Emergency Help For Blood In China - IIC
Blood donation is our responsibility. Every time our body produce a certain amount of blood after that it stopped, but there is little amount of blood can take out from the body it won't affect much. The blood cause of blood donation can be recovered within few days. So we must donate our blood and save others life.
IIC Emergency Help For Blood
IIC (IndiansInChina) have taken initiative to start Emergency Help for Blood, We all community members living in china must have experienced or must will have seen medical emergency cases in that especially lack of blood group in hospital are common one and being foreigner it is more hard for individuals to find right blood donor in limited time during emergency, therefore IIC started this unique emergency blood donor service on website complimented by various IIC wechat groups. It makes easier to find blood donor in specific location in china and make easier for you to contact them when needed the most. So lets we all put our hands together and register yourself on IIC website (www.IndiansInChina.com) as blood donor and help each other. Read complete article to know how to list yourself & find blood donor in emergency. Please help us reach this article to maximum people.Thanks
Your Blood Can Save Someone's Life
:- IIC Admin (Wechat: indians-in-china)
Benefits of donating blood
It is not only safe but offers a number of advantages given below.
1. You save lives of people – There are many people who are in urgent need of blood and by donating your blood you can easily give them a new life. This satisfaction is the biggest thing that you will ever experience. It gives you a feeling of proud that you are the reason behind someone’s life. So by giving your blood, you can certainly give life to people.
2. Refreshes your system – After you donate the blood, the cell count decreases due to which new cells regenerate. This is a healthy process which defines that a person is fit and fine. The entire body gets to freshen up and most of the health problems come to an end. So donating the blood can result in a much healthier body which increases your life span.
3. Adds to the blood quantity – Blood is not only required in case of accidents or injuries but sometimes a patient may need plasma or platelets as well. In this case, if sufficient amount of blood is available in the blood bank, the patient can be treated without any problem. Thus the people should give blood on a regular basis so that the people can receive the treatment at the right time.
4. Receive proper diagnosis – Before you are ready to donate blood, the hospital professionals will make the necessary diagnosis of the iron content, cholesterol, hemoglobin etc. Thus you are able to find out whether everything is normal or not. If everything is fine, the doctor will suggest you make the donation.
Hence you need not be afraid of donating the blood as it is painless and will take about an hour only. So whenever you have spare time you can visit the hospital and donate the blood. You will surely feel happy as people will shower their blessings on you for giving them blood and saving their life. Upon donation, donors are tested for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, and other diseases. Testing indicates whether or not you are eligible to donate based on what is found in your bloodstream, says the American Red Cross. The organization also notes that a sample of your blood may be used now or in the future for additional tests and other medical research with your consent.
5. Burns Calories-People burn approximately 650 calories per donation of one pint of blood, according to the University of California, San Diego. A donor who regularly donates blood can lose a significant amount of weight, but it should not be thought of as a weight loss plan by any means. To donate blood the American Red Cross requires donors to weigh at least 110 pounds and maintain healthy iron levels in the body.
6. Reduces the Risk of Cancer-The reduction of iron stores and iron in the body while giving blood can reduce the risk of cancer. Iron has been thought of to increase free-radical damage in the body and has been linked to an increased risk of cancer and aging, says a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Researchers followed 1,200 people split into groups of two over the course of 4 ½ years. One group reduced their iron stores by blood donations twice a year, whereas the other group did not make any changes. The results of the study showed that the group of blood donors had lower iron levels, and a lower risk of cancer and mortality.
The Miller-Keystone Blood Centre says that the consistency of blood donations is associated with lower risks of cancers including liver, lung, colon, and throat cancers due to the reduction in oxidative stress when iron is released from the bloodstream.
7. Preserves Cardiovascular Health-Blood viscosity is known to be a unifying factor for the risk of cardiovascular disease, says the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide. How thick and sticky your blood is and how much friction your blood creates through the blood vessels can determine how much damage is done to the cells lining your arteries. You can reduce your blood viscosity by donating blood on a regular basis, which eliminates the iron that may possibly oxidize in your blood. An increase in oxidative stress can be damaging to your cardiovascular system. Blood donation reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, too. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers found that participants ages 43 to 61 had fewer heart attacks and strokes when they donated blood every six months. In a study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found in a sample size of 2,682 men in Finland, those who donated blood a minimum of once a year had an 88 percent lower risk of heart attacks than those who did not donate.
Eligibility criteria for blood donation:
Donor should be between 18-55 years of age with a weight of 50 kg or above with pulse rate, body temperature and blood pressure should be normal. Both men and women can donate. There are only few conditions in which donors are permanently excluded. The donor with history of epilepsy, psychotic disorders, abnormal bleeding tendencies, severe asthma, cardiovascular disorders, malignancy are permanently unfit for blood donation. Donors suffering from disease like hepatitis, malaria, measles, mumps, and syphilis may donate blood after full recovery with 3-6 months gap. Also people who have undergone surgery, blood transfusion may safely donate blood after 6-12 mths for woman donors who are pregnant or lactating blood is not taken as their iron reserves are already on the lower side.
How much blood can be taken?
Our body has 5.5 ltr of blood of which only 250 ml - 400 ml (200ml in China) of blood is taken depending upon weight of donor. Majority of healthy adults can tolerate withdrawal of one unit of blood. The withdrawn blood volume is restored within 24 hours and the hemoglobin and cell components are restored in 2 months. Therefore it is safe to donate blood every three months.
How does my body replace the blood lost?
The average adult has between 10 and 12 pints of blood in their body. Since your bone marrow churns out a constant supply of red cells, plasma, and platelets, the plasma you give is replaced within the first 24 hours.
