樊京芳 | 讲者
Dec | 整理
廖戴丽 | 编辑
1. 为什么把地球看做复杂系统
2. 人类世的特征
3. 理论突破与模式的基本物理
4. 研究地球系统的数理方法
5. 数理方法在地球系统中的应用
6. 展望
1. 为什么把地球看作复杂系统
1. 为什么把地球看作复杂系统
‘Earth system’ analysis and the second Copernican revolutionSchellnhuber, H. J.nature(1999)
E = (N, H),N = (a,b,c,...),H = (A, S)。其中,E表示地球系统,N表示自然因素,H表示人类因素。
2. 人类世的特征
2. 人类世的特征
Climate tipping points — too risky to bet againstLenton, Timothy M., Rockström, et alnature(2019)
3. 理论突破与模式的基本物理
3. 理论突破与模式的基本物理
3.1 理论突破
Thermal equilibrium of the atmosphere with a given distribution of relative humidityManabe Syukuro, Wetherald Richard T.(1967)
Exhaustive percolation on random networksBjörn Samuelsson, Joshua E. S. SocolararXiv(2006)
3.2 模式的基本物理
4. 研究地球系统的数理方法
4. 研究地球系统的数理方法
4.1 气候网络
Statistical physics approaches to the complex Earth systemJingfang Fan, Jun Meng, Josef Ludescher, et alPhysics Reports(2020)
Network analysis reveals strongly localized impacts of El Niño.Jingfang Fan, Jun Meng, Yosef Ashkenazy, et al
Single-trial event-related potentials with wavelet denoisingQuiroga R.Quian, Garcia H.clinical neurophysiology(2003)
Prediction of extreme floods in the eastern Central Andes based on a complex networks approachBoers, N., Bookhagen, et alnature communications(2014)
Complex networks reveal global pattern of extreme-rainfall teleconnectionsNiklas Boers; Bedartha Goswami; Aljoscha Rheinwalt; Bodo Bookhagen; Brian Hoskins; Jürgen KurthsNature(2019)
4.2 渗流相变理论
Statistical physics approaches to the complex Earth systemJingfang Fan, Jun Meng, Josef Ludescher, et alPhysics Reports(2020)
Explosive Percolation in Random NetworksDimitris Achlioptas, Raissa M. D Souza, Joel Spencerscience(2009)
Catastrophic cascade of failures in interdependent networksSergey V. Buldyrev, Roni Parshani, Gerald Paul, et alnature(2010)
Resilience of networks with community structure behaves as if under an external fieldGaogao Dong; Jingfang Fan; Louis M. Shekhtman; Saray Shai; Ruijin Du; Lixin Tian; Xiaosong Chen; H. Eugene Stanley;Shlomo HavlinPNAS(2018)
Structural resilience of spatial networks with inter-links behaving as an external fieldFan JingfangNew Journal of Physics(2018)
4.3 熵和复杂性
4.4 玻尔兹曼熵
4.5 信息熵
4.6 样本熵
Complexity-based approach for El Niño magnitude forecasting before the spring predictability barrierJun Meng, Jingfang Fan, Josef Ludescher, et al(2020)
4.7 本征微观态理论
Condensation of Eigen Microstate in Statistical Ensemble and Phase TransitionGaoke Hu, Teng Liu, Maoxin Liu, et alarXiv(2018)
5. 数理方法在地球系统中的应用
5. 数理方法在地球系统中的应用
5.1 厄尔尼诺预测
5.2 预测开始时间
Structural resilience of spatial networks with inter-links behaving as an external fieldFan JingfangNew Journal of Physics(2018)
Percolation framework to describe El Niño conditionsMeng JunChaos(2017)
Improved El Niño forecasting by cooperativity detectionLudescher JosefProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(2013)
5.3 预测极端事件的强度
Complexity-based approach for El Niño magnitude forecasting before the spring predictability barrierJun Meng, Jingfang Fan, Josef Ludescher, et al(2020)
5.4 厄尔尼诺的影响与分布
Network analysis reveals strongly localized impacts of El Niño.Jingfang Fan, Jun Meng, Yosef Ashkenazy, et al
5.5 大气环流
Climate network percolation reveals the expansion and weakening of the tropical component under global warmingJingfang Fan,Jun Meng,Yosef Ashkenazy,Shlomo Havlin
5.6 印度夏季风
Tipping elements of the Indian monsoon: Prediction of onset and withdrawalStolbova VeronikaGeophysical Research Letters(2016)
5.7 大气污染
Significant Impact of Rossby Waves on Air Pollution Detected by Network AnalysisYongwen Zhang, Jingfang Fan, Xiaosong Chen, et alarXiv(2019)
5.8 极端气候事件
Prediction of extreme floods in the eastern Central Andes based on a complex networks approachBoers, N., Bookhagen, et alnature communications(2014)
Network-synchronization analysis reveals the weakening tropical circulationsZijin Geng, Yongwen Zhang, Bo Lu, et al
Climate network approach reveals the modes of CO2 concentration to surface air temperatureNa Ying1, Weiping Wang2, Jingfang Fan3, et al
Eigen Microstates and Their Evolution of Global Ozone at Different Geopotential HeightsXiaojie Chen, Na Ying, Dean Chen, et alarXiv(2021)
Possible origin of memory in earthquakes: Real catalogs and an epidemic-type aftershock sequence modelJingfang Fan, Dong Zhou, Louis M. Shekhtman, et al
