# 总结
# 最后的最后
private static void copyProperties(Object source, Object target, @Nullable Class<?> editable, @Nullable String... ignoreProperties) throws BeansException { Assert.notNull(source, "Source must not be null"); Assert.notNull(target, "Target must not be null"); Class<?> actualEditable = target.getClass();if (editable != null) {if (!editable.isInstance(target)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target class [" + target.getClass().getName() + "] not assignable to Editable class [" + editable.getName() + "]"); } actualEditable = editable; } PropertyDescriptor[] targetPds = getPropertyDescriptors(actualEditable); List<String> ignoreList = ignoreProperties != null ? Arrays.asList(ignoreProperties) : null; PropertyDescriptor[] var7 = targetPds; int var8 = targetPds.length;for(int var9 = 0; var9 < var8; ++var9) { PropertyDescriptor targetPd = var7[var9]; Method writeMethod = targetPd.getWriteMethod();if (writeMethod != null && (ignoreList == null || !ignoreList.contains(targetPd.getName()))) { PropertyDescriptor sourcePd = getPropertyDescriptor(source.getClass(), targetPd.getName());if (sourcePd != null) { Method readMethod = sourcePd.getReadMethod();if (readMethod != null && ClassUtils.isAssignable(writeMethod.getParameterTypes()[0], readMethod.getReturnType())) {try {if (!Modifier.isPublic(readMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { readMethod.setAccessible(true); }Object value = readMethod.invoke(source);if (!Modifier.isPublic(writeMethod.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) { writeMethod.setAccessible(true); } writeMethod.invoke(target, value); } catch (Throwable var15) {throw new FatalBeanException("Could not copy property '" + targetPd.getName() + "' from source to target", var15); } } } } }