
OpenAI 大地震:Sam Altman 和 Greg Brockman 离职,微软加强与 OpenAI 合作!

lencx 浮之静 2023-11-18


  • Sam Altman 发帖(前 OpenAI 联合创始人): 表达了对在 OpenAI 的时光的喜爱,称这段经历对他个人具有革命性意义,并希望对世界也有些许影响。他特别强调喜爱与才华横溢的团队成员一起工作,并表示将在稍后公布其接下来的计划。

    • 目前 Sam 的信息已经更新为个人 Blog 地址了(blog.samaltman.com[1]),我大致浏览了一下,内容特别多,几乎都是关于创业和个人思考的东西,值得仔细研读。

    • 其他信息:在这之前,Sam 曾与苹果公司前首席设计官 Jony Ive 谈论过制造“人工智能的 iPhone” 的想法,尽管奥特曼在最近的《华尔街日报》会议上淡化了这些传闻。他还是 Humane 的最大股东,该公司刚刚推出了其 Humane AI Pin 的订单(相关阅读:Details emerge on Jony Ive and OpenAI’s plan to build the ‘iPhone of artificial intelligence’[2]Don’t get your hopes up for an ‘iPhone of AI’ from OpenAI and Jony[3]Humane's AI gadget plans include becoming an MVNO[4]Humane officially launches the AI Pin, its OpenAI-powered wearable[5])。

  • Greg Brockman 发帖(OpenAI 的总裁兼联合创始人): 在得知讯息后,向 OpenAI 团队发送了一条消息,表达了他对团队一起创造的成就的自豪之情。他提到自公司 8 年前在他公寓成立以来所经历的艰难和美好时光,并宣布了他的辞职决定。他表示仍然相信创造能惠及全人类的安全通用人工智能(AGI)的使命。

  • Satya Nadella 发帖(微软公司董事长兼首席执行官):正如你们在本周的 Microsoft Ignite 大会上所见,我们正在为这个人工智能时代持续快速创新,发布了超过 100 项公告,涵盖了从 Azure 的人工智能系统、模型和工具到 Copilot 的完整技术栈。最重要的是,我们致力于在为未来打基础的同时,将所有这些成果交付给我们的客户。我们与 OpenAI 有一项长期协议,可以充分获取我们为实现创新议程和激动人心的产品路线图所需的一切;并且我们仍然致力于我们的合作伙伴关系,以及与 Mira 和团队的合作。我们将共同继续将这项技术的有意义益处带给世界。

  • 独家爆料: 据独家新闻报道,预计当晚将有更多 OpenAI 的高层人员离职,且预计 Sam 会发表声明。报道指出,公司内部盈利与非盈利支持者之间存在“不一致”,其中开发者日(关于 DevDay:OpenAI 开发者大会速览:GPTs 和模型 API)被提及为一个争议点。有消息称,在 Sam 的领导下,公司朝着盈利方向发展,发展速度可能过快且风险较高,这与致力于更多安全与谨慎的非盈利部分存在分歧。Sam 一方的人士对此有不同看法,一些人称之为“政变”,而另一些人认为这是正确的举措。报道还指出,尽管这种解释似乎更合理,但科技社区充满了各种谣言,因此还有许多消息值得质疑。

  • 匿名爆料:一个匿名 Reddit 账户发布了关于 OpenAI 前首席执行官 Sam 的情况,提出了一系列指控。该账户称,Sam 在推动技术快速上市方面忽视了安全审查,专注于个人名利而违背了公司作为负责任非营利组织的原则。更进一步,他被指责单方面做出偏离公司使命的利润导向决策。当他提议建立 GPT 商店和实行收益分享时,这被视为违背了公司的核心价值观,导致董事会决定撤销他的首席执行官职务。同时,Greg Brockman 因支持 Sam 的行为也受到了问责,并从其职位上退下。现在,前首席技术官 Mira Murati 接任首席执行官,带来了重回公司以工程为驱动、安全开发 AI 以造福世界而非仅仅追求股东利益的希望。

    • 这里其实我有一些疑问,匿名是否可靠,其次是 Sam 在 DevDay 上发表的一系列演讲真的只是个人决策?

  • OpenAI 发文:首席技术官 Mira Murati 被任命为临时 CEO,带领 OpenAI;Sam Altman 离开公司,Greg Brockman 辞去董事会主席职务。


i loved my time at openai. it was transformative for me personally, and hopefully the world a little bit. most of all i loved working with such talented people.

will have more to say about what’s next later.

After learning today’s news, this is the message I sent to the OpenAI team:

hi everyone,

i'm super proud of what we've all built together since starting in my apartment 8 years ago. we've been through tough & great times together, accomplishing so much despite all the reasons it should have been impossible.

but based on today's news, i quit.

genuinely wishing you all nothing but the best. i continue to believe in the mission of creating safe AGI that benefits all of humanity.

