学术报告(11月17日下午 14:00-15:00)

2017-11-16 中山大学物理学院 中山大学物理学院


报告人: 吕晓睿 教授(中国科学院大学)

题目: Charmed hadron decays studied at the BESIII experiment BESIII 实验中的粲强子衰变研究

地点: 中山大学广州校区南校园339栋2楼报告厅

时间: 2017年11月17日(周五)下午14:00-15:00

主持人:尤郑昀 教授





About speaker:

Dr. Xiao-Rui Lyu completed the undergraduate and master course in Peking University, before he moved to Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and obtained doctor degree in fundamental physics in 2008. Afterward, he joined the experimental high energy group in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research effort focuses on to understand the origin of the world by the experimental probe to the fundamental structure and their interactions of particles. He works in the BESIII project in BEPCII facility in China, and the LHCb project in CERN in Switzerland. He is now physics coordinator of the BESIII collaboration.