
数学系列·E01S01|xAI团队Greg Yang的恐怖数学长书单,Elon点赞!

ai汤源 AI2Paradigm 2024-04-01



Greg Yang是Elon Musk新组建的xAI团队核心成员


▩@TheGregYang - thegregyang.com



"Naive Set Theory" - Paul R Halmos

"Linear Algebra Done Right Second Edition" - Sheldon Axler

"Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio" - Mike Senior

"Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition" - Thomas H. Cormen & Charles E. Leiserson & Ronald L. Rivest & Clifford Stein

"Generatingfunctionology" - Herbert S. Wilf

"Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms" - David J. C. MacKay

"Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" - David J. Griffiths

"Probability Theory: The Logic of Science" - E. T. Jaynes & G. Larry Bretthorst

"Topology" - James R. Munkres

"A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic" - Wolfgang Rautenberg

"Complex Analysis, 2nd ed" - Lars Ahlfors

"An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol 1" - William Feller

"Complex Analysis, 3rd ed" - Lars Ahlfors

"A First Course in Linear Algebra" - Robert A. Beezer

"The Principles of Mathematical Analysis" - Walter Rudin

"Math 55 Notes" - Curtis McMullen

"Algebra, 1st ed" - Michael Artin

"Algebraic Number Theory" - J.S. Milne

"Algebraic Number Theory" - Jürgen Neukirch

"Algebraic Theory of Numbers: Translated From the French by Allan J. Silberger" - Pierre Samuel

"Representation Theory: A First Course" - William Fulton & Joe Harris

"Differential Topology" - Victor Guillemin & Alan Pollack

"A First Course in Modular Forms" - Fred Diamond & Jerry Shurman

"A Course in Arithmetic" - Jean Pierre Serre

"Fourier Analysis: An Introduction" - Elias M. Stein & Rami Shakarchi

"Complex Analysis" - Elias M. Stein & Rami Shakarchi

"Real Analysis: Measure Theory, Integration, and Hilbert Spaces" - Elias M. Stein & Rami Shakarchi

"Elements of Information Theory (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing) (Hardcover)" - Thomas M. Cover

"Psychology" - Daniel L. Schacter & Daniel T. Gilbert & Daniel M. Wegner

"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" - Stuart Jonathan Russell & Peter Norvig

"Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" - Christopher M. Bishop

"Python Essential Reference" - David M. Beazley

"Topology" - James R. Munkres

"Abstract Algebra" - David S. Dummit & Richard M. Foote

"Principles of Neural Science" - Eric Kandel

"Bayesian Brain: Probabilistic Approaches to Neural Coding" - Kenji Doya & Shin Ishii & Alexandre Pouget & Rajesh P. N. Rao

"Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems" - Peter Dayan & Laurence F. Abbott

"Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain" - Paul W. Glimcher & Ernst Fehr & Colin Camerer & Russell Alan Poldrack

"Measure Theory" - Donald L. Cohn

"Probability and Random Processes" - Geoffrey R. Grimmett & David R. Stirzaker

"An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol. 2" - William Feller

"Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach" - Sanjeev Arora & Boaz Barak

"Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation" - John E. Hopcroft & Rajeev Motwani & Jeffrey D. Ullman

"Computational Complexity" - Christos H. Papadimitriou

"Computational Complexity: A Conceptual Perspective" - Oded Goldreich

"Introduction to the Theory of Computation" - Michael Sipser

"An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications" - Ming Li & Paul M. B. Vitányi

"Handbook of Mathematical Logic" - Jon Barwise

"Mathematical Logic" - Joseph R. Shoenfield

"A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians" - Yu. I. Manin & Neal Koblitz & B. Zilber

"Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, 5th ed." - Sareen S. Gropper & Jack L. Smith

"Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Aplications" - George J. Klir & Bo Yuan

"Universe of Fuzzy Sets and Axiomatizatiosn of Fuzzy Set Theory. Part I: Model-Based and Axiomatic Approaches" - Siegried Gottwald

"Electricity and Magnetism 2ed" - Edward M. Purcell & David J. Morin

"Introduction to Electrodynamics" - David J. Griffiths

"Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain" - Mark F. Bear Phd & Barry W. Connors Phd & Michael A. Paradiso Phd

