

Thomas Huebl 晓堂TANGSPACE 2020-09-15











Many many people wake up in the morning and go to bed, with text messages, with whatsapp messages, with emails. So we are constantly connected in the middle of night, the phone is blipping. So it might reduce our sleeping time.


We might have families, we might have commitment in culture. We might want to do spiritual practice, we might also love to enjoy our life. So there are many things that seems to be more and more squeeze into our 24-hour  schedule.


And so I believe that there is literally an amazing change going on in our world, that we are being born into a new age. A new age that is also defined by new technology, but also by the fact that our world came together on our mobile phones, so that we are exposed to a lot of information instantly often around the world. So that we are been born into a global citizenship.


Even though recently more and more nationalistic tendencies try to rebalance a movement that actually we cannot stop. 


We are also in a world that also become more and more mentalized. Sometimes disconnected with more and more from our emotions, our physical experience, and we also live in a world where a lot of trauma is being inflicted every day.


So one could say, wow, we are literally living in a very complex world, and there are obvious reasons to be stressed. We can be stressed if we lose our job, we can be stressed if something happen to our relationship, or we might not find a relationship. We might be stressed about the overall course of the world. 


But actually, I think at the end, it boils down to two types, two aspects. It boils down to stress that I would love to call shadow of integration stress, and then there is another kind of stress that is evolutionary stress or developmental stress. 



Integration of shadow stress means it is a signpost to my past. For example, I go to a job interview, and I am stressed before. Maybe I’m excited, maybe I’m afraid, maybe I have a strong demand in myself that I need to be in a certain way. 


But whatever it is, there is an underlying dimension, of emotional feeling of awareness, that most probably is not fully included. There might be many other exams, or situations that a part of my moment that have nothing to do with this moment.


So actually, my past is like a movie advertisement, or movie commercials that are being projected on top of the main movie. And of course in a stronger version, all the traumatizing aspects in my past will definitely speak a lot of voice in the stressful moments of today, so that means that the challenging or difficult moments of my life are literally signpost to growth.


And I think every serious practitioner of inner work of inner development that everybody who wants to manifest more of his or her potential in the world, needs certain kinds of practice that we can no longer live difficult moments in our life.


I think we need deeper practice and more serious look at our life to find out what is actually the composition, what is the orchestra playing in the difficult moment.  



And then there is other part that relates more to what I said before, what I would call, evolutionary stress. That’s when somebody that wants to run 100 meters in 0.1 second faster, or 0.2 seconds faster, which means these qualities in our life that needs to expand and grow with the change of the world. 

同时,还有另外一种类型的压力,我称之为“进化发展压力”。 就像是一个百米运动员想要把成绩提高0.1或0.2秒那样,这种压力的产生是因为随着世界的变化,生命中的一些素质需要拓展、成长。

And I believe we are growing into a time, that already started, which is finding out that lots of structures in our culture are going to change, and that many people will be called to change. So there is one way, where I resist the change, and I resist that development. 


And there is another way, where I align with the development in a grounded way, and therefore, the second part of the big chunk which we might call stress, is actually evolution knocking at our door, and saying it’s time to move, and it’s time to move, sometimes it’s time to move our relationship, sometimes it’s to move at work, sometime it’s time to move in a way that we relate to our culture.

不过,我还有另一个选择,就是用一种落地的方式与发展同步。在这种情况下,我所谓的难以下咽的“压力”, 其实是“进化”在敲门,它在门外说“是时候改变了”。 这种改变,有时是关系需要改变,有时是工作方式需要改变,有时是我们与文化连接的方式需要改变。

But there is often in us, a deeper knowing when it’s time to move. And often change scares us. Change is something that sounds simple when it is a predictable change. But it is not easy very often when it is unpredictable change. It’s easy when it is changing in the direction that I like. But sometimes it’s harder when life is change in a way that I don’t like so much. 

其实我们内在更深的层面早已知道“是时候改变了”, 只不过我们惧怕这种改变。当变化在预料之中时,我们很容易接纳它;但在预料之外时,我们就很抗拒变化。当变化如我所愿时,我就很容易接纳它;当事与愿违时,我就很抗拒变化。

So when evolution pushes, I might experience this as stress, when life gets faster, I might experience this as stress. If structure in a culture runs change, I might experience this as stress. And I might also see another person as stress, so then we reconfirm with each other the stress that life seems to make.


But if I’m willing to move, if I am willing to take on the challenge to move, and I’m willing to expand my life, so then what I call stress in the first place, is actually invitation to growth, to become a new future. 


推荐阅读:托马斯·希伯尔 | 透明沟通-压力转化与创造觉醒之路



