
景观 | 那些唤起市民文化认同感的人气聚集型公共空间

HASSELL mooool木藕设计网 2019-12-04



01 悉尼达令港公共空间 

Darling Harbour Public Realm

完成时间: 2018年


地点: 澳大利亚

规模: 20公顷

图片: Simon Wood, Brett Boardman, HASSELL

Completed: 2018

Landscape Architecture Design: HASSELL

Location: Australia

Scale: 20 hectares

Images: Simon Wood, Brett Boardman, HASSELL



达令港改造是20年来悉尼城中最重要的城市更新计划——是重塑这一重要街区的“一次千载难逢的机会”。达令港片区现已成为由三幢壮观的独立建筑组成的悉尼国际会议中心(ICC Sydney)以及一家奢华酒店的所在地,新的综合体街区也即将亮相。HASSELL与新南威尔士州基础设施部及联实集团紧密合作,为整个20公顷的片区规划城市设计框架,使达令港公共空间更好地与城市相连,并提供人们聚集、放松以及游玩的新场所。

The transformation of Darling Harbour in Sydney, Australia, is the city’s most significant urban renewal initiative in 20 years – a once in a generation opportunity to remake a critical, central neighbourhood. The harbour-side precinct is now home to the International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) comprising three exceptional new venues, a luxury hotel – and a new mixed-use neighbourhood is on the way. Working closely with iNSW and Lendlease, HASSELL delivered the urban design framework for the entire 20-hectare precinct and designed Darling Harbour’s public realm to better connect the city and offer new places for people to gather, relax and play.



以“人”为本是设计的核心,通过为公共绿地重新注入活力,整合景观及开放空间,融合水景、公共艺术品、广场及展演空 间,HASSELL打造了丰富的空间来举办各类活动,包括露天音乐会、马戏表演、市集摊位、以及街头表演等,此外也有简单的例如在浅浅的池子中和飞溅的水花嬉戏的场所。

HASSELL董事及景观设计负责人Angus Bruce说:“我们不仅希望能令初次来访的游客感到惊艳,也希望使用空间最多的当地上班族和居民们 能够感到满意,让他们愿意一再造访。” 升级后的人行道、骑行道以及公共交通网络让人们可以更方便地到达此片区,此前这里与邻近 的社区、海港以及悉尼市中心呈互不联通的状态。

People were firmly at the heart of the design process. By reinvigorating parklands, integrating landscapes and open space and incorporating water features, public artworks, plazas and event spaces, HASSELL has created opportunities for events and activities as varied as open-air concerts, circus events, market stalls and busking – and simple pleasures like splashing in shallow pools. 

“We wanted to both ‘wow’ first-time visitors and delight those who use the space the most – the local community of workers and residents – and keep them coming back,” said Angus Bruce, HASSELL Principal and Head of Landscape Architecture.  




达令港公共空间通过跨专业团队之间的紧密协作打造而成。这样,优美的设计融合公共景观, 加上因地制宜创作的艺术品与建筑的融合 — 使公共开放空间最大化、文化特征更突出、联接更紧密、视野更宽阔。


An integrated design amplifies the spaces and experiences

Darling Harbour’s public realm was delivered through a close, interdisciplinary collaboration. This approach enabled an elegant design that integrates the public landscape and customised artworks with the architecture – maximising the public open space, cultural features, connectivity and views. 




All three ICC Sydney buildings are united through their continuous landscape base, terraces and materials. The landscape blends seamlessly with the surrounds and encourages permeability of the wider area. It integrates with the ICC Sydney Exhibition building façade to deliver a terraced landscape, elevated event deck and expansive native grassland green roof, connected by pathways and platforms that overlook the precinct. 






Creating an authentic, captivating and sustainable public place

By creating more inclusive and engaging new places and improving existing locations, Darling Harbour’s appeal has increased with locals and visitors alike – generating ongoing social, economic and environmental benefits for Sydney. 

A greener harbour with 650 new trees and 9,000sqm of additional green space, improving amenity and habitat through the extensive use of native species. Crepe myrtle has also been used as a nod to neighbouring Chinatown. 







The stories of Darling Harbour come alive through a wide range of curated artworks and interpretative landscape features inspired by the site’s history and ecology. 

