

兜兜 Leoshack 2021-09-18














1. In accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations and the articles of association of the company.

2. Unless otherwise provided in 除XXX另有规定

3. Where the law provides otherwise for XXX, such provisions shall prevail. where there are provisions of XXX of the XXX, such provisions shall prevail.法律另有规定的,从其规定 另有规定的,从其规定 

4. all the rights and obligation vest in Party A 甲方所享有权利和承担义务 



公司章程 articles of association of the company 

股权 entity interests

股东名册 register of shareholders

招股说明书 prospectus

已发行股票 outstanding shares

出资 capital contribution

公司账簿 accounts of the company

发起人、认股人 Promoters, subscribers 

creditor 债权人   debtor 债务人

受让人 transferee

出让方 transferring party

 任期 the term of appointment

 总经理 General manager

独立法人 separate legal person

股东会 board of shareholders 

董事会成员 members of board of directors

高级管理人员 senior management personnel

股东大会 the shareholders’ general meeting

出资证明 the capital contribution certificate


 shareholders who castopposing vote to the resolution passed by the board of shareholder 

召集 Convene 

主持 chair

规定 stipulate

决议 Resolution 

薪酬 renumeration

Formulate 制定 draft 拟定

全部或部分 all or part of their 

兼任 hold the post of XXX concurrently

任期届满 Upon expiry of the term of appointment 

不能履行职务或不履行职务:be unable or fail to performhis/her duties

同意 consent

视为 be deemed as

半数以上 Half or more

职权 Duties and powers 

决议表决 Pass of resolutions 

书面通知 notify xxx in writing

对XXX负责 Be accountable to 

会议记录 Minutes of the meeting

事先书面同意 prior written consent/approval

自收到书面通知起 from the receipt of the writtennotice

购买 acquire

归属于 vest in

纠正 rectification

放弃、丧失 forfeiture

违约金 liquidated damages

主张行使 intend to exercise

清算和分配 liquidation and division

差额 difference 补偿差额compensate the difference

优先购买权 the pre-emptive rightsto acquire XXX

行使优先购买权 exercise its pre-emptive rights toacquire XXX

委托 entrust

表决 resolution

从事 engage in

背书 endorsement

发行 issuance issue

无记名股票 bearer shares

记名股票 registered shares

成立 incorporate/incorporation

下列情形 following circumstances

持有的公司股份 shareholding in the company

侵犯 infringe

侵占 convert

按照 based on

遵守 comply with

上述人 the aforesaid

离职 leaving the post

同类业务 similar business

做限制 Make restrictive provision

对公司负有忠实义务和勤勉义务 bear fiduciary dutytowards the company


from the date of the shares of company are listed on the stock exchange

资金 funds

质询 queries

补偿 indemnify

契约 Covenant 

项下 hereunder

前述/上述 aforesaid


conflict with, or result in breach of or constitute a default under

陈述或保证 any representation or warranty

公开、公平、公正 openness, impartiality andfairness

声明、保证和承诺 Representations, warrants and undertakings 

合同签订日和生效日 the date hereof and as of theEffective Date

法定人数 quorum

一致地 Unanimously 

重大影响 material effect

重大不利影响 material adverse effect

承担赔偿责任 bear the compensation liability 

政府机构或机关 government agency or body

依据xxx in compliance with/ in accordance with

损失、费用和债务 losses, expenses and liabilities arising from ….

合同签署或履行能力 ability to enter into or perform the contract

未决的,或尽其所知的 pending or to the best of itsknowledge

变更 alteration

不可抗力 force majeure


conditional for market access andwithdrawal

准入前国民待遇 pre-establishment nationaltreatment



A director, supervisor or senior management personnel who violates the provisionsof laws and administrative regulations or the articles of association of thecompany in his/her performance of duties and powers and causing the company to suffer damages shall bear compensation liability.


A shareholder proposing to transfer its equity interests to a non-shareholder shall obtainthe consent of more than half of the other shareholders. The shareholder shall inform the other shareholders of the proposed equity transfer in writing and seek their consent. Failure to reply within 30 days from receipt of the written notice shall be deemed as consent to the proposed transfer. Where more than half of the other shareholders do not consent to the proposed transfer, the non-consenting shareholders shall acquire such equity interests, failing which they shall be deemed to have consented to the proposed transfer.



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