

2017-03-23 林三土 林三土






今年堕胎权之争最重头的戏码,无疑是最高法院六月份即将宣判的关于德克萨斯州反堕胎法的一案。不过在万众瞩目翘首以待这一判决的同时,还有许多大大小小的斗争在上演。520日,俄克拉荷马州的共和党州长Mary Fallin州议会刚刚通过的。根据该法案的规定,如果施行堕胎手术并非拯救孕妇生命的绝对必要手段,则施行该手术的医生将会被判处重罪(felony),面临三年有期徒刑并吊销行医执照。




In 2008, as a member of Congress, she  to treat fetuses as people and give them equal protection under the U.S. Constitution. Since she became governor in 2011, she has signed legislation to ban many , require , and restrict access to  — laws that were   to be .




Sources familiar with the governor's thinking told CNN that the decision to veto the bill "weighed heavily" on the anti-abortion rights governor, but that the "hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees" faced by the state from a near-certain Constitutional challenge to the bill eventually led to her veto.


Oklahoma is currently facing a budget crisis, something that spokesperson Michael McNutt told CNN the governor's office was focusing on instead of the growing buzz over the governor's chances to be on the ticket in November.




由俄克拉荷马法案将施行堕胎手术的医生定为重罪,不难联想到前段时间特朗普在堕胎问题上的「失言」。330日,特朗普在接受采访时声称,应该对接受堕胎手术的孕妇施加「某种形式的惩罚(some form of punishment)」。结果这番表态不但激起了堕胎权支持者的反弹,而且连(当时尚未退选的)克鲁兹和凯西克这两位持极端反堕胎权立场的对手(克鲁兹认为、凯西克在州长任内)都


Ohio Gov. John Kasich told MSNBC, “Of course, women shouldn't be punished for having an abortion.”


And Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Trump's comment “demonstrated that he hasn't seriously thought through the issues, and he'll say anything just to get attention.”


“On the important issue of the sanctity of life, what's far too often neglected is that being pro-life is not simply about the unborn child; it's also about the mother – and creating aculture that respects her and embraces life,” Cruz said. “Of course we shouldn't be talking about punishing women; we should affirm their dignity and the incredible gift they have to bring life into the world.”




有些人怀疑特朗普之所以会在这个问题上「失言」,是因为他并不真心反堕胎权,也不了解反堕胎权派的具体主张,才会以为表态越强硬越能讨好保守派。梳理特朗普,这确实是一种可能。1989年特朗普因为设宴招待「全国堕胎权行动联盟(National Abortion Rights Action League, NARAL)」主席Robin Chandler Duke而遭到反堕胎权分子的威胁;1999年特朗普在电视采访中宣称:


“I’m very pro-choice,” Trump says.“I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still — I just believe in choice.”


Russert clarifies his original point: Would you ban partial-birth abortion? “No,” Trump replies.


一直到2011年特朗普考虑参选总统时,才在保守派政治行动会议(Conservative Political Action Conference)上,自己已经成为一名反堕胎权主义者。不过那一次,特朗普的参选野心,蛰伏了整整四年,才卷土重来、正式参选。




In Indiana last year, in prison for what the prosecutor charged was an illegal self-abortion. In Tennessee, Anna Yocca was  for trying to end her pregnancy with a coat hanger. In Pennsylvania,  went to jail for giving her daughter abortion pills. Have our kinder, gentler abortion opponents spoken up for any of these women?


Perhaps Mr. Trump “misspoke,” as he described it, because he’s a relatively recent convert to the cause, unfamiliar with the doublespeak in which forcing women to give birth is a form of love, and punishment is the last thing on the anti-abortion movement’s mind. In his blundering way, he revealed the true logic of the case against legal abortion: If it’s murder, then murder has consequences. Too bad the moment of clarity couldn’t last.















