
第五届明天音乐节 · 演出阵容

明天音乐节 明天音乐节 Tomorrow Festival 2019-08-29

不 存 在 坏 趣 味





策 划 人  C u r a t o r s

涂 飞   T u  F e i    /   滕 斐   T e n g  F e i

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=y0614bn99v8&width=500&height=375&auto=0第五届明天音乐节阵容预览 Quick View of 5th Tomorrow Festival



5.17 / 20:00 - 21:00

茶博士 Tea Rockers
中国 China

巫娜 Wu Na - 古琴 Guqin

喜见 Xi Jian - 茶道 Tea Ceremony
颜峻 Yan Jun - 电子 Electronics
李带菓 Li Daiguo - 大提琴 Cello/琵琶 Pipa
小河 Xiao He - 阮 Ruan / 电脑 Program/人声 Vocals


Wu Na, Yan Jun, Li Daiguo and Xiao He, four distinctive leading figures in different fields of Chinese music scene, along with Xi Jian of tea ceremony, formed the unpredictable improvisation quintet Tea Rockers.

5.17 / 21:20 - 22:35

德国 Germany

Harald Grosskopf - 电子鼓 E-Drums / 键盘 Keyboards / 现场电脑混音 Live Computer Music Edit
Eberhard Kranemann - 合成器 Synthesizers / 电子小提琴 E-Violin / 夏威夷吉他 Hawaii Guitar / 声音编辑 Sound Edit

两位德国Krautrock界元老——Harald Grosskopf和Eberhard Kranemann组成的新乐队KRAUTWERK,向世界发射他们关于今天、明天与无限未来,宇宙洪荒般的声音视界。

For the first time ever, Harald Grosskopf (Synthesist, Ashra, Klaus Schulze) and Eberhard Kranemann (Neu!, Fritz Müller, Pissoff) transmit their cosmic sonic visions of today, tomorrow and beyond.

5.18 / 20:00 - 21:00

青木孝允 AOKI takamasa
日本 Japan

青木孝允 AOKI takamasa - 电子设备 Electronics


The outstanding representative of the avant-garde electronic music of his generation. Among his works, “RV8” released under German lable Raster-Noton has made his name among masses of music fans in China.

5.18 / 21:20 - 22:35

Konono Nº1
刚果(金) DR Congo

Makonda Mbuta - 拇指琴 Likembé / 人声 Vocals
Menga Waku - 拇指琴 Likembé / 人声 Vocals
Mbuka Nsiala - 铃 Bells / 人声 Vocals
Visi Niati - 鼓 Drums / 人声 Vocals
Mbiyavanga Ndofunsu - 康佳鼓 Congas


Melody flowing from the electrified likembés, their singing and dancing mania begins, and you will see beneath their electronic skin the soul of rock 'n' roll. Critics from the Western established a proper noun especially for them: Congotronics.

5.19 / 20:00 - 22:00

户川纯 Jun Togawa
日本 Japan

户川纯 Jun Togawa  - 人声 Vocals

中原信雄 Nobuo Nakahara - 贝斯 Bass / 和声 Chorus
矢壁笃信 Atsunobu Yakabe - 鼓 Drums
石冢 “BERA” 伯广 Norihiro “BERA” Ishizuka - 吉他 Guitar / 和声 Chorus
Lion Merry - 键盘 Keyboard / 手风琴 Accordion / 和声 Chorus
山口慎一 Shinichi Yamaguchi - 合成器 Synthesizer / 编程 Programming


Jun Togawa's first ever formal stage outside Japan. With a wide musical spectrum ranging from new wave and punk to electronic, jazz and noise, she is one of the most iconic musician who has deeply influenced Japanese music and culture in various aspects.

5.20 / 20:00 - 21:00

郭永章 Guo Yongzhang
中国 China

郭永章 Guo Yongzhang - 坠琴 Zhuiqin / 梆子 Bangzi / 人声 Vocals


Born 1945, Guo Yongzhang is a real maestro of Henan Zhuizi, the incredible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese music.

5.20 / 21:20 - 22:35

英国 UK / 法国 France

Kavus Torabi - 主唱 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar
Ian East - 萨克斯 Saxophone / 长笛 Flute
Dave Sturt - 贝斯 Bass / 人声 Vocals
Fabio Golfetti - 吉他 Guitar / 滑奏 Glissando / 人声 Vocals
Cheb Nettles - 鼓 Drums / 主唱 Vocals

世界上不会再有一个乐队会像Gong一样,在创始人(Daevid Allen)去世之后发表一张名为《万岁!我挂了!》的专辑来向其致敬了。我们永远无法预想Gong这个博爱幽默的神秘星球将孕育出怎样的未来,但他们已经创造了属于自己的涵盖太空摇滚、爵士、前卫音乐和Krautrock等多种形式的超现实声场。

Having released the album “Rejoice! I’m Dead!” after its founder Daevid Allen’s death, Gong is undoubtably an exceptional in this whole wide world. The self-deprecating humor evident in the album’s title said it all: the brainchild will be fine without its progenitor. It has brought us an musically diverse world that includes shades of psychedelia, space rock, jazz, avant-garde, krautrock and surreal soundscapes, but still, we may never be able to predict where it’s heading towards.


More events including Talks and Screenings are coming soon.

第 五 届 明 天 音 乐 节

5 t h   T o m o r r o w  F e s t i v a l

2 0 1 8 . 5 . 1 7 - 5 . 2 0

演出 Concert

0517 茶博士 Tea Rockers (CN) / KRAUTWERK (DE)

0518 青木孝允 AOKI takamasa (JP) / Konono Nº1 (CD)

0519 户川纯 Jun Togawa (JP)

0520 郭永章 Guo Yongzhang (CN) / Gong (UK/FR)

场地 Venue:B10现场 B10 Live

票价 Concert Fare

套票 All Pass:¥500


¥50 voucher for official merchandise included

单晚票 Day Pass:

5.17 / 18 / 20:预售 Advance ¥100;现场 Walk-in ¥150;

5.19:预售 Advance ¥280;现场 Walk-in ¥320

购票 Buy Tickets


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