
2019亞太設計師大賽 暨國際論壇千人盛會 全球啟動

APDC大賽組委會 APDC亚太设计师大赛 2023-06-22


Gathering in the heroes, broadening the good fortune, cohesively pursue a new era of dreams! Over the years, the Asia Pacific Designer Contest hosted by the HK Indoor Designer Association has received designers from Italy, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Australia, Singapore, Malaya, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and mainland China. It is favored by the industry as one of the most influential design competitions in the world. At present, the world's multi-polarization, economic globalization, social information governance, and the reform of the international order are accelerating. Countries are increasingly interconnected and dependent, and the trend of peace and development is irreversible. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are gaining momentum. All-round construction has created new opportunities for enhancing the international competitiveness of the design industry chain in the Asia-Pacific region and participating in international cooperation and competition at a higher level.

一. 大賽名稱 Contest name 


Asia Pacific Designer Contest 2019 

二. 主辦單位 organizer 




Asia Pacific Designers Contest Organizing Committee

三. 協辦單位 co-organiser 


More than 30 authoritative associations at home and abroad co-organized

四. 大賽宗旨 Contest purpose 


The Asia-Pacific Designer Contest 2019 and International Forum 1000-person event aims to promote exchanges and cooperation between participants, promote outstanding designers, promote the development and prosperity of the design industry in the Asia-Pacific region, and unite design forces in line with national policies; It is the complement of the advantages of the design industry chain, which balances supply and demand. Set up a promotion platform for strategic partners, build awareness for designers, find suitable designers for owners, find ideal planning teams for developers, and work for the interests of the community of human destiny.

五. 參賽流程 Entry process 


1. Pre-qualification of the competition - 2. Examination passed - 3. Receive the entry information - 4. Submit the work - 5. Strict review - 6. Notification of the award - 7. Participate in the award.

六. 獎項設置 prize settings 

(一).實景類獎項(實景照片) 共17類

 Real-life awards (real photos)  17 categories

(二).方案類獎項(效果圖)    共17類

 Program Awards (Effects)  17 categories

(三).人物類獎項                  共11類

 Character category  11 categories

(四).十大設計師獎項            共17類

 Top Ten Designer Awards  17 categories

(五).設計公司類獎項            共6類

 Design company category awards   6 categories

(六).行業協會機構類獎項       共2類  

 Industry Association Institutional Awards  2 categories

七.參賽作品範圍 Scope of entries 

1.豪宅空間  Luxury space(建築面積在150㎡以上的大平層、複式戶型或者別墅空間)

2.別墅空間  Villa space(僅限聯排或者獨棟的別墅空間)

3.餐飲空間 Dining space (主題餐廳、酒樓、特色風味餐廳、連鎖餐飲等各種餐飲店、餐飲區)

4.住宅空間  Residential space(公寓、經濟適用房等居住空間)

5.商業空間  Commercial space (商場,專賣店,零售商店,美髮中心、書店等各種商業空間)

6.會所空間  Club space(所有的休閒場所,如各類水療中心、會所、SPA等)

7.娛樂空間  Entertainment space (各種樣式的酒吧、夜總會等娛樂場所)

8.辦公空間  Office Space(各類辦公場所,包括公司總部大樓、金融機構營業場所、大小辦公樓等)

9.酒店空間  Hotel space(各類酒店,如商務酒店、精品酒店、主題酒店、都市酒店和度假酒店、度假村等。酒店類別認定的標準是室內設計專案必須包括的客房、大堂和咖啡廳等空間)

10.樣板房空間 Model room space(房地產業用於銷售的、不針對特定住戶的居住樣板展示空間)

11.民宿設計 Homestay design(精品民宿、主題民宿、城市民宿、客棧、驛站、特色小鎮等)

12.燈光設計 Lighting Design(建築外觀燈光設計以及在燈光設計方面表現卓越的室內設計作品)

13.軟裝設計 Soft loading design(包括傢俱、軟裝、裝飾畫、藝術擺件等軟裝設計)

14.景觀設計 Landscape Design(城市廣場、商業街、居住區景觀設計、城市公園規劃設計、濱水綠地規劃設計、旅遊度假區與風景區規劃設計)

15.建築設計 Architectural design(建築結構設計、產業規劃、城市設計、工業園區規劃等)

16.教育設計 Educational design(幼兒園、培訓教育機構、學校等)

17.養老/醫療設計 Pension/medical design(口腔、整形醫院,住院部及綜合醫療場所,各類康復中心、養老院等)

八. 參賽對象 Participant 


The participants are mainly designers from the Asia-Pacific region, and are interested in interior designers, designers, architects, lighting designers, landscape architects, design companies, associations, and universities in the world. Students are openly selected (including instructor-led works), and the participants are not subject to nationality, nationality or religion. All the works must be from January 1, 2017 to August 22, 2019, and the works are not Participated in related events hosted by the HK Indoor Designer Association.