Scaling laws in earthquake memory for interevent times and distancesYongwen Zhang, Jingfang Fan, Warner Marzocchi, et al
Improved earthquake aftershocks forecasting model based on long-term memoryYongwen Zhang, Dong Zhou, Jingfang Fan, et al
Statistical physics approaches to the complex Earth systemJingfang Fan, Jun Meng, Josef Ludescher, et alPhysics Reports(2020)
6. 展望
6. 展望
[2] Jun Meng, Jingfang Fan, Josef Ludescher, et al. Complexity-based approach for El Niño magnitude forecasting before the spring predictability barrier, 2020
[3] Lenton, Timothy M., Rockström, et al. Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against. nature, 2019, 575(7784): 592-595
[4] Niklas Boers; Bedartha Goswami; Aljoscha Rheinwalt; Bodo Bookhagen; Brian Hoskins; Jürgen Kurths. Complex networks reveal global pattern of extreme-rainfall teleconnections. Nature, 2019, 566: 373-377
[5] Sergey V. Buldyrev, Roni Parshani, Gerald Paul, et al. Catastrophic cascade of failures in interdependent networks. nature, 2010, 464(7291): 1025-1028
[6] Schellnhuber, H. J.. ‘Earth system’ analysis and the second Copernican revolution. nature, 1999, 402(6761): C19-C23
[7] Manabe Syukuro, Wetherald Richard T.. Thermal equilibrium of the atmosphere with a given distribution of relative humidity, 1967: 241–259
[8] Björn Samuelsson, Joshua E. S. Socolar. Exhaustive percolation on random networks. arXiv:0605047, 2006
[9] Jingfang Fan, Jun Meng, Yosef Ashkenazy, et al. Network analysis reveals strongly localized impacts of El Niño.
[10] Quiroga R.Quian, Garcia H.. Single-trial event-related potentials with wavelet denoising. clinical neurophysiology, 2003, 114(2): 376–390
[11] Boers, N., Bookhagen, et al. Prediction of extreme floods in the eastern Central Andes based on a complex networks approach. nature communications, 2014, 5(1): 1-7
[12] Dimitris Achlioptas, Raissa M. D Souza, Joel Spencer. Explosive Percolation in Random Networks. science, 2009, 323(5920): 1453-1455
[13] Gaogao Dong; Jingfang Fan; Louis M. Shekhtman; Saray Shai; Ruijin Du; Lixin Tian; Xiaosong Chen; H. Eugene Stanley;Shlomo Havlin. Resilience of networks with community structure behaves as if under an external field. PNAS, 2018, 115(27): 6911-6915
[14] Fan Jingfang. Structural resilience of spatial networks with inter-links behaving as an external field. New Journal of Physics, 2018, 20(9): 093003
[15] Gaoke Hu, Teng Liu, Maoxin Liu, et al. Condensation of Eigen Microstate in Statistical Ensemble and Phase Transition. arXiv:1812.08412, 2018
[16] Meng Jun. Percolation framework to describe El Niño conditions. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2017, 27(3): 035807
[17] Ludescher Josef. Improved El Niño forecasting by cooperativity detection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110(29): 11742–11745
[18] Jingfang Fan,Jun Meng,Yosef Ashkenazy,Shlomo Havlin. Climate network percolation reveals the expansion and weakening of the tropical component under global warming
[19] Stolbova Veronika. Tipping elements of the Indian monsoon: Prediction of onset and withdrawal. Geophysical Research Letters, 2016, 43(8): 3982–3990
[20] Yongwen Zhang, Jingfang Fan, Xiaosong Chen, et al. Significant Impact of Rossby Waves on Air Pollution Detected by Network Analysis. arXiv:1903.02256, 2019, 46(21): 12476–12485,
[21] Zijin Geng, Yongwen Zhang, Bo Lu, et al. Network-synchronization analysis reveals the weakening tropical circulations
[22] Na Ying1, Weiping Wang2, Jingfang Fan3, et al. Climate network approach reveals the modes of CO2 concentration to surface air temperature
[23] Xiaojie Chen, Na Ying, Dean Chen, et al. Eigen Microstates and Their Evolution of Global Ozone at Different Geopotential Heights. arXiv:2107.00843, 2021
[24] Jingfang Fan, Dong Zhou, Louis M. Shekhtman, et al. Possible origin of memory in earthquakes: Real catalogs and an epidemic-type aftershock sequence model
[25] Yongwen Zhang, Jingfang Fan, Warner Marzocchi, et al. Scaling laws in earthquake memory for interevent times and distances
[26] Yongwen Zhang, Dong Zhou, Jingfang Fan, et al. Improved earthquake aftershocks forecasting model based on long-term memory
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