

2017-07-24 郁林ZJU












Allan Paul Shatkin

美国 College Advisor 从业20年

帮助中国学生申请  从业9年



Allan是纽约大学文学学士、硕士,职业作家、编辑,钢琴家、作曲家,美国名校申请顾问。曾任美国公/私立学校老师,纽约Mercy学院教授,赞比亚共和国第一所私立高中Leopards Hill Secondary School的筹建人和首任校长,美属维尔京群岛立法委员会议员(曾与美国总统克林顿共事),日报记者/专栏作家,华盛顿多家非营利组织发展部主任和职业募款人。

他与众多的美国学校招办主任拥有广泛的联系,近二十年来,帮助数以千计的美国学生选择合适的学校、专业和职业方向。近九年来,他致力于帮助中国学生申请美国名校,学生遍布Yale,Stanford,Cornell,NYU, UCLA, UC Berkeley……


I have working with Chinese students for several years now, helping them to get in to great universities in America. But I actually didn’t originally plan to do so, life came my way and change it for me. And way I change was actually I married a Chinese woman and she introduced me that some of the Chinese students who would benefit from the expertise that I have because I have been helping American students in American to get into university for many many years. I have been a college adviser, college counselor for many many years and before that I was a teacher and I was a school principal, college lecturer. I am an educator. This my background this my passion.

So, when I met Chinese students who were sincerely interested in getting in American education. And I had asked them why, and they could tell me why they want to go to America. I was moved, and said to myself “ I need to do what I can to help student to get education they are looking for.” This is something that is a passion for me. Whether I was working with American students or now I focus my energy and attention on helping Chinese students get into great universities. This is what gives my smile in morning because the success of Chinese students I met really have impact on me. I am not get into this for money. I am not in business here, I am not a business person. I am an educator. And the future of the young people I work with is really important to me. Many of them who are wistful to universities, I get to know them very well, I get to know them instantly. I know their parents ,their families and so the feeling they give me when I see a student——call me a phone and say “I would get degree”, “I want to be there”, “I am going to walking across stage and go ahead to me”,” please you have help me so much, it will be important for me to be there.” This where I get in English we say I get my job ease. This was what I get satisfaction that makes me all worthwhile.

So, I want you can understand that different ways to approach helping students, my approach is from the position of educator who want to see you grow and develop your potential, become the person that your capable are becoming. Why? Because when I see you after you get your degree, when I see you in the job you want being, when I see you start the business you want to start, when I see that you have built up a life base on the education that you have had, this really provide me with great satisfaction. I enjoy working with young people, because I know that doesn’t end when place in the university, actually that would be ins because we continuity be contact with each other. And I can be a resource for them even after they get into universities. they are still always constantly contact me say “look at my paper, give me your feedback”, or“I haven’t an idea for a project what do you think”、because I place such instrument roll in to helping them to promote their career by getting them degrees in universities , we continue to have healthy and friendly and warm relationship. There is no money that anyone can pay me. That was the plant of satisfaction I get from the working with the students.