Sculptures, audio and visual installations, including a 600sqm mural of indigenous flora embedded in the walls of the terraced landscape, provide new points of fun and intrigue. And active water fountains, including the renovated Woodward Fountain, celebrate the waterfront location.





A dynamic events destination with three major public venues and Tumbalong Park as a high-capacity, open-air event space – now 40 per cent bigger and complete with a stage, event screen and improved lighting. 

A connected precinct with an enhanced network of lanes and streets, including The Boulevard – a 680m-long, Eucalypt-lined promenade that anchors the entire site and extends the pedestrian connections between Central Station and Cockle Bay. 






The transformation project also embraces the City of Sydney’s wider sustainability goals for open spaces through integrated WSUD solutions, green spaces and improved walkability. It has delivered 30 percent more public space for Sydney’s inner-city, and has received a 6 Star Green Star Communities rating from the Green Building Council of Australia. 

The revitalised public realm is turning Darling Harbour into one of the world’s best places to live, learn, meet and be entertained – a place that people want to return to, time and again.


总平面图  Plan


设计分析  Design Analysis


The redevelopment of Sydney’s Darling Harbour has been shortlisted in the 2018 World Architecture Festival awards in the Landscape – Urban Projects category.


02 珀斯体育场公园及雪佛龙公园  

Stadium Park & Chevron Parkland 

完成时间: 2017年

建筑设计: HASSELL / Cox / HKS 

地点: 澳大利亚

图片: Peter Bennetts

Completed: 2017

Architecture Design: HASSELL / Cox / HKS 

Location: Australia

Images: Peter Bennetts



Stadium Park on the Burswood Peninsula in Perth, Western Australia is home to the city’s new Optus Stadium. The 41-hectare precinct, designed by HASSELL, provides a stunning parkland setting for the world-class sports and entertainment venue, as well as an impressive array of casual recreational facilities for Perth’s community, and visitors, to enjoy year-round.


视频  Video




A major attraction within the precinct is Chevron Parkland, a 2.6-hectare nature-play space that’s designed to engage children and families with the natural environment and connect them with the indigenous cultural heritage of this land known to the Aboriginal community as ‘Whadjuk Noongar’ country.  

Significantly, the Stadium Park development has rehabilitated this prominent site on the eastern foreshore of the Swan River – once a waste ground of the city – to provide a collection of scenic promenades, cycle paths, and flexible event and play spaces, filled with landmark public artworks.





Rehabilitating Stadium Park – creating safe and healthy foundations for fun 

The Stadium Park site had endured significant environmental degradation over many years, due to its past uses as a sewerage treatment facility, cement works and rubbish tip. The Chevron Parkland site presented its own challenges, with its location between the river and the lake making it prone to geological instability and flooding. 

Designers rehabilitated the entire site, making it safe for the community and local wildlife. The capping of contaminants in latent soils, reduction of fertiliser use, and bio-filtering of surface water has improved the micro-organisms found in both the soil and the water. Site flooding has been mitigated through the creation of a series of mounds and undulations; with key play structures situated above the 1-in-100-year flood level and incorporating deep pile footings. 


雪佛龙公园由六个主要区域组成,分别代表了努加(Noongar)的六季——Djeran、Makuru、Djilba、Kambarang、Birak及Bunuru, 再由组合植栽、所用材料、自然游乐主题及教育标识元素得以呈现。另外,还有14件公共艺术品点缀于景观中,其中有十件作品由原住民艺术家创作,八位来自当地Whadjuk社区。

Chevron Parkland comprises six key zones, each representing one of the Noongar seasons – Djeran, Makuru, Djilba, Kambarang, Birak and Bunuru – through planting palettes, materiality, nature-play themes, and interpretive educational signage. A collection of 14 public artworks is also woven through the landscape. Ten of these works are by indigenous artists, with eight of the artists from the local Whadjuk community. 




“我们希望孩子们在雪佛龙公园中发掘对自然的热情。更理想的是他们能成为公园的主人,移动摆放树枝石块,堆起堡垒和小屋,踏出新的小径,搭起瞭望台,挖出秘密据点等,逐渐塑造出公园独具一格的特色。”HASSELL资深景观设计主管Hannah Galloway说。

Another key objective of the Chevron Parkland design was to create an expansive area of urban bushland, where children of all ages can play safely with opportunities to roam free, fully immersing themselves in the natural environment. 

