
WeChat ID mglx01 Intro 美国留学党,分享最新美国留学资讯,发布美国留学申请最全面的信息,助力中国学子美国留学梦想! ☀ 关注美国留学党,获得最靠谱美国留学信息资讯 Winston Churchill: We will cite him in our speeches 温斯顿·丘吉尔:我们将会在我们演说中提到他 At odds with Europe, Britain pines for a strong andstable leader. 因为与欧洲不和,英国希望有一个强壮且坚韧的领导者。   In a country led by the weak and wobbly, a hulking figure from the past looms larger thanever.   在一个由软弱并且拿不定主意的领导人带领下的国家,曾经伟岸的形象如今更是大放异彩。   “Forward, Together”, the title of Theresa May's election manifesto, was borrowed fromWinston Churchill's first speech as prime minister in the House of Commons in 1940.   《一起前进》是特蕾莎·梅的选举宣言的标题,借用了丘吉尔在1940作为首相在议会下院的第一次演讲内容。   Fans of Jeremy Corbyn claim that the crowds at Labour's rallies were as big as those drawn bythe British Bulldog.   杰里米·科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)的粉丝称工党集会的人群和被摔角明星英国拳师犬(the BritishBulldog)吸引过来的人一样的多。   Liberal Democrats can choose to put a photo of him on their party membership card—nevermind that he spent most of his career representing the Conservatives.   (英国)自由民主党可以选择将他的照片放在他们的党员证上,而不介意他大部分的时间都是代表保守党的。   Churchill has been invoked on both sides of the Brexit debate. 丘吉尔受到了“英国脱欧”辩论双方的引用。   Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary and bestselling biographer of “the greatest statesman thiscountry has produced in the last 200 years, if not ever”, opined that Churchill “would definitelycampaign for us to leave”.   鲍里斯·约翰逊是外交大臣,也是丘吉尔畅销传记的作者,传记称他为“本国近200年、甚至有史以来最伟大的政治家”,他认为丘吉尔“一定会为我们发起脱欧运动”。   David Cameron noted that he “argued passionately for western Europe to come together” afterthe second world war, making him a Remainer.   戴维·卡梅伦则强调,丘吉尔在二战后“充满激情地主张西欧团结一致”,因此他一定是留欧派。   And Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament's Brexit point-man, stated that Leavers had“squandered Churchill's legacy”.   欧洲议会里脱欧争论的尖兵伏思达说脱欧派“已经挥霍了丘吉尔的遗产”。   This renewed obsession has been reflected in popular culture, too.   这种复兴的迷恋也反映在主流文化中。   Recently Churchill has been hobbling across television and film screens more than ever.   最近丘吉尔比以往更加频繁的出现在电视和电影画面中。   “Churchill's Secret”, a made-for-TV film released inFebruary 2016, and “The Crown”, a series whichmade its debut on Netflix in November 2016, focused on his second term as prime minister, from1951 to 1955, but used this to consider his formerglory and highlight the respect he commandedacross the parliamentary divide.   电视电影《丘吉尔的秘密》发行于2016年2月,2016年11月在网飞公司首次登台亮相的电视剧《皇冠》讲述丘吉尔在1951年到1955年作为首相的第二个任期,着重叙述了他过往的荣誉并且突出刻画了他在议会分歧中所受到的尊重。   The second season of “The Crown”, expected this year, is likely to cover Churchill's death in1965, allowing for further reflections on his greatness.   《皇冠》第二季有望在今年播出,将可能会覆盖到1965年丘吉尔逝世,也会涉及到他更加深刻的伟大之处。   “Churchill”, the latest film, will be released in Britain on June 16th; it follows the prime ministeras he clashes with allied military commanders in the lead-up to the D-Day landings.   最新的电影《丘吉尔》将于6月16日在英国发行,它着重讲述了作为首相的他与联盟的军事指挥官在准备诺曼底登陆时的分歧。   Hagiographic in tone, its script contains such gems as “I just saved the war!”, “You'll alwaysbe the man who led us through this” and “It's no easy matter being a leader.”   它的脚本以一种理想化传记的口吻讲述,其中包括“我刚刚挽救了战争”、“你是带领我们战胜这一切的人”和“成为领袖并非易事”之类的话。   Viewers can expect more of the same fare from “Darkest Hour”, a film set in 1940 that is dueto be released in January next year.   将于明年一月发行的《黑暗时刻》的背景定于1940年,观众可以看到更多类似的情节。   Churchill will doubtless be evoked throughout the Brexit negotiations.   在英国退欧谈判中无疑将唤起对于丘吉尔的记忆。   But the effect may be more poignant than stirring.   而这种效果可能比所谓的激动人心更为深刻。   On hearing that the great statesman had died, Charles de Gaulle, his French counterpart, remarked: “Britain is no longer a great power.”   当听到这位伟大的政治家逝世时,法国总统戴高乐曾说:“英国不再是一个大国了。”   As the country begins haggling for a new place in the world, with no steady hand at therudder, the truth of that remark will become painfully clear.   当一个国家开始为了在世界上的一个新的定位而讨价还价却没有一双有力的手来掌握方向时,戴高乐总统的那句话就显得格外清晰。 重点词组 1.at odds with 与...不和 例句:The couple are at odds with each other again. 两口子又在闹别扭了。 2.popular culture 流行文化;主流文化 例句:Their songs have become part of popularculture. 他们的歌已经成为了流行文化的一部分。 3.the Second World War 二战 例句:He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War. 第二次世界大战爆发时他被作为敌国侨民扣押了。 4.prime minister 首相 例句:He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour and a half. 他和日本首相会晤了一个半小时。 5.focused on 专注于 例句:Every eye at the conference was focused onthe rostrum. 代表们的眼光都集注在大会主席台上。 6.no longer 不再 例句:They no longer had him as a friend. 他们再也不把他看成朋友了。 7.due to 由于 例句:In part this attitude was due to fear of trade union and employee reactions. 在某种程度上,这一态度是由于害怕工会和雇员的反应。 8.military commanders 军事指挥官 例句:Only a handful of military commanders and tacticians have ever achieved this rigorouscertification. 只有少数的军事指挥官和谋士曾经达到这一严格的认证。 了解更多: ❀美国留学|美国本科留学和研究生留学申请的区别 ❀美国留学|美国高中面试有哪些套路要避免 ❀美国留学|双语阅读 中澳关系 中国在澳洲投资 点击阅读原文 免费领取留学方案哦 亲爱的小伙伴: 关于留学的任何疑问 可以随时咨询小师姐 长按指纹,识别二维码 即可添加小师姐为好友 Reward 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

