

2016-05-23 RRI 罗广 电波之旅









Dracula Hotel_德拉古拉宾馆




当中包括:比斯特里察市内的银匠之家Casa Argintarului与库珀之塔Turnul Dogarilor, 洛德玛Rodna,城堡的废墟、比斯特里察奥尔何伊Orheiu Bistriţei的罗马堡垒的废墟、比斯特里察河谷与峡谷、阿尔加丽亚Arcalia植物园、比斯特里察市的福音派教堂和犹太会堂、比斯特里察-讷瑟乌德县博物馆、圣乔治疗养站Sângeorz Băi的对比艺术博物馆。还有安德烈伊·穆烈山怒、乔治·戈什布克与利维玉·勒布利亚努这些文学家的纪念馆;罗马尼亚最深的洞穴,特乌稍勒泉Izvorul Tăuşoarelor和仙女坑洞穴Grota Zânelor、自然与植物保护区,包括水仙花草地与泥火山:都可以在这里欣赏。除此之外并不能忘掉布拉姆·斯托克的德拉古拉吸血鬼。爱尔兰作家的半身像就在替胡杂峡谷Pasul Tihuţa的皮亚特拉·凡塔内勒Piatra Fântânele镇的德拉古拉城堡宾馆前。此次竞赛的大奖获得者将在该宾馆度两夜住宿。






www.rri.ro  。同时,期待你们通过我们的Facebook页:














竞赛大奖是:在2016915日到30日这个期间,在比斯特里察-讷瑟乌德县两人旅游8天(7个晚上,还包括每日3餐),在比斯特里察市Piatra Fântânele镇的德拉古拉城堡宾馆和科利比察湖边的客栈里住宿。








竞赛赞助者包括:Piatra Fântânele镇的德拉古拉城堡宾馆、比斯特里察市的“金冠”宾馆以及科利比察的“渔夫度假村”。支持本期有奖知识竞赛的伙伴包括:比斯特里察-讷瑟乌德县县委、比斯特里察市政、讷瑟乌德罗马尼亚东正教大神甫院、罗马尼亚艺术家协会-比斯特里察市分会、比斯特里察-讷瑟乌德县文化中心、圣乔治疗养站的对比艺术博物馆、比斯特里察市的“音乐会协会”文化基金会。





















Radio România Internaţional, str. G-ral Berthelot nr. 60-64, sector 1, Bucureşti, PO Box 111, cod 010165











Holidays in Bistrita-Nasaud


Dear friends, we invite you to participate in a new prize-winning contest here on RRI, entitled "Holidays in Bistrita-Nasaud". The contest is devoted to Bistrita-Nasaud county in northern Romania, which has a rich tourist potential and boasts numerous cultural, historical and natural points of interest.


Dracula Hotel_德拉古拉宾馆




Between 106-271 AD, most of today's county of Bistrita - Nasaud was part of the Roman province of Dacia. Proof of that stand the Romanian castra in Orheiu Bistritei, Ilisua and Livezile. The town of Bistrita, the current capital town of the county, was first documented in 1264. In 1409, Sigismund of Luxembourg granted the locals the right to erect defense walls around the town, and documents of 1440 speak for the first time of a settlement called Nasaud. Besides a rich history and breathtaking landscapes, the county has many other tourist attractions.





Among them the Silversmith's House and the Coopers' Tower, both in Bistrita, the ruins of the Rodna fortress, the ruins of the Roman Castrum Orheiu Bistritei, Bistrita Valley and Gorges, the Arboretum in Arcalia, the Evangelical Church, the Synagogue, the Bistrita-Nasaud County Museum, the Compared Art Museum in Sangeorz Bai, the memorial houses of poets Andrei Muresanu and George Cosbuc and of the prose-writer Liviu Rebreanu, the 'Izvorul Tausoarelor' Cave (the deepest cave in Romania), the 'Grota Zanelor' Cave (Fairies' Cave), many nature and botanical reserves (including daffodil meadows and muddy volcanoes). Also, we should not forget about the famous Bram Stoker's Dracula. The bust of the Irish writer can be seen right in front of the 'Dracula Castle' Hotel, in Piatra Fantanele, Tihuta Pass, where the winners of our contest will spend two nights.





We invite you to follow RRI's broadcasts, the website www.rri.ro and our Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn profiles and give correct answers, in writing, to the contest questions. The contest will end on July 15th 2016, mailing date. 





Two Grand Prizes will be offered to two RRI listeners, consisting of an 8-day (7-night) trip, full-board, between the 15th and the 30th of September, 2016, to the town of Bistrita, to Piatra Fantanele ('Castel Dracula' Hotel) and Colibita, on the shore of the artificial storage lake with the same name. 





The sponsors of this contest are the 'Castel Dracula' Hotel in Piatra Fantanele, the 'Coroana de Aur' (Golden Crown) Hotel in Bistrita and Fishermen's Resort in Colibita. Also, the contest enjoys the support of the Bistrita-Nasaud County Council, the Bistrita Town Hall, the Nasaud Orthodox Archpriestship, the Bistrita branch of the Union of Fine Artists in Romania, the Bistrita - Nasaud County Centre for Culture, the Compared Art Museum in Sangeorz Bai and the 'Concert Society' Cultural Foundation in Bistrita.





As usual, the winners will have to provide for their own international transport to and from Romania, and get a visa, if applicable.





And now, here are the questions:





-Which is the capital city of Bistrita - Nasaud county?





-What is the name of the storage lake on the shores of which the guesthouse that will host the winners of the contest is located?





-The name of whose famous novel and film character is linked to the name of Bistrita - Nasaud?





Please tell us what prompted you to participate in the contest and why you are listening to RRI's broadcasts and following RRI's content online.





Our address is: Radio Romania International, 60-64 G-ral Berthelot Street, District 1, Bucharest, PO Box 111, zip code 010165, fax, e-mail: engl@rri.ro. Please send your answers by July 15th 2016, mailing date. The winners of the Grand Prize will be announced soon after that date.





Good luck!







