拉雅文化酒店 Raya Heritage hotel
拉雅文化酒店 Raya Heritage hotel
地点: 泰国清迈
摄影师: W Workspace
Location: Phetchaburi, Thailand
Photographer: W Workspace
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清迈是一个比较传统、叫古色古香,富有泰式风味的城市。Raya Heritage Hotel既有传统的泰式风情,也结合了新式酒店的设计感。
Chiang Mai is a traditional city with antique and full of Thai flavor. Raya Heritage Hotel not only has the traditional Thai style, but also combines the design of the new style approch.
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The lobby of the hotel itself is also a very beautiful place, with a high floor and a gray and white color of design. There are tall trees and grass landscaping outside. When the sun shines in, it is a natural picture scroll.
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The hotel restaurant is also a place full of green, the pillars are surrounded by green plants, and the desks and chairs are designed with bamboo with a sense of fashion and people will feel like having a picnic outdoors. There are also SPA space and Riverside Bar.
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