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文章于 2019年12月11日 被检测为删除。

Foreigner Collapses at Chinese Airport, Heart Stopped...

JobTubeDaily JobTubeDaily 2019-12-10

Source: JobTube, Arianna J. Freya W.,, Josh B.

On November 27th, tragic news about a 35-year-old actor passing away on set due to a sudden cardiac death (SCD) drew wide attention and made SCD a public concern. Actually, this was a second case of its kind covered by the media within just ten days!

On the afternoon of November 17th, a foreign man fell to the ground and went unconscious at Terminal T3 of Beijing Capital Airport. Fortunately, Dr. Zhang and Dr. Yang from Chuxiong Hospital of TCM happened to be there, and they rushed to him immediately. After examination, they found man's heart had stopped. Without any hesitation, Dr. Zhang opened the airway for mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, while Dr. Yang started to carry out CPR and used first-aid equipment (AED) for defibrillation. After more than ten minutes’ of CPR, the man’s heart rate recovered and his blood pressure became stable. Gradually, he regained consciousness and sent to the hospital for further treatment.

The foreign man was indeed lucky. According to the data, if a human’s heart stops for more than 4 minutes, the brain tissue will be permanently damaged; if for more than 10 minutes, the brain will die, which is why doctors call it the "golden 4 minutes" for cases of SCD.

However, the thing is, not everybody is as lucky as the foreigner, who was timely rescued by two doctors on travel within the 4 minutes (even though CPR was performed for 10 minutes), as apparently, the 35-year-old actor was not. So, a more practical question here to ask is, how can we timely detect that our body may have a potential SCD and then stop activities and seek immediate medical help?

According to the medical staff, if you have crushing chest pain in the middle or left and the feeling lasts for more than 20 minutes, it should be highly suspected as potential SCD and you should seek medical help immediately.

In addition, what shall we help once we find someone in such a situation?

  • Call 120 for an ambulance ASAP;

  • Apply external CPR for 30 compressions and give 2 mouth-to-mouth resuscitation breaths, which should be repeated in turns until the medical staff arrive;

  • If the first-aid equipment, such as an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is found during the CPR, follow the on-screen prompts.

Some people say that the best treatment is prevention and the best health care is to balance work and rest in daily life. Healthy food, good rest, regular body build and a happy mood lead to a sustainable health. After all, nothing in the world is more important than that.

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