
Beware of Clever New WeChat SCAM

2018-01-27 ExpatLife

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No doubt WeChat has become the must-have mobile phone app in China. However, some fraudsters are taking advantage of this powerful social app  through some particularly ingenious scams. Which makes your money more vlnerable to be stolen within a few seconds through WeChat.

Recently, a new WeChat scam came to into light. Fraudsters usually start by asking you for your phone number. The Following is a simple outline of the scam.



 After rebooting my phone, I lost your mobile phone number. Send me your number so that I can add you to my contacts.


OK. Thanks.

Then, be extra cautious if they ask for a verification code sent to your phone after getting your phone number since it may be the means to access your wechat and then steal your money.



After rebooting my phone, I lost your mobile phone number. Send me your number so that I can add you to my contacts.


Can you receive the verification code that I sent? I need the verification from my friends so that I can log in.

In this way, the scammers can log in to your WeChat, transfer your money to their account and even can cheat your friends to potentially gain even more money.

A simple experiment with two mobile phone, in this example labeled Altman and Heman, can help to illustrate this new scam.

Firstly, Heman logs in to WeChat using Altman’s phone number. Since Heman does not know the password, he selects "SMS verification code log in". Through the process outlined above, as long as Heman can get the verification code from Altman, Heman can log in to Altman’s WeChat.

Next, Heman immediately changes Altman’s WeChat password. And the whole process takes only one minute. After hacking, Heman can also cheat a great number of people from Altman’s WeChat contacts.

Source: GDToday



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