九. 參賽作品要求 Entry requirements 

1、參賽資料 Entry materials::


a. Entry form (submit the electronic registration form).


b. Project information: the real scene is the real photo (the plan is the effect map), the plan, the design description (within 280 words), the designer's personal image and personal profile (within 100 words), the design unit, contact information (including the phone) , mailbox, QQ). Among them, the picture of the work requires no watermark, no black border, and the format is unified to jpg format.


c. The size of a single picture should be above 300dpi, and about 10 real-life real-life photos per project (planned renderings), do not splicing;


2. Participants can choose to participate in the name of the individual or the company team;


3. Each contestant is allowed to provide multiple works to participate in the evaluation, but each participating work must submit the participating materials containing the above content, and the award must not exceed three in the name of the individual;


4. The organizer will review the submitted materials for review. Incomplete, incorrect or non-compliant materials will be considered invalid or invalid. The organizer reserves the right to cancel any materials that have not submitted the complete materials or submitted. Eligibility for participants who do not meet the requirements of this Code;


5. When submitting a work, the entrant should select the category of the award setting that belongs to it, and if the item cannot be determined, or the item function cannot be attributed to the existing category, the judge can decide the category.

十. 參賽費用 Entry fee 

1.投稿費:免費 Contribution fee: free

2.初評費:免費 the initial evaluation fee: free

3.參會費:免費 Participation fee: free

4.獲獎費: 學生(免費)、設計師(收費)、行業協會(免費)、品牌商家(收費)


Awards: Students (free), designers (charges), industry associations (free), brand merchants (charges)

(Note: For details, please refer to the competition fee)

十一. 報名須知 Registration notice 

1.投稿時間 registration time:2019.3.21—2019.8.22

2.指定投稿郵箱 E-mail:HKIDA1688@163.com

3.海內區聯系人 China Contact:Amy Wong   


4.海外區聯系人Foreign area contact:Rose Han  


5.香港聯系電話 Tel:(852)30501878    

6.香港傳真電話 Fax:(852)30506732

7.全球招商熱線  hotline:  400-6576268  

8.大賽合作聯系人 Contest cooperation contact:David Lee  


9.官方網站  Website:  www.IDA168.hk

10.頒獎時間 Award time: 2019.11

11.頒獎地點 Awarding place: 中國深圳 Shenzhen, China(中國首個設計之都)

12.活動規模 Activity scale: 1000人 people(香港TVB頒獎禮式+奧斯卡紅毯show)


十二. 大賽聲明 Contest statement 


1. All participants freely authorize the organizing committee to disseminate the submitted works in any form;


2. All participants shall not request the organizing committee to return the submitted materials, and shall not submit any form of claim to the organizer, co-organizer, organizer and organizing committee of the competition;


3. If the appropriate evaluation works are not selected, the organizing committee reserves the right not to award any one award;


4. If the evaluator has any dissatisfaction with the stipulations, the works are not true, and the copyright law or other regulations are violated, the facts are confirmed, the qualifications of the winners are revoked, and the trophies and certificates they have received are recovered;


5. Participants are fully entitled to voluntarily choose whether to participate in this award, but once they participate in any part or all of this award, they are deemed to have fully understood and fully accepted the terms including these rules and their interpretation;


6. The organizing committee has the final interpretation right for this event;


7. This statement is effective as of March 21, 2019.

十三. 頒獎晚宴參與對象 Awards dinner participants 


Asia Pacific Designer Contest 2019  and International Forum 1000th People's Awards Dinner for designers, decoration companies, industry associations, brand businesses, high-end owners, business associations, real estate developers, hotel investment management groups, cutting-edge media, designer clubs, etc. .