“We want children to discover their passion for nature at Chevron Parkland. Ideally, they will become the stewards of the park – shaping its evolving character through the migration of sticks and stones, the building of forts and cubbies, and forming new paths, lookouts and dens,” said Hannah Galloway, Senior Associate at HASSELL.





To encourage engagement and creativity, a series of nature-play zones were created offering a mix of structured and unstructured activities. They include various climbing, balancing, tunnelling and ‘chill out’ elements, with sand pits and lookouts. Each zone is separated by indigenous planting, creating a sense of discovery and adventure between activities. 

The wider Stadium Park also incorporates a more structured sensory play-space with musical instruments, trampolines, climbing ropes and more. A community arbour links the new HASSELL-designed Stadium Station to the Swan River, BHP Amphitheatre and Boardwalk, playgrounds and picnic areas, and a community sports oval is available for public use on non-game days. 





The design has introduced thousands of native plants creating a beautiful native setting with spectacular vistas across the river to the city. This naturalisation of the parkland and its lake and river edges, provides habitat and food for endemic insects, fish and bird life – including species suitable for foraging by the endangered Black Cockatoo. Native wildflower planting for endemic fauna also supports the cross pollination of plant life throughout the area. 

Risk consultants and the Royal Life Saving Society assessed the waterside play area – informing our positioning of pathways, bio-engineering to water edges, benching of banks, sightlines, signage and CCTV. 






“One of the new stadium’s defining qualities is that it’s set within a park. The parklands are full of engaging places and spaces for community sports, relaxation, entertainment, events and more. There’s something for everyone 365 days of the year.” said Galloway.

Optus Stadium is transforming the way fans experience major sport and entertainment events, re-shaping this Australian city and its landscape in the process.

Every design decision for the multi-purpose, 60,000-seat Optus Stadium in Western Australia was about achieving a singular vision – an unsurpassed visitor experience every time, every event.




The stadium’s innovative design – a collaboration between HASSELL, Cox and HKS – feels distinctly local, with architecture and landscaping that reflect the state’s proud sporting, cultural and Aboriginal heritage.




- “碗”状建筑造型令球迷/歌迷们在体育场的任何位置都拥有绝佳视野

- 国内文娱设施中座位跨度最大的

- 橄榄球模式可容纳六万人,长方模式下可容纳六万五千人,演唱会模式下最多可容纳七万人

- 可举办任何类型的活动——不论是澳式足球、板球、橄榄球还是英式足球,或是演唱会及其它大型文娱活动

A stadium for fans – first and foremost

- ‘Bowl’ configuration gives fans great views from anywhere in stadium

- Widest range of seating and hospitality options in the country

- Seats 60,000 (Australian Rules Football mode), 65,000 in rectangular mode and up to 70,000 in concert mode

- Suits all events – from Australian Rules football, cricket, rugby and soccer to concerts and other major entertainment




- 醒目的古铜色外立面——阳极氧化铝涂层——展现了西澳独特的地质

- 世界一流的LED灯光系统,夜幕降临时能变幻出东道主队的颜色

- 轻量织物打造的体育场顶部覆盖了85%的座位,应对当地炎热晴朗的气候

- 穿过天鹅河直抵市中心的绝佳视野

- 片区内周边的景观设计突出了该地区的土著历史与文化

A place-based design drawing on ‘the best of the west’

- Striking bronze facade – in anodised aluminium – reflects WA’s unique geology

- State-of-the-art, world-first LED lighting captures home-team colours at night

- Lightweight fabric roof covers 85 percent of seats in this hot, sunny climate

- Spectacular vista across the Swan River to the city centre

- Precinct landscape highlights area’s Aboriginal heritage and culture



- 澳大利亚最大的两个“超级屏幕”(340平米)展示了最前沿的科技

- 内部空间设有超过1000块屏幕,保证不间断的直播覆盖

- 体育场实现无线网络全覆盖

A facility for the digital age

- Two of Australia’s largest ‘super screens’ (340sqm) feature latest technology

- Over 1,000 screens across the interior allow for uninterrupted coverage

- Full Wi-Fi capability throughout the stadium


平面图  Plan


水系分析  River Analysis污染物及交通分析  Contamination and Transportation








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