"Algebraic Topology" - Allen Hatcher

"Computer Networks" - Andrew S. Tanenbaum & David J. Wetherall

"Organic Chemistry, 1ed" - Jonathan Clayden & Nick Greeves & Stuart Warren

"Functional Analysis: Introduction to Further Topics in Analysis" - Elias M. Stein & Rami Shakarchi

"Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics" - Univalent Foundations Program

"Abstract and Concrete Categories - The Joy of Cats" - J. Adamek, H. Herrlich, G. E. Strecker

"Model Theory: An Introduction" - David Marker

"Higher Topos Theory" - Jacob Lurie

"Category Theory (Oxford Logic Guides)" - Steve Awodey

"Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" - Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang

"Categorical homotopy theory" - Emily Riehl

"Recursively Enumerable Sets and Degrees: A Study of Computable Functions and Computably Generated Sets" - Robert I. Soare

"Introduction to Homotopy Theory (Universitext)" - Martin Arkowitz

"Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Fifth Edition" - Elliott Mendelson

"Proofs and Types" - Jean-Yves Girard

"Universe of Fuzzy Sets and Axiomatizations of Fuzzy Set Theory. Part II: Category Theoretic Approaches" - Siegried Gottwald

"Set Theory" - Thomas Jech

"Principles of Tissue Engineering, 4th Edition" - Robert Lanza & Robert Langer & Joseph P. Vacanti

"Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 13e with Atlas" - Gerard J. Tortora

"Ordinary Differential Equations" - V. I. Arnold & Richard A. Silverman

"Descriptive Complexity" - Neil Immerman

"An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits" - Uri Alon

"An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory" - Michael J. Kearns & Umesh Virkumar Vazirani

"Handbook of Set Theory" - Matthew Foreman & Akihiro Kanamori

"Computable Analysis: An Introduction" - Klaus Weihrauch

"Categorical Logic and Type Theory" - Bart Jacobs

"Elements of Finite Model Theory" - Leonid Libkin

"Measure Theory: Second Edition" - Donald L. Cohn

"Measure Theory vol 1" - Vladimir I. Bogachev

"Measure Theory vol 2" - Vladimir I. Bogachev

"Real and Complex Analysis" - Walter Rudin

"Model Theory" - C.C.Chang & H.Jerome Keisler

"The Higher Infinite: Large Cardinals in Set Theory from Their Beginnings" - Akihiro Kanamori

"Descriptive Set Theory" - Yiannis N. Moschovakis

"Classical Descriptive Set Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (V. 156)" - Alexander Kechris

"Invariant Descriptive Set Theory" - Su Gao

"Structural Proof Theory" - Sara Negri, Jan Von Plato

"Proof Theory" - Gaisi Takeuti

"Categories and Sheaves" - Masaki Kashiwara & Pierre Schapira

"Topoi: The Categorial Analysis of Logic" - Robert Goldblatt

"Communication Complexity" - Eyal Kushilevitz & Noam Nisan

"Types and Programming Languages" - Benjamin C. Pierce

"Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages" - Benjamin C. Pierce

"Sheaves in Geometry and Logic: A First Introduction to Topos Theory" - Saunders MacLane & Ieke Moerdijk

"Introduction to Smooth Manifolds" - John M. Lee

"An Introduction to Manifolds" - Loring W. Tu

"Principles of Neural Science, Fifth Edition (Principles of Neural Science (Kandel))" - Kandel, Eric & Schwartz, James & Jessell, Thomas & Siegelbaum, Steven & Hudspeth, A.J.

