
Spring has put a spirit of youth in SEU

SEU Southeast University 2020-08-19

Nothing is so beautiful as Spring

When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;

Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush

Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring

The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing.”

——Gerard Manley Hopkins, Spring

Spring is a miraculous experience. SEU comes alive after the dull and cold winter. Now, the school is filled with color and the scent of freshness. If you happen to stop by the campus, you will easily feel the spring in your step! 

The cherry blossom is the most popular flower in SEU in Spring. The flowers burst forth in all their beauty in April and form a flower seaIt has become a must-do for SEUers to take photos of these lovely white flowers and shared them on WeChat moments with their friends. Many tourists and photographers also come to our campus to enjoy this vibrant scene.

Spring is awakened by the towering plane trees with new-born buds, little by little. Small leaves of the trees are chattering while a spring breeze is blowing through. At this time, the plane trees seem like wearing a beautiful green crown. Under the reflection of the blue sky, a pool of turquoise lake sparkles like emeralds, quietly telling the whisper of spring.


You may enjoy the serenity under the tree

with an interesting book

or chase the freshness in the spring breeze

with a bike;

or stroll in the endless fragrance

within the sea of flowers

together with two or three friends.

At dusk,

when the rosy clouds warmly coat the campus

with a gorgeous layer of golden color,

sniff the smell of spring in the setting sun.

Have you yet been enchanted by the spring?

Although we have to work and study hard from home this spring, we believe that no matter how long the winter will last, spring is sure to follow.

Photos by Congjie, Chen Xiangyu, Zhang Wenqing
Written by Song Chunyi, Wang Yuying
Proofread by Cheng Si, Eric Song

Edited by Luo Xinyi

For reprint or any commercial/public use, please contact us.

