About | 哥伦比亚大学全球中心 | 北京 - Columbia Global Centers | Beijing
哥伦比亚大学全球中心 | 北京成立于2009年3月。中心核心项目主题包括公共卫生与老龄化问题研究、艺术与文化、创新创业,以及能源和可持续发展。北京中心自成立以来,经常举办各种公开的对话和讲座活动,邀请来自哥伦比亚大学的教授和当地专家共同参与包括国际经济、环境工程、电影研究等广泛的话题讨论。北京中心也举办各种学生项目活动,旨在为在华的哥伦比亚大学本科生、研究生、学者和校友提供交流的平台,包括学生工作坊、新生行前交流会、新生与校友联谊活动,以及与魏德海东亚研究所共同主办的哥伦比亚大学研究生与青年学者研讨及联谊会等。北京中心也支持哥伦比亚大学校长全球创新基金项目,内容涉及各种主题,包括与梅尔曼公共卫生学院合作的老龄化研究项目。
Columbia Global Centers | Beijing launched in March 2009. The Center’s major programmatic themes include aging and public health, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, energy and sustainability. The Center runs an active public events program featuring Columbia faculty and local experts on diverse topics ranging from international economics to environmental engineering to film studies. The Center hosts various student programs throughout the year to engage Columbia undergraduate and graduate students, young scholars and alumni in China and provide exchange opportunities, including pre-departure orientation for new students, new student and alumni social gatherings, student workshops, the Graduate Students and Young Scholars Meeting Program organized in partnership with Columbia’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute. The Center also hosts diverse projects under the President’s Global Innovation Fund, such as the Ideas on Aging, which is hosted in collaboration with Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health.
Assist Columbia University in the development and execution of its various research and teaching programs in China.
Serve as a regional base, enabling the Columbia University academic community to interact on a local level with students, faculty, and alumni.
Leverage Columbia University's superb research capabilities to initiate China-focused projects on a variety of issues and to offer assessment, advice and solutions to contribute to China's growth.
Encourage collaboration across academic disciplines, regionally and globally with faculty and students.
Enable Columbia's students and faculty to work and study in a global context.
Collaborate with other global centers to facilitate cross-regional projects and research globalization and its effects.
No. 26, 1st Floor Core Plaza
1 Shanyuan Street
Haidian District, Beijing