"Pattern Theory: From Representation to Inference" - Ulf Grenander & Michael I. Miller

"Pattern Theory: The Stochastic Analysis of Real-World Signals" - David Mumford & Agnès Desolneux

"Topology and Geometry" - Glen E. Bredon

"Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology" - Raoul Bott & Loring W. Tu

"An Introduction to Algebraic Topology" - Joseph Rotman

"A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology" - J. P. May

"The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes: Includes the Michigan Lectures (1974) on Curves and Their Jacobians" - David Mumford

"The Geometry of Schemes" - David Eisenbud & Joe Harris

"Algebraic Geometry" - Robin Hartshorne

"Commutative Algebra With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry" - David Eisenbud

"Introduction to Commutative Algebra" - Michael Atiyah, Ian G. Macdonald

"Realizability: An Introduction to Its Categorical Side" - Jaap van Oosten

"Toposes and Local Set Theories: An Introduction" - J. L. Bell

"Topos Theory (Dover Books on Mathematics)" - P. T. Johnstone

"Sketches of an Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium" - P. T. Johnstone

"Categories for the Working Mathematician" - Saunders Mac Lane

"Simplicial Homotopy Theory" - Paul G. Goerss & John F. Jardine

"Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Volume 1, Basic Category Theory" - Francis Borceux

"Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Volume 2, Categories and Structures" - Francis Borceux

"Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Volume 3, Categories of Sheaves" - Francis Borceux

"Categorical Homotopy Theory" - Emily Riehl

"Simplicial Objects in Algebraic Topology" - J. P. May

"Algebra" - Saunders Mac Lane & Garrett Birkhoff

"Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict" - Roger B. Myerson

"Counterexamples in Analysis (Dover Books on Mathematics)" - Bernard R. Gelbaum, John M. H. Olmsted

"Computational Complexity: A Quantitative Perspective" - Marius Zimand

"Resource Bounded Measure" - Jack Lutz

"Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis, vol I" - A. N. Kolmogorov & S. V. Fomin

"Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis, vol II" - A. N. Kolmogorov & S. V. Fomin

"Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications" - Erwin Kreyszig

"Introduction to Functional Analysis" - Reinhold Meise & Dietmar Vogt

"Noncommutative Geometry" - Alain Connes

"The Algebra of Proofs, Vol. 88 (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics)" - M. E. Szabo

"Complexity Theory of Real Functions" - Ker-i Ko

"Principles of Algebraic Geometry" - Phillip Griffiths & Joe Harris

"An Introduction to Homological Algebra" - Charles A. Weibel

"Algebraic Geometry and Statistical Learning Theory" - Sumio Watanabe

"Theory of Linear and Integer Programming" - Alexander Schrijver

"Higher Operads, Higher Categories" - Tom Leinster

"Intuitionistic type theory" - Per Martin-Lof

"The calculus of constructions" - T. Coquand, Gérard Huet

"Treatise on Intuitionistic Type Theory" - Johan Georg Granström

"Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras: Volume II. Advanced Theory" - Kadison, Richard V. & Ringrose, John R.

"Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras: Volume I. Elementary Theory" - Kadison, Richard V. & Ringrose, John R.

"Operator Algebras: Theory of C*-Algebras and Von Neumann Algebras" - Bruce Blackadar

"Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras: Volume IV. Special Topics. Advanced Theory - An Exercise Approach" - Kadison, Richard V. & Ringrose, John R.

"Algorithmic Randomness and Complexity" - Rodney G. Downey, Denis R. Hirschfeldt

"Modal Logic" - Patrick Blackburn & Maarten de Rijke & Yde Venema

"Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature" - John M. Lee

"Introduction to Topological Manifolds (Second edition)" - John M. Lee

"Continuous Lattices and Domains" - G. Gierz & K. H. Hofmann & K. Keimel & J. D. Lawson & M. Mislove & D. S. Scott

"Mathematical Theory of Domains" - V. Stoltenberg-Hansen & I. Lindström & E. R. Griffor

"Algebraic Geometry: A First Course (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 133)" - Joe Harris

"Rational Homotopy Theory" - Yves Felix & Steve Halperin & Jean-Claude Thomas

"Basic Proof Theory" - A. S. Troelstra & H. Schwichtenberg

"Computable Analysis" - Oliver Aberth

"Domain Theory" - Samson Abramsky, Achim Jung

"Finite Model Theory and Its Applications" - Erich Grädel & Phokion G. Kolaitis & Leonid Libkin & Maarten Marx & Joel Spencer & Moshe Y. Vardi & Yde Venema & Scott Weinstein