在这个问题上,较早、较有名、影响较大的一个论证,是由哲学家、法学家茱迪丝·汤姆森(Judith Jarvis Thomson)在其1971年论文中提出的「小提琴手思想实验」


You wake up in the morning and find yourself back to back in bed with an unconscious violinist. A famous unconscious violinist. He has been found to have a fatal kidney ailment, and the Society of Music Lovers has canvassed all the available medical records and found that you alone have the right blood type to help. They have therefore kidnapped you, and last night the violinist's circulatory system was plugged into yours, so that your kidneys can be used to extract poisons from his blood as well as your own. The director of the hospital now tells you, "Look, we're sorry the Society of Music Lovers did this to you -- we would never have permitted it if we had known. But still, they did it, and the violinist is now plugged into you. To unplug you would be to kill him. But never mind, it's only for nine months. By then he will have recovered from his ailment, and can safely be unplugged from you." Is it morally incumbent on you to accede to this situation? No doubt it would be very nice of you if you did, a great kindness. But do you have to accede to it? What if it were not nine months, but nine years? Or longer still? What if the director of the hospital says. "Tough luck. I agree. but now you've got to stay in bed, with the violinist plugged into you, for the rest of your life. Because remember this. All persons have a right to life, and violinists are persons. Granted you have a right to decide what happens in and to your body, but a person's right to life outweighs your right to decide what happens in and to your body. So you cannot ever be unplugged from him." I imagine you would regard this as outrageous, which suggests that something really is wrong with that plausible-sounding argument I mentioned a moment ago.




就像所有的哲学论证一样,汤姆森的思想实验也引来了各方面的批评与辩护,这里不能尽述。2003David Boonin所著一书的第四章(第133-281页)详细整理、分析了对汤姆森论证的各种反驳,感兴趣的读者可以翻阅(剧透:Boonin认为,尽管汤姆森的原始版本存在一些问题,但经过恰当修正后,就能有效回击所有的反驳)。


这里特别提一下其中一类在现实政治中很有影响力的反驳,即在「默示同意tacit consent)」基础上发展出来的「强奸例外论」:倘若一名女性自愿地参与了一次没有采取避孕措施的性行为,就意味着她「默示同意」了接受这次性行为所带来的所有可预期后果(包括怀孕),也就「默示同意」了承担起维持胎儿生命的义务。根据这种推理,只有在遭到强奸怀孕等「非自愿」情况下,堕胎才是可以允许、也能够被「小提琴手思想实验」支持的;但是「小提琴手思想实验」并不能支持其它情况下的、更为一般性的堕胎权。借用David Boonin的总结:


The tacit consent objection turns on two claims: that because the woman’s act of intercourse is voluntary, she should be understood as having tacitly consented to something with respect to the state of affairs in which there is now a fetus developing inside of her body, and that what she should be understood as having tacitly consented to with respect to this state of affairs is, in particular, the fetus’s having a right to have the state of affairs continue for as long as this is necessary for it to remain alive. (第153-154页)


「强奸例外论」作为一种「温和」立场,一度在反堕胎权派中占据主流地位。从禁止联邦经费用于堕胎的「」,到,都包括有「除强奸、乱伦或危及孕妇生命的怀孕之外」之类条款。不过近年来随着共和党内宗教保守主义势力的愈发强硬,「反堕胎无例外」的论调在党内越来越有市场。2012年大选时,共和党时任众议员Todd Akin宣称只要是「真正的强奸(legitimate rape)」就绝不可能导致怀孕、凡是怀孕的肯定至少半推半就;另一位共和党参议院候选人Richard Mourdock宣称强奸怀孕也是上帝的意愿、不可以违背。在当时引起轩然大波,但也反映了保守派内部的潮流,以至于到了今年大选,不仅这种极端茶党代言人,就连本来有意争取中间选民的中公开宣布支持「无例外论」。




It's not so difficult to imagine the policy of rape exceptions devolving into a power struggle where rape survivors must prove themselves and their experiences to skeptical audiences. In fact, we're not so far away from that policy world already.




