
Confidence Techniques - Change Yourself, Change Your Life

2017-04-27 ExpatLife

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Here it is in a nutshell! The confidence building tips you need to remember to increase your self confidence. By bringing everything together on one page, I hope to make it easier for you to capture the essence of confidence building and to apply it on a daily basis.

Tips to help you feel more confident:

Create a clear picture in your mind of being confident and getting a positive response or result.

Use positive words that reinforce confidence rather than undermine it.

Stand and act as if you ARE confident.

Imagine how a confident person would handle your situation.

Study confident people you admire until you begin to feel and act like them.

Learn more about the power of positive visualisation and try the Confidence Builder exercise.

Self esteem tips:

Treat yourself as if you were your own best friend.

Be kind to yourself with your words and actions.

Focus on the positive things about yourself.

Praise yourself many times a day.

Gracefully accept the compliments of others.

Contribute to others with words and actions.

Learn to change how you feel with positive self-talk. 

High self-esteem is not just important, it is Pivotal! 

Developing high self-esteem is part of finding the path to living to our full potential.

Confidence building tips to build resources:

Think positively. Look for the silver lining in every cloud.

Pursue nourishing and uplifting experiences.

Create a fulfilling lifestyle.

De-stress with regular relaxation.

Play regularly to recharge your batteries.

Exercise for that all round feel-good factor.

Tips to make you more positive:

Do not watch, listen to, or read the news just before bed.

Remind yourself that bad news is not all there is.

Focus on what is good and positive.

Adopt a win-win philosophy: be grateful for your blessings and learn from 'negative' experiences.

Smile and laugh more.

Before sleep, recall all the positive experiences of the day.

Expand your mind confidence building tips:

Introduce new activities into your lifestyle.

Do everyday things in new and different ways.

Stretch yourself. Go beyond your comfort zone.

Find out how activities can make you more confident with change.

Empower yourself with these tips:

Delete the words: should, ought, must, have to, from your vocabulary.

Set clear goals, break them down into manageable steps.

Seek and build resources.

Don't be overwhelmed, look for all the available choices or options in a given situation.

Encourage and support yourself with positive self-talk when facing difficulty.


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