"Probability and Stochastics" - Erhan Çınlar

"Analysis of Boolean Functions" - Ryan O'Donnell

"The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy" - Cynthia Dwork & Aaron Roth

"Algebraic Geometry: Part I: Schemes. With Examples and Exercises" - Ulrich Görtz & Torsten Wedhorn

"Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra" - Siegfried Bosch

"Introduction to Lattices and Order" - B. A. Davey & H. A. Priestley

"The Discrepancy Method: Randomness and Complexity" - Bernard Chazelle

"Topology via Logic" - Steven Vickers

"homotopy theories and model categories" - W.G. Dwyer & J.Spalinski

"Model Categories" - Mark Hovey

"Gray's Atlas of Anatomy" - Richardson, Paul, Drake, Richard, Vogl, A. Wayne, Mitchell, Adam W. M., Tibbitts, Richard

"Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 18E Vol 2 EB" - Dan Longo & Anthony Fauci & Dennis Kasper & Stephen Hauser & J. Jameson & Joseph Loscalzo

"Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, 6th ed." - Sareen S. Gropper & Jack L. Smith

"Organic Chemistry" - David R. Klein

"Organic Chemistry As a Second Language: Second Semester Topics, 3rd edition" - David R. Klein

"Organic Chemistry I as a Second Language: Translating the Basic Concepts" - David R. Klein

"Organic Chemistry, 2ed" - Jonathan Clayden & Nick Greeves & Stuart Warren

"Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History-Taking" - Lynn Bickley

"Handbook of Spatial Logics" - Marco Aiello & Ian Pratt-Hartmann & Johan van Benthem

"General Topology" - Ryszard Engelking

"Topology: Volume II (Volume 2)" - K. Kuratowski

"Topology: Volume I (Volume 1)" - K. Kuratowski

"Classical Mechanics" - John R. Taylor

"Chemistry" - Steven Zumdahl & Susan Zumdahl

"Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)" - Reinhard Diestel

"Graph Theory" - Adrian Bondy & U. S. R. Murty

"The Mathematics of Systems and Control: From Intelligent Control to Behavioral Systems" - Jan Willem Polderman & H. L. Trentelman & Jan C. Willems

"Cellular Automata: A Discrete View of the World" - Joel L. Schiff

"Cellular Automata and Groups" - Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Michel Coornaert

"A New Kind of Science" - Stephen Wolfram

"Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (2nd Edition)" - Randal E. Bryant

"Electricity and Magnetism 3ed" - Edward M. Purcell & David J. Morin

"A First Course in General Relativity" - Bernard Schutz

"Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity" - James B. Hartle

"Gravitation" - Charles W. Misner & Kip S. Thorne & John Archibald Wheeler

"Certified Programming With Dependent Types: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Coq Proof Assistant" - Adam Chlipala

"Spacetime Physics" - Edwin F. Taylor & John Archibald Wheeler

"Introduction to Special Relativity" - Wolfgang Rindler

"Basic Neurochemistry, Eighth Edition: Principles of Molecular, Cellular, and Medical Neurobiology" - Scott Brady & George Siegel & R. Wayne Albers & Donald Price

"Theory of Computational Complexity" - Ding-Zhu Du & Ker-i Ko

"Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms" - Ding-Zhu Du & Ker-i Ko & Xiaodong Hu

"Complex Analysis" - Serge Lang

"Functions of One Complex Variable" - John B Conway

"More Concise Algebraic Topology: Localization, Completion, and Model Categories" - J. P. May & K. Ponto

"Modern Classical Homotopy Theory" - Jeffrey Strom

"Elements of Homotopy Theory" - George W. Whitehead

"Homotopy Theory of Higher Categories: From Segal Categories to N-Categories and Beyond (New Mathematical Monographs)" - Carlos Simpson

"Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics" - V. I. Arnold

"Calculus of Variations (Dover Books on Mathematics)" - I. M. Gelfand & S. V. Fomin

"The Variational Principles Of Mechanics" - Cornelius Lanczos

"Non-Classical Logics and Their Applications to Fuzzy Subsets: A Handbook of the Mathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Set Theory" - Ulrich Höhle & Erich Peter Klement

