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文章于 2020年11月1日 被检测为删除。























At present, all the children of the border people are free of charge of education. In addition, they are given living subsidies to poor students and minority students. At the same time, ethnic language teaching is used to attract many Chinese border residents to send their children to study abroad.

In Hekou, Yunnan Province, some of the children of the border people spontaneously went to Vietnamese schools. Some of the border residents complained: "the country is so big, and it is much richer than Vietnam, but why is the care for the border people not as good as that of Vietnam?"

At the same time, after reaching a peace agreement with Zheng Fu of Myanmar, the wa gang of Myanmar, which was formed by the split of the former Burmese Communist Party, formulated a "south migration plan" to relocate 100000 people to mengruan, Yancheng and other places along the Thai Burmese border. It is attracted by a series of preferential policies, such as the distribution of food and resettlement fees, housing, free schooling for children, and the provision of necessary production and living appliances. More than 1200 wa families in Yunnan border areas have expressed their willingness to move with them.

In addition, many border residents were attracted by the high profits of poppy cultivation abroad. They immigrated to Wa State to plant and harvest opium poppy. At present, of the 30000 people in bangkang, the capital of Wa State, 20000 are from China

The emigration of the border people in Lancang, Ximeng and Menglian counties is also serious. According to incomplete statistics, a total of 799 households and 2832 people from these three counties have moved to the wa area of Myanmar to settle down.

Lu Gang, Dean of the school of Humanities of Yunnan University for nationalities, has made a survey and found that in the northern areas of Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, a considerable number of Han, Hui, Bai and other ethnic groups from Yunnan are distributed. Some of them have formed large settlement areas and are generally called "overseas Yunnan people" or "overseas Chinese". Among them, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the northern part of Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. In northern Vietnam, these people are known as the "Chinese" and are listed as one of the ethnic minorities in the country.

Another survey conducted by Yunnan Ethnic Affairs Committee shows that there are about 210000 Chinese immigrants (including floating population) in Kokang area of Myanmar. Among them, there are more than 110000 people in Laojie, mainly Han nationality (mainly called Kokang nationality in Myanmar and Zheng). They speak Chinese. The rest are Yi, Dai, Lisu, WA, benglong (De'ang) and Miao.