十四. 支持媒體 Support media 


Hong Kong TV, Guangdong TV, Shenzhen TV, Aussie Satellite TV, CETV, Star TV, Shenzhen Satellite TV, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, International News Network, CCTV, Financial Channel, Entertainment Channel, Shenzhen Business Daily , Hong Kong New Town Radio, Shenzhen Evening News, Shenzhen News Network, Sina Home, Tencent Home, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Online, Hong Kong News Network, Sohu Home, NetEase Home, Hong Kong Feng Shui Design Center, Tencent Da Yue Network, Pacific Home Network, Hong Kong Hotline, Room The world's home, Phoenix home, today's headlines and many other authoritative media support the report.

十五. 聯合策劃單位 Joint planning unit  


Shenzhen Win-Win Times Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

十六. 近年亞太設計師大賽概況 Overview of the Asia Pacific Designer Contest in recent years 



   Asia Pacific Designer Contest 2018 Review

▲香港室內設計師協會 (中國+東盟)執行主席 陳傑先生(Jacky Chan)上台致辭

▲ Mr. Jacky Chan, Executive Chairman of HK INDOOR DESIGNER  ASSOCIATIO (China + ASEAN), took the stage


The following are some of the winners of the  Asia Pacific Designer Contest 2018 


Interviewing guests from Hong Kong Satellite TV, Guangdong TV Station and Shenzhen TV Station 

▲香港室內設計師協會(中國+東盟)執行主席 陳傑先生(Jacky Chan)

▲Mr. Jacky Chan, Executive Chairman of HK INDOOR DESIGNER  ASSOCIATIO (China + ASEAN), took the stage

▲聯合國國際生態生命安全科學院院士 余靜贛先生

▲Mr. Yu Jinggan, Academician of the United Nations International Academy of Ecological Life and Safety

▲前美國迪士尼總設計師 Mr.Chris Stapleton

▲Pre-American Disney Chief Designer Mr.Chris Stapleton

▲泰國泰中僑商聯合會執行主席 陳金敦先生

▲ Mr. Chen Jindun, Executive Chairman of the Association of Thai and Chinese Overseas Chinese Merchants

▲澳大利亞著名設計師 Mr.Charles Tang

▲ Australian famous designer Mr.Charles Tang

▲香港室內設計師協會委員 任清泉先生

▲Mr. Ren Qingquan, member of the HK INDOOR DESIGNER  ASSOCIATIO


Asia Pacific Celebrity Dinner 2018 (HK INDOOR DESIGNER  ASSOCIATIO Annual Meeting) Live 


 Asia Pacific Designer Contest 2017 Review

 2019 亞太設計師大賽 頒獎盛典 

 開發商合作 | 設計師合作 ▏ 品牌商家合作 ▏ 設計機構合作













香港室內設計師協會(英文名稱HK INDOOR  DESIGNER  ASSOCIATION)由香港特別行政區政府授權成立,主要以亞太地區室內設計師爲主體的非營利性國際化組織。業務性質包括但不限於國際學術交流、設計行業認證、賽事與出版、培訓與展覽、活動策劃等等,其使命是爲行業內會員提供優質服務,喚起公衆參與、互惠互利、共同發展的意識。香港室內設計師協會(以下簡稱本協會)的市場定位、戰略目標、 會員制度、業務性質、發展計劃是香港獨一無二的,而且本協會LOGO是經香港特別行政區政府知識產權署商標註冊處獲得的唯一獨家商標權。多年以來,凝聚了行業內大批專家和大量專業知識,他們用自己的實力優勢,盡心盡力爲室內裝飾設計業做出無私的奉獻。區域性、國際性的互動,加強了會員之間的親和力,不斷創造貿易發展新商機。同時積極舉辦亞太設計師大賽、亞太設計師論壇、粵港澳大灣區設計論壇、亞太設計師榮譽作品展、主題演講、各類設計師沙龍活動等等,得到香港、台灣、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞、韓國、日本、泰國、深圳、上海、北京、廣州、西安、浙江、福建、湖南、天津等地區及國家各界人士的大力支持及肯定。在公益事務方面本協會積極參與,為設計相關產業鏈謀福利,造福行業,回饋社會。


2019亞太設計師大賽 暨國際論壇千人盛會  戰略合作夥伴全球招募

 2018亞太設計師論壇  暨香港室內設計師協會年會