"Axiomatic Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)" - Xiaodong Liu, Witold Pedrycz

"Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence" - Ivan Bratko

"Complexity Theory for Operators in Analysis" - Akitoshi Kawamura & Stephen Cook

"Classical Field Theory: On Electrodynamics, Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and Gravitation" - Florian Scheck

"Electromagnetic Theory and Computation: A Topological Approach (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications)" - Paul W. Gross

"The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis" - Andreas Kriegl & Peter W. Michor

"The Realizability Approach to Computable Analysis and Topology" - Andrej Bauer

"Homotopy type theory and Voevodsky's univalent foundations" - Álvaro Pelayo & Michael A. Warren

"Parameterized Complexity Theory (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)" - Jorg Flum & Martin Grohe

"Invitation to Fixed Parameter Algorithms (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications Series, #31)" - Rolf Niedermeier

"Parameterized Complexity" - Rodney G. Downey & M. R. Fellows

"Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras: Special Topics Volume III Elementary Theory - an Exercise Approach (Volume 3)" - Kadison, Richard V. & Ringrose, John R.

"Very Large Cardinals" - Peter Koellner

"Set Theory: The Independence Phenomenon" - Peter Koellner

"Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories" - J. Adamek & J. Rosicky

"Lectures on Linear Logic" - A. S. Troelstra

"Logical Foundations of Proof Complexity" - Stephen Cook, Phuong Nguyen

"Introduction to Circuit Complexity: A Uniform Approach" - Heribert Vollmer

"Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition" - Christopher M. Bishop

"Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning Series)" - Kevin P. Murphy

"Reinforcement Learning: State-of-the-Art" - Marco Wiering & Martijn van Otterlo

"Learning From Data" - Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa & Malik Magdon-Ismail & Hsuan-Tien Lin

"Combinatorial Species and Labelled Structures" - Brent Yorgey

"Introduction to Process Algebra" - Wan Fokkink

"Handbook of Process Algebra" - J. A. Bergstra & A. Ponse & S. A. Smolka

"Process Algebra: Equational Theories of Communicating Processes (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)" - J. C. M. Baeten, T. Basten, M. A. Reniers

"Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)" - Michael Alexander & William Gardner

"Resource-Bounded Measure and Randomness" - Klaus Ambos-Spies & Elvira Mayordomo

"Randomness and Completeness in Computational Complexity" - Dieter van Melkebeek

"All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference" - Larry Wasserman

"The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition (Springer Series in Statistics)" - Trevor Hastie & Robert Tibshirani & Jerome Friedman

"Denotational Semantics: A Methodology for Language Development" - David A. Schmidt

"Information Geometry: Near Randomness and Near Independence" - Khadiga Arwini & C. T. J. Dodson & A. J. Doig & W. W. Sampson & J. Scharcanski & S. Felipussi

"Methods of Information Geometry" - Shun-Ichi Amari & Hiroshi Nagaoka

"Notions of computation and monads" - Eugenio Moggi

"Sparsity: Graphs, Structures, and Algorithms" - Jaroslav Nešetril & Patrice Ossona de Mendez

"Institution-Independent Model Theory" - Razvan Diaconescu

"Model Categories and Their Localizations" - Philip S. Hirschhorn

"Homotopy Limit Functors on Model Categories and Homotopical Categories" - William G. Dwyer & Philip S. Hirschhorn & Daniel M. Kan & Jeffrey H. Smith

"Digital Design and Computer Architecture" - Sarah Harris & David Money Harris

"Introduction to the Theory of Distributions" - Friedrich Gerard Friedlander & Mark Suresh Joshi

"Distributions and Operators" - Gerd Grubb


"General Topology" - John Leroy Kelley

"A Gentle Introduction to Type Classes and Relations in Coq" - Pierre Castéran, Matthieu Sozeau

"Neural-Symbolic Cognitive Reasoning" - Artur S. D'Avila Garcez & Luís C. Lamb & Dov M. Gabbay

"Neural-Symbolic Learning Systems" - Artur S. D'Avila Garcez & Krysia Broda & Dov M. Gabbay

