

绝版影像馆 UPGallery2009 2021-02-06


感谢您一同参与我们在7月18日开幕的主展《片刻:艺廊艺术家群展》,此次展出了廖益嘉、瑟米尔‧陶迪及唐景锋三位艺术家未公开新作品及精选作品,希望您喜爱这次的展出内容,展期将持续至9月26日,还未前来的朋友期待与您在展间见面! 若想了解更多展览及作品资讯欢迎进入我们的官方帐号与我们联系! 并请关注我们的各大社群平台,能及时获得最新艺廊资讯!


展期 | 2020.07.18~09.26

开幕 | 7.18(六) 10:00 - 18:00

地点 | 绝版影像馆


1F 廖益嘉、瑟米尔‧陶迪、唐景锋

2F 陈荣辉、莫娜‧库恩、廖益嘉

B1 沈玮、丹尼拉‧特卡辰科、艺术家摄影书

Dear beloved collectors and friends,

Thank you for joining our new exhibition opening" Moments: Group Show of Gallery Artists" on July 18th. We were pleased to finally reveal new and selected works from artists Yichia Liao, Sameer Tawde, and Kurt Tong. We hope you all enjoyed the show. The exhibition will continue until September 26th, and we look forward to seeing you in our gallery space soon! For more information about our new exhibition and works, please leave a message in our official account, and stay updated through our social media and other online platforms to get the latest information!

 Moments: Group Show of Gallery Artists 

Dates | 2020.07.18~09.26 

Opening | 7.18(Sat.) 10:00 - 18:00

Venue | UP Gallery 

1F Yichia Liao, Sameer Tawde, and Kurt Tong 
2F Chen Ronghui, Mona Kuhn and Yichia Liao 
B1 Shen Wei, Danila Tkachenko and Selected photobooks from our artists