Source: iaspaper.net, medicaldaily.com
How to list yourself as blood donor on IIC website
Step 1: Open www.Indiansinchina.com IIC website.
Step 2: Click to your profile. (If you are not already IIC Community Member, Please First Register as Member for Free)
Step 3: Fill the details ; Enter your first name, your Last name, Date of birth, your emergency phone number, your Passport Number, choose your blood group, choose yes and list yourself blood donor, choose India in country, write you place name, choose your City in China, update your profile on the website by clicking Update profile.
How to find blood donors and their contact
Step 1: Click to emergency help for blood.
Step 2: Select the searching blood group, Choose the city name, Click on the search to get details about the blood donor.
Myth: Being a vegetarian, means that the blood does not have enough iron and cannot be donated.
Fact: Vegetarians can donate blood. The iron needed is taken from body stores and once a balanced diet is maintained is replaced after donation. This usually normally takes a month or so.
Myth: Giving blood hurts.
Fact: The pain experienced is no more than a needle prick. The slight soreness that maybe where the needle was is just a reminder of the good deed done.
Myth: HIV or other infections can be contracted from donating blood.
Fact: A clear procedure exists for taking blood from each donor. Sterility is maintained at all steps. A sterile, new needle is used for each donation and is then properly discarded. Use of sterile equipment and technique limits the chance of infection.
Myth: Giving blood is time consuming.
Fact: The time taken for a single donation session is normally not more than an hour or so.
Myth: There is limited blood in the body and it is unhealthy to give some away.
Fact: Only about 350-450ml of blood is taken during a donation session. There is enough blood in the body to donate it without any ill effects. The body makes new blood after donation.
Myth: Age is a deterrent to blood donation.
Fact: Anyone up to the age of 60 who is fit and healthy can give blood.
Myth: Heavy people are healthier and have more blood give.
Fact: Being overweight makes people less healthy. Overweight people do not have more blood.
Myth: Health deteriorates after donating blood.
Fact: If you are healthy prior to donation, your recovery is complete in a day or two. It is advised to rest a while after donating. Drinking enough liquids replaces the lost fluid within a couple of hours. The body produces new cells faster after a donation. All the RBCs are replaced within 3-4 days and WBCs within 3 weeks.
Myth: you cannot take part in sports or other physical activities after donating blood.
Fact: Giving blood does not interfere with ability to perform physically. Advice to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous workouts for the rest of the day is given after the donation. You can get back on track the next day.
Myth: Taking medication means that one cannot be a blood donor.
Fact: Depending on the medication being taken, it may halt donation for a period, though in many cases it won't prevent a donation. Person in charge or the nursing staff should be informed before donating.
Myth: When there is a requirement, blood can be manufactured.
Fact: Blood is not something that can be manufactured. It can only come from healthy human beings.
Myth: Being of mixed race precludes blood from being helpful.
Fact: Race and caste have no bearing on eligibility being a blood donor. It is the blood type and group that is of importance.
Myth: Blood donation can tell if one is HIV positive.
Fact: HIV antibodies can take months to develop after infection with the virus. Those recently infected may have a negative test result and yet be able to infect others. It is better not to donate blood if at risk of getting HIV or other infections.
Myth: I should not donate blood frequently; it will make my body weak.
Fact: False. A healthy person can donate blood four times a year with a minimum a 3 months’ gap between each blood donation.
Myth: Can donating blood make me feel stressed with episodes of severe headache and vomiting?
Fact: No, blood donation cannot cause episodes of headache and vomiting if the blood pressure of the donor is within normal limits prior to donation.
Myth: I should not donate blood frequently; it will lower my body’s immunity level.
Fact: No, your body’s immunity level is not affected by blood donation.
Myth: Donating blood frequently can fluctuate my blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Fact: No, the blood pressure and blood sugar levels do not fluctuate provided the pre-donation values are within normal limits. A diabetic patient on insulin cannot donate blood.
Myth: Can donating blood at frequent intervals makes my body iron deficient?
Fact: No, a healthy individual with good eating habits can donate blood four times a year with a gap of three months. It doesn’t make anybody iron deficient.
Myth: Blood donation takes a lot of time.
Fact: False. The whole procedure of blood donation from the time of registration takes approximately half an hour.
Myth: I am a retired person; I think I am too old to donate blood.
Fact: Yes, a person above 60 years and below 18 years cannot donate blood.
Myth: I cannot donate blood when I am fasting.
Fact: Yes, one should have had a good meal at least four hours before donation.
Myth: Can frequent visits to the hospital for donating blood cause some infection?
Fact: No, there is no fear of infection due to blood donation.
Myth: You cannot be a blood donor if you are on any kind of medication.
Fact: Yes, a person on aspirin, antibiotics, anti-hypertensive, steroids, hormones, anticoagulants, on inhalers cannot donate blood.
Myth: A diabetic person cannot donate blood.
Fact: Yes, diabetics on insulin are advised not to donate blood.
Myth: Can a pregnant lady donate blood?
Fact: No, pregnant women are not allowed to donate blood.
Myth: Can I donate blood, if I am nursing my baby/breastfeeding?
Fact: No, nursing mothers should not donate blood for at least six weeks after giving birth because donating blood affects the fluid level in the body and may also affect the milk supply.
Myth: Can I donate blood, if have consumed alcohol a day before?
Fact: No, it is not advisable to consume alcohol a day before donating blood.
Myth: Can I donate blood, if I smoke regularly?
Fact: Yes, but abstain from smoking one hour before and after donation.
Myth: Regular blood donation may lead to obesity.
Fact: False. Donating blood does not affect your body weight. However some people, after blood donation, eat more food than normal and avoid exercise which may cause weight gain but it is not directly connected to blood donation.
Source: bloodconnect.org, indiatimes.com
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