"An Elementary Introduction to Modern Convex Geometry" - KEITH BALL

"Functional Analysis" - Walter Rudin

"Topological Vector Spaces (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)" - H. H. Schaefer & M. P. Wolff

"Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering" - Steven Henry Strogatz

"Complex Geometry" - Daniel Huybrechts

"Convex Optimization" - Stephen Boyd & Lieven Vandenberghe

"Convex Optimization Algorithms" - Dimitri P. Bertsekas

"Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning" - David E. Goldberg

"Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis" - James O. Berger

"Differential Geometry and Statistics" - M. K. Murray & J. W. Rice

"Tinnitus Retraining Therapy: Implementing the Neurophysiological Model" - Pawel J. Jastreboff & Jonathan W. P. Hazell

"Discrete Dynamical Systems and Chaotic Machines: Theory and Applications" - Bahi, Jacques

"Discrete Dynamical Systems" - Oded Galor

"A First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems" - Richard Holmgren

"Digital Signal Processing" - John G. Proakis & Dimitris G. Manolakis

"Stochastic Processes: Theory for Applications" - Robert G. Gallager

"Engineering Circuit Analysis" - William Hart Hayt & Jack Ellsworth Kemmerly & Steven M. Durbin

"Computational Homology (Applied Mathematical Sciences)" - Tomasz Kaczynski, Konstantin Mischaikow, Marian Mrozek

"Ergodic Theory and Information" - Patrick Billingsley

"An Introduction to Ergodic Theory" - Peter Walters

"Statistical Mechanics" - R K Pathria & Paul D. Beale

"Statistical Physics of Fields" - Kardar, Mehran

"Solutions manual to Kardar" - Kardar, Mehran

"A Modern Course in Statistical Physics" - L. E. Reichl

"Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction, 2nd Edition" - Walter A. Strauss

"Mathematical Linguistics" - Andras Kornai


"Principles of Corporate Finance" - Richard A. Brealey & Stewart C. Myers & Franklin Allen

"Principles of Economics 5th ed" - Robert Frank & Ben Bernanke & Kate Antonovics & Ori Heffetz

"Principles of Economics" - N. Mankiw

"Nonparametric Statistics" - Gregory W. Corder, Dale I. Foreman

"Learning Theory : An Approximation Theory Viewpoint" - FELIPE CUCKER & DING-XUAN ZHOU

"A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition" - Luc Devroye, László Györfi, Gábor Lugosi

"Neural Network Learning: Theoretical Foundations" - Martin Anthony

"Neural Networks and Learning Machines, Third Edition" - Simon Haykin

"Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite Dimensional Systems" - Eduardo D. Sontag

"Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" - Richard S. Sutton & Andrew G. Barto

"Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method" - Reuven Y. Rubinstein & Dirk P. Kroese

"Martingale Limit Theory and Its Application" - P. Hall & C. C. Heyde

"The Princeton Companion to Mathematics" - Timothy Gowers & June Barrow-Green & Imre Leader

"The Radon Transform and Some of Its Applications" - Stanley Roderick Deans

"Geometric Analysis on Symmetric Spaces" - Sigurdur Helgason

"Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Equations of Life" - Martin A. Nowak

"Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization: A Basic Course (Applied Optimization)" - Yurii Nesterov

"One Thousand Exercises in Probability" - Geoffrey Grimmett & David Stirzaker

"Intuitive Combinatorial Topology" - V. G. Boltyanskii & V. A. Efremovich & J. Stillwell & A. Shenitzer

"Stochastic Approximation and Its Applications" - Han-Fu Chen

"Lectures on Polytopes (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 152)" - Günter M. Ziegler

"Combinatorial Commutative Algebra" - Ezra Miller & Bernd Sturmfels

"Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra" - Richard Stanley

"Cohen-Macaulay Rings (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)" - Winfried Bruns & H. Jürgen Herzog

"Sheaf Theory" - Glen E. Bredon

"Linear Representations of Finite Groups (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (V. 42)" - Jean-Pierre Serre

"Approach Spaces: The Missing Link in the Topology-Uniformity-Metric Triad (Oxford Mathematical Monographs)" - Robert Lowen

"Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes: With Applications to Statistics" - A. W. van Der Vaart & Jon Wellner

"The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory (Information Science and Statistics)" - Vladimir Vapnik

"Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" - John L. Hennessy & David A. Patterson

"The Geometry of Syzygies: A Second Course in Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra" - David Eisenbud

"Combinatorial Algebraic Topology" - Dmitry Kozlov

"Algebraic Complexity Theory" - Peter Bürgisser & Michael Clausen & Amin Shokrollahi

"Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry" - Marvin Lee Minsky & Seymour Papert

"Introduction to Compact Transformation Groups, Volume 46 (Pure and Applied Mathematics)" - Glen E. Bredon

"Random Walks on Disordered Media and Their Scaling Limits: École D'Été De Probabilités De Saint-Flour XL - 2010" - Takashi Kumagai

"Principles of Condensed Matter Physics" - P. M. Chaikin & T. C. Lubensky

"Statistical Physics of Particles" - Mehran Kardar

"An Introduction to Difference Equations" - Saber N. Elaydi

"Differential-Difference Equations" - Richard Ernest Bellman, Kenneth L. Cooke

"Information, Physics, and Computation (Oxford Graduate Texts)" - Marc Mézard, Andrea Montanari

"Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing: An Introduction" - Hidetoshi Nishimori

"Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer" - Judea Pearl & Madelyn Glymour & Nicholas P. Jewell

..to be continued..


"Additive Combinatorics (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)" - Terence Tao

"Lie Groups: An Approach Through Invariants and Representations (Universitext)" - Claudio Procesi

"Algebraic Geometry in Coding Theory and Cryptography" - HARALD NIEDERREITER & CHAOPING XING

"Representation Theory of Finite Monoids" - Benjamin Steinberg

"Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Theory" - Carl M. Bender & Steven A. Orszag

"Percolation" - Geoffrey Grimmett

"Complexity and Criticality" - Kim Christensen & Nicholas R. Moloney

"Catastrophe Theory" - V. I Arnold

"Topics in Random Matrix Theory" - Terence Tao

"Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results" - David Ruelle

"Distributed Computing Through Combinatorial Topology" - Maurice Herlihy & Sergio Rajsbaum

"Higher Order Fourier Analysis" - Terence Tao

"Random Matrices, Volume 142, Third Edition (Pure and Applied Mathematics)" - Madan Lal Mehta

"Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms" - Bernhard Korte & Jens Vygen

"Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis" - Michael Mitzenmacher & Eli Upfal

"The Design of Approximation Algorithms" - David P. Williamson

"The Probabilistic Method (Wiley Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization)" - Noga Alon & Joel H. Spencer

"Oriented Matroids" - Anders Björner, Michel Las Vergnas, Bernd Sturmfels, Neil White, Günter M. Ziegler

"Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction With Applications" - Bernt Oksendal

"The Fokker-Planck Equation: Methods of Solution and Applications" - Hannes Risken

"Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations: Fundamentals and Applications" - T. D. Frank

"Neuro-Dynamic Programming" - Dimitri P. Bertsekas & John N. Tsitsiklis

"Abstract Dynamic Programming" - Dimitri P. Bertsekas

"Stochastic Approximation Algorithms and Applications" - Harold Joseph Kushner & George Yin

"Stability Theory by Liapunov's Second Method" - Taro Yoshizawa

"Introduction to Toric Varieties" - William Fulton

"Toric varieties" - David Cox, John Little, Hal Schenck

"Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 6th Edition" - George B. Arfken

"Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner's Guide" - Frank Morgan

"Geometric Measure Theory" - Herbert Federer

"Lectures on Geometric Measure Theory" - Leon Simon & Australian National University. Centre For Mathematical Analysis

"Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions, Revised Edition" - Lawrence Craig Evans & Ronald F. Gariepy

"Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces: Fractals and Rectifiability" - Pertti Mattila

"Free Probability and Random Matrices" - James A. Mingo & Roland Speicher

"The Dynamical System Generated by the 3n+1 Function" - Günther J. Wirsching

"Introduction to Finance: Markets, Investments, and Financial Management, 16th Edition: Markets, Investments, and Financial Management" - Ronald W. Melicher & Edgar A. Norton

