
【04.14 SAT】2018影响城市之声 | 鲸鱼马戏团SOLO SET初公开

2018-04-03 乐空间SPACE

【2018影响城市之声】Showcase 4月14日 @乐空间


场地Venue:乐空间Yue Space


Li Xingyu of Whale CircusA公馆Residence A 

酸性事件Acid Accident

票价Ticket:预售Presale: 80RMB 现场Door: 100 RMB

Scan the QR code to get tickets



In this show, you can enjoy the rare solo performance of Li Xingyu, the soul of  WHALE CIRCUS , whose set is totally different from the band’s.

Residence A is good at building a particular atmosphere, which makes their works get huge attention from film industry. They will perform many famous songs created by themselves in their fabulous performing condition. 

Acid Accident is a band that hopes to keep distance from this modern world and insist to express self reflection by playing traditional 3-pieces of a rock band . However, Backspace is a little different and they only want to use the lofi guitar’s riff to send you to sit on the chair in the cloud.



Backspace 乐队2016年7月成立于北京。四位成员均来自南方的一个小城市。三年前他们更多谈论的是摇滚乐前身,现在则投身于新的浪潮之中,从作品里可以听出Television, Joy Division,Franz Ferdinand, La Femme对乐队的影响,但创作中他们明白他们所想的表达内容和方式,不拘泥于固定的音乐风格。如同“Backspace” 一词,这是一支充满数字化时代年轻人敏感气质的乐队。干燥而神经质的双吉他打底,简洁的贝斯与果敢有力的鼓混合,制造出反射现实空虚无聊之声。而充满失落感和反复质问句式的歌词则为他们拒绝进入污秽的成人世界的表态,让人联想起美国垮掉一代,充满随意性和挑衅性。自成立起,乐队就迅速在北京各地下现场音乐场景中活跃起来。同年,由杨海崧主持,加入独立集体Nerd Noise,并参与Nerd Noise青年噪音计划首张合辑。这些小伙子并非激进,对于乐队的发展,他们说,“认真,然后顺其自然”

Backspace 2016 7 Television, Joy Division, Franz Ferdinand, La Femme Jangly indie rock band Backspace has only been active since late this summer, but that hasn’t stopped them from picking up some traction, opening for bands across China, recording with the one and only Yang Haisong, and joining underground indie collective, Nerd Noise --- expect big things from these cats in 2017.

李星宇(鲸鱼马戏团)Li Xingyu of Whale Circus

1985年生于北京。独立音乐人、独立音乐制作人、声音艺术家、录音工程师以及音乐教师。拥有个人音乐项目“鲸鱼马戏团”,至今已发行3张录音室专辑,另有跨界创作不计其数。 48 31197 48 14939 0 0 1568 0 0:00:19 0:00:09 0:00:10 3284时发起声音艺术项目“52Hz声音馆”,首个子项目“亚马逊寻声计划”广受关注。作为声学空间设计师,他参与设计建筑声学100余座,遍及中国各地。通过与电影、舞蹈、戏剧和动画等不同领域艺术家的合作,李星宇不断探索尝试音乐及声音艺术的更多可能。他同时也是第一个入选柏林电影节天才训练营的中国作曲家。

Born in Beijing, 1985 Composer, Producer, Sound artist, Acoustic engineer, Music teacher.He founded personal music project 'Whale Circus' and ‘52Hz Sound Cabinet’. Up to now, he has released three studio albums and several cross-border original music compositions.As a sound space designer, he participated in the design of over 100 recording studios, sound facilities and buildings. He’s also the first Chinese composer selected by the Berlinale Talents Campus.He’s always exploring the possibilities of music and sound art by collaborating with artists in different fields.

A公馆Residence A

2009年12月乐队成立于北京,独立音乐届的佼佼者,天马星空不拘泥于形式,不断的追求新的感觉与精致的现场演出。音乐作品新颖并且独特,几乎囊括了英式,电子,氛围,disco,grunge,后摇,后朋克,新浪潮等等,像是学习了很多高深的武功秘籍后,自创了黯然销魂掌的意思。四个人由内而外的音乐气息,给观众以及听众带来属于时代的听觉与视觉盛宴。2009年首张EP《A》,2012年《请用身体杂碎欲望逃生》,2013年EP《这个时代的爱》,新专辑即将发布。2013年参加日本Summer Sonic 音乐节,2016年参加俄罗斯V-ROX音乐节。2017年,和伍仕贤导演导演合作电影《反转人生》插曲:《送春》,《放漾》,《Don’t let me go》,《Love you》。2017参加第二期江苏卫视《中国乐队》。

Residence A was formed in Beijing in 2009. Its four members, Zhao Zhao, Xiao Bing, Chen Shao and Zhao Ning, bonded by the shared passion for music and the single-minded pursuit of rock dreams, have together gone through great length to take the band to where it is today.The band has so far released three albums, all receiving universal acclaim from fans and critics alike.

Residence A has a very international and diversified style to its music. Typical northerners in China and quite traditional in character, they sing with a distinct tinge of northern flavor while sounding rather avant garde in their music, something they masterly do to their own ecstasy.In 2013, they performed Summer Sonic Festival in Japan, In 2016, they performed V-ROX Festival in Russia. In 2017, We cooperate with Dayyan Dag who make the movie《反转人生(Wished)》in 2017.Our four songs :《送春》,《放漾》,《Love you》,《Don’t   let   me  Go》.And they take part in 《Chinese band》Jiangsu Satelite TV.

酸性事件Acid Accident


Acid Accident is an instrumental alt-rock trio founded in Beijing in 2016. Their music is driven by a majestic mix of raw emotion, resulting in tense live performances that contrast gentle reflection with explosive aggression, and flow from strict syncopation to experimental chaos. By integrating a range of influences and sound effects with a desire to explore and push the boundaries of conventional music, Acid Accident delivers a dramatic and highly visual sound experience. If you're tired of routine, this may be what you've been looking for.

