
【大牛来啦!】富山大学 木田勝之 教授 将出席学米会议MEACM2017

2017-10-28 学米科技 学米科技

匠心学者—木田勝之 教授

Prof. KIDA Katsuyuki| 日本富山大学

学米科技有幸邀请到来自 日本富山大学 固体力学实验室的导师 木田勝之 教授作为特邀演讲嘉宾 出席由学米主办的国际学术会议——MEACM2017

Prof.KIDA 与学米科技 多年来保持着良好的合作,共同热衷于为机械材料领域的各国研究者打造交流合作的平台。今年6月,Prof.KIDA作为大会主席,与学米科技共同成功组织举办了 "2017年复合材料与高分子科学工程国际会议CMPSE2017"(该会议文章现已上线)

作为一名学者,Prof.KIDA 在机械材料、力学等领域均有很深刻的研究,其发表的文章有近150篇,同时参与并主持了多个相关领域科研项目。

作为一名教授,由他的指导的固体力学研究室硕果颇丰。无论是治学还是教学,Prof.KIDA 一丝不苟的作风,给人以深刻的印象,因此可以称他为“匠心学者”。

此次会议有幸再次邀请到KIDA教授,他将要演讲的题目是: Changes in residual magnetic field caused by metal fatigue。期待ing!





KIDA Katsuyuki教授于1968年出生于大阪,1988年在大阪大学学习机械工程。毕业后,他在2000年完成了他的学术生涯,完成了工程力学的博士学位课程。


Prof. Katsuyuki Kida was born in 1968 in Osaka, where from 1988 he studied mechanical engineering at Osaka University. Apart from course work, he studied rolling contact fatigue (RCF) occurring in TiC and TiN coated steels using both X-ray diffraction and scanning acoustic microscopy. After graduation he pursued his academic career and completed a Ph.D. course in engineering mechanics in 2000, investigating RCF problems of all-Si3N4 bearings. By observing cracking and flaking failure under RCF, he succeeded in explaining the material`s features from the viewpoint of fracture mechanics. 

From 2000 he focused his work on investigating the contact problems of elements used in automobiles such as high-pressure pump of new type diesel engines. He holds and has held a number of prestigious leadership roles In academy-industry corroboration programs : refinement of steels, new joint system in humanoid robots and fatigue of polymer bearing in "Strategic Fundamental Technologies Strengthening Assistance Programs" (Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry, Japan, 2009-2013); scanning Hall-probe microscopy in "Fundamental Studies on Technologies for Steel Materials with Enhanced Strength and Functions" (Consortium of the JRCM, Japan, 2008-2012); and ceramic bearing elements in the project supported by "Japanese Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization" (NEDO, Japan, 2007-2011)."


