同之前的四六级新增大纲词汇一样,每次发布10个高频词,每个包括 【词条+音标+释义+用法+真题例句】,用有限的时间,背最核心的词汇!
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1.demand /dɪˈmɑːnd/
n/v. 要求; 请求
demand for sb to do sth
demand for sth/that...
in demand:非常需要,受欢迎的
Indeed, there does seem to be a demand for the more rounded leaders such diversity might create. (2011年6月真题)
2.survey /səˈveɪ/
v/n. 仔细全面地观察(某物/某人);全面研究(及论述);调查(某部分人)的行为﹑ 意见等
Look at any global survey of gender equality and Sweden will be near the top.(2014年6月真题)
3. involved /ɪnv'ɒlvd/
n. 有关的, 牵扯在内的;
be/get involved in被卷入某事或某种局面
Parents are concerned that their children may get involved in criminal offences once they reach their teens.(2016年6月真题)
4.recession /rɪˈseʃn/
n.(经济)衰退; 不景气
Government's failure to perform this role in the early 1930s transformed recession into depression.(2013年6月真题)
5.obesity /əʊ'bɪːsətɪ/
n. 肥胖; 肥大
Statistics for 2008-2010 show that 16 states are experiencing steep increases in adult obesity, and none has seen a notable downturn in the last four years. (2012年12月真题)
6. inequality /ˏɪnɪˈkwɔlətɪ/
n. (大小﹑ 程度﹑ 环境等)不均等, 不平等, 不平衡, 不等量(尤指等级﹑ 财富﹑ 机会等的不公平差异)
Economic inequality is the "defining challenge of our time," President Barack Obama declared in a speech last month to the Center for American Progress. (2015年12月真题)
7. debt /det/
n. 债务; 欠款
be in/out of debt 欠/不欠债
Soaring tuitions and declining incomes have resulted in larger debt burdens.(2015年6月真题)
8. crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/
n. 危机; (疾病﹑ 生命﹑ 历史等的)决定性时刻
He claims that global warming caused the current drought in America's Midwest, and that supposedly record-high corn prices could cause a global food crisis.(2013年6月真题)
9.competition /ˏkɔmpəˈtɪʃn/
n.比赛; 竞赛;
competition between/with sb for sth 竞争;角逐:
the competition 竞争者; 对手
Many schools don't place academic competitions at the top of their priority list.(2017年6月真题)
10. community /kəmj'uːnɪti/
n. 社区; 团体; 集体; 社会
宗教信仰﹑ 种族﹑ 职业等方面相同的人构成的集体; 有共同利益的集体
community centre 社区活动中心
Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged people.(2016年6月真题)