As you saw at Microsoft Ignite this week, we're continuing to rapidly innovate for this era of AI, with over 100 announcements across the full tech stack – from AI systems, models, and tools in Azure, to Copilot. Most importantly, we're committed to delivering all of this to our customers while building for the future. We have a long-term agreement with OpenAI with full access to everything we need to deliver on our innovation agenda and an exciting product roadmap; and remain committed to our partnership, and to Mira and the team. Together, we will continue to deliver the meaningful benefits of this technology to the world.

Scoop: There are about to be a lot more major departures of top folks at @OpenAI[6] tonight and I assume Altman will make a statement tonight. But, as I understand it, it was a “misalignment” of the profit versus nonprofit adherents at the company. The developer day was an issue.

Sources tell me that the profit direction of the company under Altman and the speed of development, which could be seen as too risky, and the nonprofit side dedicated to more safety and caution were at odds. One person on the Sam side called it a “coup,” while another said it was the the right move.

This seems more plausible, but the tech community is also rife with rumors of all kinds, some really out there. A lot of questionable incoming, for sure.

I feel compelled as someone close to the situation to share additional context about Sam and company. Engineers raised concerns about rushing tech to market without adequate safety reviews in the race to capitalize on ChatGPT hype. But Sam charged ahead. That's just who he is. Wouldn't listen to us. His focus increasingly seemed to be fame and fortune, not upholding our principles as a responsible nonprofit. He made unilateral business decisions aimed at profits that diverged from our mission. When he proposed the GPT store and revenue sharing, it crossed a line. This signaled our core values were at risk, so the board made the tough decision to remove him as CEO. Greg also faced some accountability and stepped down from his role. He enabled much of Sam's troubling direction. Now our former CTO, Mira Murati, is stepping in as CEO. There is hope we can return to our engineering-driven mission of developing Al safely to benefit the world, and not shareholders.

OpenAI 发文

OpenAI announces leadership transition[7]

首席技术官 Mira Murati 被任命为临时 CEO,带领 OpenAI;Sam Altman 离开公司。


负责所有 OpenAI 活动的整体管理机构 501(c)(3) 公司 OpenAI, Inc. 的董事会今天宣布,Sam Altman 将辞去 CEO 职务并离开董事会。公司的首席技术官 Mira Murati 将立即担任临时 CEO。

作为 OpenAI 领导团队的成员五年之久,Mira 在 OpenAI 成长为全球 AI 领导者的过程中发挥了关键作用。她拥有独特的技能组合,了解公司的价值观、运营和业务,并已经领导公司的研究、产品和安全功能。鉴于她长期的任职和对公司各个方面的密切参与,包括她在 AI 治理和政策方面的经验,董事会认为她对这个角色具有独特的资格,并预计在正式寻找永久 CEO 的过程中,转型将会顺利进行。

Altman 先生的离职是在董事会经过深思熟虑的审查过程后作出的,该过程得出结论认为他在与董事会的沟通中并不始终如一地坦率,妨碍了其履行职责的能力。董事会不再对他继续领导 OpenAI 感到有信心。

董事会在一份声明中说:“OpenAI 的创建是为了推进我们的使命:确保人工通用智能惠及全人类。董事会仍然全力支持这一使命。我们感谢 Sam 对 OpenAI 的创立和增长所做的诸多贡献。同时,我们认为随着公司的发展,新的领导层是必要的。作为公司研究、产品和安全功能的领导者,Mira 非常有资格担任临时 CEO。我们对她在这个过渡期间领导 OpenAI 的能力充满信心。”

OpenAI 的董事会由 OpenAI 首席科学家 Ilya Sutskever、独立董事、Quora CEO Adam D'Angelo、科技企业家 Tasha McCauley 以及乔治城安全与新兴技术中心的 Helen Toner 组成。

作为这一过渡的一部分,Greg Brockman 将辞去董事会主席职务,并将继续在公司担任其角色,向 CEO 汇报。

OpenAI 于 2015 年作为非盈利机构成立,其核心使命是确保人工通用智能惠及全人类。2019 年,OpenAI 进行了重组,以确保公司能够在追求这一使命的过程中筹集资本,同时保留非营利性质的使命、治理和监督。董事会的大多数成员是独立的,独立董事不持有 OpenAI 的股权。尽管公司经历了显著增长,但董事会的根本治理责任是推进 OpenAI 的使命,并保持其宪章的原则。



blog.samaltman.com: https://blog.samaltman.com


Details emerge on Jony Ive and OpenAI’s plan to build the ‘iPhone of artificial intelligence’: https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/28/23893939/jony-ive-openai-sam-altman-iphone-of-artificial-intelligence-device


Don’t get your hopes up for an ‘iPhone of AI’ from OpenAI and Jony: https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/17/23921942/dont-get-your-hopes-up-for-an-iphone-of-ai-from-openai-and-jony-ive


Humane's AI gadget plans include becoming an MVNO: https://www.lowpass.cc/p/humane-ai-pin-cellular-mvno-sam-altman


Humane officially launches the AI Pin, its OpenAI-powered wearable: https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/9/23953901/humane-ai-pin-launch-date-price-openai


@OpenAI: https://twitter.com/OpenAI


OpenAI announces leadership transition: https://openai.com/blog/openai-announces-leadership-transition


