

2017-08-03 郁林ELINC 郁林ZJU








V4: What do Chinese students need to know about writing a personalstatement that will make it the kind of compelling, engaging, and persuasivepiece of writing that opens doors at university


Writing a personal statement sometimes provides a challenge to Chinese students. Because they are not sure what should be include in their personal statements. The nice personal statement is that it could probably include just about any subject.


Think about that, even though you maybe apply your master degree in particular subject, you could include in your personal statement, information about yourself which doesn’t specially focus on your career goal. What most important is that you use your personal statement to share information about you, to make you real, to make you alive. Remember university are going to get a flood number about you. They are going to get grades, they are going to get GPA, they are going to get GRE scores, they are going to get TOEFL scores, they are going to get numbers left and right. This is really not what they are looking for.


What they looking for is that they want to learn who you are. And in the personal statement, students voice is heard. And that’s why it possible to write a personal statement about your career goal.And if you do, I suggest you make it personal, bring it to your life, how did you get interested in this, who motivate you, who push you into the rightdirection. You have to make a personal statement personal. It is not academicexercise, it is reviewing your heart and you mind. It is the only chance thatthe university get to actually meet you, and you say something that touch the universities,make the feel you are a real person, you actually open the door for yourself.


Many Chinese students have difficult in doing this, because they are not chosen to share person these things. But a good personal statement is going to touch not just on what you interested academically, but it is going to make you feel like you are share something the university would not know without personal statement. I was close to student when they are doing their personal statement.We talk a lot about what are the right subjects to write about, what they feelcomfortable when writing. I often type a personal statement who go through morethan one draft, it could be written once, maybe twice. Sometimes students wouldcome to me with idea for the personal statement. And I would suggest that isnot really the best idea, let’s explore another one. Sometimes I see personalstatement which I am not well organized and in fact there are two or foursubjects and I will work with that students and boil them down into onepowerful and important statement. That’s what I going to get attention ofuniversity on the other side specific.


So my suggestion is when you have to share something personal, you have to let the university know you are real personwith real feelings. This is not easy thing to do, I have recognized that,that’s why you have someone like me, who have the expertise to help you to saywhat the kind of things that’s need to say. And if you have difficulty I willhelp you say. Because in the dialogue and discussion with you, I learn whatyour idea are. And I can help you to express your ideas sometimes by expressingfor you, so you could agree that is what I want to say, but I didn’t know howto say it. That make your personal statement really strong.


A good statement can actually outweigh some other information about you which may worry about you, for example if you think my TOFEL score is not high enough orif you think my language portion of the GRE is not as good as it should be. Butif you write a powerful engaging personal statement, the people who are readingthat going to say we want these students come to my campus. This is somebody who feel the world they live. This is someone with something to share theycan’t get that by looking at numbers, they can’t get that in your TOEFL score.But they can get by a powerful personal statement.


Sowe work together on that personal statement to make sure that your heart, yourmind is expressed your experience are express that personal statement anddeciding what to write about, what your experience in your life will be useful is something that we can do together in dialogue. But the personal statement is so powerful, so important that it sometimes can shift the about somebody who might be out of fence. University is not quite sure whether they are going to accept them. And then they read personal statement, which says this is someonewho has something to say, someone who can make a contribution at our school.That get you a tremendous way to application. So I am strong proponent of personal statement because it can make the difference between get in .



发现personalstatement 竟有化腐朽为神奇的力量





3.个人陈述非常重要,一个好的个人陈述所散发出的光芒可以掩盖你较为惨淡的托福GRE成绩,所以,找一些专家来修改你的personal statement是非非非非非非非非非非常重要的哦











Allan Paul Shatkin

美国 College Advisor 从业20年

帮助中国学生申请  从业9年







