionals. Instead of predicting the rating of a particular user-movie pair, participants are asked to estimate a user's preference to a particular tag. The challenge comes from the existence of many biases, including user selection bias, popularity bias, etc.
The winners will be awarded cash prizes and winner certificates, as well as invited to give talks at PCIC 2021. This conference will focus on the latest development in causal inference and will take place between Sept. 11 and Sept. 12, 2021.
We look forward to your participation!
June 8, 2021: Registration opens.
June 8, 2021: Competition opens.
June 15, 2021: Development phase starts at 11:59 pm Beijing Time.
July 15, 2021: Registration and team formation ends at 11:59 pm Beijing Time.
August 10, 2021: Development phase ends and test phase starts at 11:59 pm Beijing Time.
August 22, 2021: Competition ends at 11:59 pm Beijing Time
September 1, 2021: Winning teams are announced.
September 11, 2021: Winning teams will be invited to deliver a technical presentation at PCIC 2021.
Total Prize Amount (USD) for each track: $10,000
• Gold Prize: $5,000
• Silver Prize: $3,000