In this case, of course, you were kidnapped, you didn't volunteer for the operation that plugged the violinist into your kidneys. Can those who oppose abortion on the ground I mentioned make an exception for a pregnancy due to rape? Certainly. They can say that persons have a right to life only if they didn't come into existence because of rape; or they can say that all persons have a right to life, but that some have less of a right to life than others, in particular, that those who came into existence because of rape have less. But these statements have a rather unpleasant sound. Surely the question of whether you have a right to life at all, or how much of it you have, shouldn't turn on the question of whether or not you are a product of a rape. And in fact the people who oppose abortion on the ground I mentioned do not make this distinction, and hence do not make an exception in case of rape.






Suppose that because of your unique compatibility, the violinist will die unless you undergo a series of nine painful bone marrow extractions over the next nine months, and with a clear understanding of the nature of the procedure and its potential risks, you freely volunteer to undergo the first extraction. After the second round of extraction, however, you find that the burden is considerably more than you are willing to bear on his behalf. Do you really believe that it would now be morally impermissible for you to discontinue providing aid to the violinist merely because you began providing aid voluntarily? To say that doing so would be impermissible would be to say that the violinist’s right to life does not entitle him to seven more extractions of bone marrow from you if the first two were done involuntarily, but that it does entitle him to seven more extractions from you if the first two were done voluntarily.(第165页)















这其实就是最高法院在一系列堕胎权判决中的思路。汤姆森论文发表之后两年,高院就在奠基性的「)」一案中,围绕「胎儿体外存活力(fetal viability)」这个概念(「the interim point at which the fetus becomes "viable," that is, potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid」),发展出了所谓trimester framework)」:第一孕期(最后一次月经起前13周内)孕妇有绝对的堕胎权,第二孕期(约第1426-27周)各州可以出于保障孕妇健康的目的监管堕胎,第三孕期(第28周开始)胎儿已经具备了体外存活力,因此各州可以出于保障胎儿生命权的目的而禁止堕胎。




The soundness or unsoundness of that constitutional judgment in no sense turns on whether viability occurs at approximately 28 weeks, as was usual at the time of Roe, at 23 to 24 weeks, as it sometimes does today, or at some moment even slightly earlier in pregnancy, as it may if fetal respiratory capacity can somehow be enhanced in the future.(




除此以外,Casey案的判决相对于Roe v. Wade,在堕胎权上还有一个另外重大的倒退。Roe(以及此后1983年的、和1987年的)在评判各州反堕胎法的合宪性时,采取的是美国司法话语中最严格的「严格审视(strict scrutiny」标准,要求州政府证明其所制定的法案旨在保障「重大利益(compelling interest)」。但是Casey推翻了City of AkronThornburgh两案的结论,改而采用较为宽松的「不当负担(undue burden」标准,只要法案并没有「在目的或效果上对想把没有体外存活力的胎儿堕掉的孕妇造成实质阻碍the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus)」,那么州政府甚至可以禁止孕妇堕掉没有体外存活力的胎儿


这样一来,就为各保守州在何谓「不当负担」、何谓「实质阻碍」上玩弄字眼,出台更为严苛的反堕胎法,打开的方便之门。比如很多州都有所谓的「mandatory waiting period」,规定孕妇在和医生沟通决定堕胎之后,必须强制等待若干时间、或者至少去医院两次、或者由医生强制观看胎儿超声波图片或视频、或者听专人宣讲胎儿生命的可贵、诸如此类,才能进行药流(而且药流也必须在医院而不能在家中进行)或手术流产。上周四,路易斯安那刚刚又把24小时的强制等待时间




MR. KELLER: Justice Ginsburg, JA242 provides that 25 percent of Texas women of reproductive age are not within 100 miles of an ASC. But that would not include McAllen that got as­ applied relief, and it would not include El Paso, where the Santa Teresa, New Mexico facility is.




JUSTICE GINSBURG: That's – that's odd that you point to the New Mexico facility. New Mexico doesn't have any surgical – ASC requirement, and it doesn't have any admitting requirement. So if your argument is right, then New Mexico is not an available way out for Texas because Texas says to protect our women, we need these things. But send them off to Mexico – New Mexico – New Mexico where they don't get it either, no admitting privileges, no ASC. And that's perfectly all right. Well, if that's all right for the – the women in the El Paso area, why isn't it right for the rest of the women in Texas?









