

为青年设计发声 寸匠 2023-09-24

21画(画廊 艺术品)

 The 21 Gallery (Art Gallery and Art Collection)


Established in 1930 as a villa with 4500m2 front yard designed by a French architect, The 21 Gallery, located in No. 18 Taiping Cape 1st St., Qingdao, is a European architectural style wood-brick structure house.As a conservation of historic site, the building has been repaired and reinforced by government department to keep the appearance as before.


Whole big pieces of glass were mounted to replace bridge-cutoff aluminum window. Accordingly, the interior environment is in harmony with the 4500m2 villa yard view accompanied with red-tile roofs and white walls shaded in green trees by enhancing indoor natural sunlight.


Interior design of The 21 Gallery


Since the conservation rules for historic buildings, the overall color tone is white on the original ceiling and wall (wrapped with wood silk sound-absorbing board) and grey oak floor on the original ground.


Stepping up with lifting stairs, the French mansard roof is showed up on the top as its old style while some gallery walls on the 2nd floor. By taking the merits of new large whole piece of glass, the view from the villa windows brings unparalleled experience to witness the change from season to season in the yard, like fantastic art work.

建筑物还有间62平米的附房,我们特别邀请了国内知名品牌哲品“ZENS T”新派茶饮作为21画配套服务,也是在一栋接近百年建筑里茶与艺术又一次新的尝试。为了保持设计的统一性茶厅与画廊色调装饰保持一致。

“Zen T”, a famous new-fashioned tea beverage brand, was invited to set up a store in the 62m2 annex next to the villa as a complementary service of The 21 Gallery. It’s a brand new attempt to combine the tea culture and art. To keep the unity principle of design, its decoration style and color tone are brought into correspondence with the Gallery.


The area enclosed by the main building and annex is designed as an outdoor lounge area. The ground is paved with red-brick blocks which coordinates with the red-tile roof. The gaps between blocks are filled by lawn.


Design highlights in outdoor lounge area: 1. The backdoor of main building is reserved and modified into an exhibition spot with clear glass for sculptures. 2. An installation art stair is mounted for a bird’s-eye view of the yard.By applying large area glass to rejuvenate a nearly 100-year historic building, may its life and story will go on.

项目名称 | 21画& ZENS T

项目所在地 | 中国 青岛八大关太平角18号

主创设计师 | 韩冷

设计单位方 | 设理设诚

委托方 | 二十一画艺术品中心

视觉设计 | 井然设计

项目面积 | 252 m²

项目时间 | 2022年9月

摄影师 | JolinTomato

Project Name: The 21 Gallery & ZENS T

Location: No.18 Taiping Cape 1st St., Qingdao, China.

Chief Designer: Han Leng

Project Design Institute: SLSC Artwork

Facility Operator: The 21 Gallery & Art Collection Center

Visual Design Institute: Jingran Design

Project Area: 252m2

Project Date: September, 2022

Photographer: Jolin Tomato





主创设计师 | 韩冷



Chief Designer: Han Leng

Brief intro for Chief Designer: Combination of 2 designers’ last name, HAN Tao & LENG Jing

设计单位方 | 设理设诚Design


Design Institute: SLSC Design

In the terms of interior design, the naturalness and texture of the decoration materials themselves are emphasized to establish an interaction effect with surroundings. It is the exclusive style for each visitor which is unique and unparalleled. The design is a perfect integration of engineering and art.

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