
态度 | 哥大校长再度回应特朗普3月6日移民禁令

Lee C. Bollinger 哥大全球中心 2021-12-23

Responseto Second Executive Order on Refugee and Immigration Policy


Dear fellow members of the Columbia community:


Once again, I must write to you about government action negatively affecting our University community.  The differences between the new executive order on immigration and refugee policies issued today and the now superseded January order (about which I wrote earlier) may or may not prove significant in the ultimate judicial determination of the order’s legality.  Nevertheless, the order remains deeply disturbing for all the same reasons the University, along with dozens of other colleges and universities, has set forth in various statements, letters, and amicus briefs over the past several weeks.

再一次,我必须再一次致信强调政府行为给哥大社区带来的负面影响。 今日(2017年3月6日)颁布的新移民与难民政策行政令已取代一月份颁布的行政令(我曾对其进行回应 【哥大校长致全校通讯,强力回应特朗普移民禁令),新政令中的变化亦可能无法对其合法性的最终司法认定产生重要影响。然而,过去几周以来哥大与各所高等院校在我们的声明、信函与非当事人意见陈述中表达的对一月禁令的不安并未消逝,出于同样的原因,我们依旧被新禁令困扰着。 

Beyond the harmful direct effects, the ban seriously interferes with the University’s commitment to participate in the international exchange of information and ideas, which is dependent on our ability to invite students and scholars into our community.  Moreover, the alarming interactions between policies such as this and the rise of private acts of intolerance — against all minorities — just cannot be ignored.  We are all struggling to cope with a new reality of waning tolerance.  There are now far too many examples, some very close to home, of victims of invidious discrimination and unjust stereotypes. While none of us takes lightly the nation’s needs for preserving security, there are countless unanswered questions and lingering confusion about the national security rationale for targeting the states covered by the executive order.


As we have said many times and on many occasions, we will continue to support students, faculty, and visiting scholars from the now six designated countries, and all others in our community who may be harmed by this policy.  Please consult this post from Executive Vice President for University Life Suzanne Goldberg providing a detailed description of available resources, including private information and discussion sessions, and information on travel from the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO).

正如我们在许多场合已多次表达过的立场一样,我们会继续支持来自新政令中所指六国的学生、教职工和访问学者,以及所有哥大社区内可能受此政令波及的人。请参考哥大校园生活常务副校长苏珊·戈德伯格(Suzanne Goldberg)的声明(链接见段末),声明中提供了我校可用资源的详细信息,包括单独咨询、讨论会以及由国际学生学者办公室(ISSO)提供的出入境相关信息。



Rest assured, we will in every possible way both affirm our core values and embrace those who bear the brunt of these policies.



Lee C. Bollinger



The translation is for your reference only






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