"Exponential Sums and Their Applications" - N.m Korobov

"A Course in P-Adic Analysis" - Alain M. Robert

"Transcendental and Algebraic Numbers" - A. O. Gelfond & Leo F. Boron

"Introduction to Analytic Number Theory" - Tom M. Apostol

"What Is a Quantum Field Theory?" - Michel Talagrand

"Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity, Pearson New International Edition" - James B. Hartle

"Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field: How Two Men Revolutionized Physics" - Nancy Forbes & Basil Mahon

"Optimal Transport: Old and New" - Cédric Villani

"Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses: Volume II: Advanced Replica-Symmetry and Low Temperature" - Michel Talagrand

"Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses: Volume I: Basic Examples" - Michel Talagrand

"Quantum Physics: A Functional Integral Point of View" - James Glimm & Arthur Jaffe

"Introduction to Conformal Field Theory: With Applications to String Theory (Lecture Notes in Physics)" - Ralph Blumenhagen, Erik Plauschinn

"Upper and Lower Bounds for Stochastic Processes: Modern Methods and Classical Problems" - Michel Talagrand

"The Generic Chaining: Upper and Lower Bounds of Stochastic Processes" - Michel Talagrand

"Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2014–2016" - Bo'Az Klartag & Emanuel Milman

"Random Fields and Geometry" - R. J. Adler & Jonathan E. Taylor


💡 A𝕀²·ℙarad𝕚gm-Intelligence as a Service v1~v4范式迭代简介

AI范儿A𝕀²·ℙarad𝕚g𝕞从V1到V4的迭代,是一种全新的尝试,基本是沿着:“从GPT现象·看Prompt本质·找创投应用方向“这样的路径,在“AI范儿”社区一众群友prompt下共创并逐步思考迭代的过程。当前v4.0版本涵盖如下内容:1*整体框架与范式路径:(human level)Intelligence as a Service整体框架,与炼丹、挖矿、化身、具生4原生商业范式迭代路径2*服务路径:模型原生(models native)服务路径与卖铲子(shovels selling)服务路径

3*智能发展路径:通用人工智能(AGI)发展路径、面向个人智能伴侣(PIA)发展路径以及硅基原生(Silicon Stack)智能发展路径

范式思维升级:v4版A𝕀²·ℙarad𝕚gm范式框架一个重大升级就是思维范式的变化,研究对象从GPT现象上升到智能现象,同时纳入了和人类及其组织智能对等的硅基原生智能及其生态,甚至在具有某种自主意识的AI智能体“具生”范式里,考虑在world of bits的纯数字世界里,和人类无关的agent形态。对等智能体分别为Human Intelligence Species(含群体组织)与 Silicon Native Entities(含群体生态),区别为human是否in loop。因此对等智能体之间的价值交互可分为:
  • AI对于人类智能的增强
  • AI对于人类智能的替代
  • AI智能本体的自主化


▩炼丹(pre-training) (v1. AIGC) - tokens as a service [~AGI/ASI]

▩挖矿(prompting) (v1. AIGC) - prompts as a service [~GPT agents]

▩化身(fine-tuning) (v2&v4. Models Anywhere&Anyone) - models as a service [~in-devices&on-premises agents]

▩具生(agents) (v3&v4. Promptless) - agents as a service [~world of atoms&bits | human in loop & Silicon Native Entities]
△附:A𝕀²·ℙarad𝕚gm-Intelligence as a Service v1-v4范式迭代路径简介版

说明:转发传播请注明出处,A𝕀²·ℙarad𝕚gm-Intelligence as a Service商业范式研究框架版权归AI平方范式智库所有。




互为Prompt | 大型语言模型的预训练·GPT智能到底意味着什么?

AI平方范式智库·访谈系列E01S01 | AI大神Ilya访谈揭秘GPT-4成功背后的关键

AI平方范式智库·访谈系列E02S01 | Ilya的AGI信念-Feel the AGI

AI平方范式智库·访谈系列E03S01 | 从预训练模型到可靠可用AGI











