
Vagina Project | 灰粉色运动!

2016-06-20 Vagina Project VaginaProject
有一天晚上就像今天这样昏暗的一个夜晚他将我捆绑哭着进入了它进入了我的阴道它曾经是一条流淌的河流但现在它变成了黑暗中干涸的河道一条一条 都是撕裂的痕迹 我看到他手腕上的血流向我的眼睛就好像我第一夜的血流向他的身体我看到他被带走我再也没有见过他
——《阴道说》第二幕,我的阴道是灰粉色的  它是灰粉色的不是灰色的邪恶污染了粉色的干净也不是粉色的美好治愈了灰色的阴暗灰色和粉色都是美好的阴道是美好的我也是美好的
在Vagina Project剧本创作前的采访中,我们不断采访到了性暴力的故事。我们看到,性侵害与性骚扰被某种尴尬和羞耻所保护,受伤女性的痛苦常常永远地沉默在日常生活的洪流之中。
我们不仅仅想说出“阴道”这个被禁言被污名的词汇,更想说出一切不被言说的痛苦与愉悦,一切“被沉默”的真实!为了让一切的性暴力被制止,为了让性暴力留下的创伤得以治愈,Vagina Project宣布发起校园戏剧运动——灰粉色运动

Sexual violence is never really far away. It is equally destructive to people’s body and mind whether it happens in Stanford, USA, Universities in China, in alien lands or in familiar homes.
During the interviews, we constantly encountered stories of sexual violence. We witnessed how sexual violence was protected by some certain embarrassment and shame that the pains of injured women are forever silenced in the flows of daily life.
Say it out loud!
We not only want to say “vagina”, a word that has long been tabooed and stigmatized, but also want to speak out all the unspoken pain and pleasure, all the silenced truth!
In order to stop all sexual violence in the world and to cure the pain of sexual violence, Vagina Project launches a campus drama movement -- Gray-pink Movement!

灰粉色运动——Vagina Project的校园戏剧运动Gray-pink Movement -- Vagina Project campus drama movement

为了在华人世界引起对性别议题的重视,Vagina Project宣布发起校园戏剧运动——灰粉色运动In order to raise the gender awareness of the Chinese speaking world, Vagina Project announces to launch a campus drama movement -- Gray-pink movement!
2016年灰粉色运动的口号是“为了一个没有性暴力的世界!”The slogan of Gray-pink movement 2016 is “For a World without Sexual Violence!”
Vagina Project的编剧和发起人之一陈瑶(青阳)于2016年创作了基于对几十位华人女性真实采访的剧本《阴道说》。她愿意无偿给予加入灰粉色运动的高校组织或学生一次剧本使用权,以支持华人高校的组织或学生通过演出中文戏剧《阴道说》,唤起所有人内心中既有的爱与共情,呼吁所有华人反对任何形式的性暴力,为创造一个没有性暴力的世界而做出自己的一次努力!The playwright of Vagina Saying and one of the three initiators of Vagina Project, Yao Chen (Qingyang) wrote a play Vagina Saying (Yindaoshuo) which is based on real interviews of around sixty Chinese females in 2016. She decided to allow any institutions or individuals who join Gray-pink movement as a representative of its university to use the script of the play Vagina Saying for free for once in December 2016 so as to support a movement that aspires to raise the love and empathy in everyone’s mind by performing Vagina Saying, a Chinese feminist drama, and to appeal against any form of sexual violence in the Chinese-speaking world!

华人世界的性别变革需要所有青年的携手The gender revolution in the Chinese-speaking world needs the energy of all youth!
Vagina Project诚挚地邀请海内外所有华人高校的话剧社、女性主义社团、多元性别社团、其他社团和个人加入灰粉色运动!

Vagina Project invites all Chinese-speaking drama clubs, feminist groups, LGBTQ+ societies, other institutions or individuals at all universities to join Gray-Pink movement!
The university institutions that have joined Gray-pink Movement includes:Purple, Tsinghua UniversityZhihe Society, Fudan UniversityColorsWorld, Peking UniversityMotss.info, Zhejiang UniversitySYSU Rainbow Group, Sun Yat-sen UniversityDiversity, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaQueerbit, Beijing Institute of Technology
Those who join Gray-pink movement has the right to use the script of the play Vagina Saying (Yindaoshuo) in December 2016 to organize a non-profit theatre production or a non-profit Reader's theatre!

怎样在你的高校进行灰粉色运动?How to be Gray-pink in your University? (1)    灰粉色运动的单元为一个高校——可以是多个组织合作承办、一个组织主导承办、也可以是一个个人承办。加入灰粉色的同一高校的不同组织可通过合作共同创造你们学校最美的灰粉色!The unit of Gray-pink Movement is a university. A unit may be formed by several institutions, one institution or an individual. The different institutions of the same university may cooperate to create the most gray-pink Gray-pink in your university.
(2)    加入灰粉色运动需要与Vagina Project签订关于剧本使用权的合同。To join Gray-pink movement, you need to sign a contract with Vagina Project regarding the right to use the script.
(3)    加入灰粉色运动需要向Vagina Project提交策划和执行进程的月度简报,以促进双方沟通和共同成长。To join Gray-pink movement, you need to hand in your planning and monthly briefings about the implementation process so as to strengthen the communication and mutual improvement between Vagina Project and you.
(4)    承办本校灰粉色运动的组织或个人,需要自主制作本校的《阴道说》。As a Gray-pink unit, you need to produce your Vagina Saying on your own.
(5)    承办本校灰粉色运动的组织或个人,可在所在地区校内外招募团队的核心成员、导演、演员等。As a Gray-pink unit, you may recruit core members, directors and actresses both within and without your campus.
(6)    承办本校灰粉色运动的组织或个人须保持非盈利性,对财务进行公开。As a Gray-pink unit, you should remain non-profit and promise to disclose your finance to the public.
如何加入灰粉色运动?How to join Gray-pink Movement?
1.      取得联络  Get contact
(1)    参加6月26日19点在间隔年小剧场举行的Vagina Project《阴道说》首演演员公益剧本朗读会,在现场与发起人交流合作意向。Join the Reader’s Theatre of Vagina Saying from 7 to 9 p.m. on 26th June at the Jiangenian Theatre (Room 106, Qingmaishidai, 10 Jiuxianqiaodonglu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing) and talk to one of the initiators (Naying Ren) about your intention to join us.
(2)    通过填写报名表格提交信息,与Vagina Project发起人方取得联络。Summit your info by filling the sign-up form and get contact to one of the initiators (Naying Ren).
(3)    发送【灰粉色运动+姓名+学校+所属组织(可写无)+手机+微信/Skype号码】到vaginaproject@163.comSend [Gray-pink Movement + Name + University + Institution + Cellphone number + Wechat Number/Skype Number] to vaginaproject@163.com
2.      沟通后向Vagina Project提交策划。After communication with one of the initiators (Naying Ren), summit your planning.
3.      签订剧本使用权合同。Sign the contract about the right to use the script.
4.      加入灰粉色运动成功!Successfully join the Gray-pink movement!



Wechat ID: VaginaProject


