

2017-09-14 美艳小说



"A widescreen iPod with touch controls", "a revolutionary mobile phone", and "a breakthrough internet communicator" – this is how Steve Jobs, then chief executive officer of Apple Computer Inc, introduced the very first iPhone, a true game-changer in the phone industry, 10 years ago.

Fast forward to now. The iconic Apple smartphone, which has evolved 15 models over the past 10 years, will embrace its next generation, which includes the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, and the most talked about 10th anniversary iPhone, iPhone X, on Wednesday.

Predictably, days after Wednesday’s launch event, a large number of Apple fans will line up outside the company’s stores worldwide to get a first touch of the new releases as soon as possible.

However, the sense of wonder once experienced by those thousands of customers who queued for the first iPhone outside Apple and AT&T retail stores in the US on June 29, 2007 may never recur today.

Although not every generation of iPhone changed the industry as revolutionarily as the first one, which perfectly responded to Jobs’s ambition of "reinventing the phone", did, the gradual evolution brought by them together has been inspiring enough.

