

tmrfest 明天音乐节 Tomorrow Festival 2023-06-08


7th Tomorrow Festival 

Day 1


  活动安排 Agenda       


兑票  Check-in 

凭 [秀动 App 购票二维码] 

或 [有效纸质票] 



Use your ticket QR code in ShowStart app or valid paper ticket to exchange the wristband for the night, and receive the festival brochure.

Please prepare the QR code or paper ticket when in queue.


  Special Notice for All Pass Holders  

  1. 音乐节首日,我们会开放 [ 套票专属兑票通道 ]
    An All-Pass-Only Queue will be open for the first  night of the Festival.

  2. 3 张 [纸质纪念门票]  (不可使用)及 1 张 [ 官方周边代金券 ] 将在您首次兑票时一并给到您。
    如果您在音乐节第 2/3 晚才来进行首次兑票,届时请联络我们现场工作人员领取相关物品。
    THREE Commemorative Tickets (not for validation) and ONE Official Merchandise Voucher will be given to you when you first check in with your All Pass.
    If you would only arrive on the 2nd/3rd night of the Festival for you first check-in, please contact our on-site staff then to receive the items.

  3. 音乐节期间套票二维码分 3 日兑换,每日一次有效,仅用于兑换当晚手环;后续请继续使用套票二维码。
    During the Festival, the QR code is to be validated ONCE ONLY per day for wristbands for the respective nights. Please continue using the QR code for the rest of the Festival.


开放入场  Entrance opens

Show your wristband and enter in order


Do keep your wristband intact during the night. Damaged wristband is invalid.

With the wristband you have free access to the venue during the night 


第 1 场演出  1st show

美好药店 Glamorous Pharmacy 


中场休息 Intermission

Signing session (if any)


第 2 场演出  2nd show

Marisa Anderson


中场休息 Intermission


Signing session (if any)


第 3 场演出  3rd show

吉田达也 Tatsuya Yoshida × 中尾宪太郎 Kentaro Nakao


演出结束 Shows over

Signing session (if any)

[注意 Notice]

* 演出 / 休息时长以现场为准。
The performance/intermission time and duration are subject to actual conditions.

* 不设座位,场地两侧有少量椅子供观众休息。
Standing room only with limited seats on both sides of the venue for resting purposes.

  节目简介 Programme Intro       

 19:00 - 20:00

演出者 Artists

小河 Xiao He – 主唱 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar
李铁桥 Li Tieqiao – 萨克斯 Saxophone
叶鹏罡 Ye Penggang – 贝斯 Bass
郑志勇 Zheng Zhiyong – 鼓 Drums
张蔚 Zhang Wei – 打击乐 Percussion

▲ 滑动阅读 Scroll to read more ▼

美好药店组建于 1996 年,是国内最具实验性、颠覆性的前卫摇滚乐团之一。他们将另类民谣、先锋摇滚、自由爵士等音乐元素融于一炉,被评价为 “中国摇滚乐向独立音乐进化的标本”。他们曾经是超现实主义的民谣摇滚,曾经是中国最纯粹的行为艺术团体,曾经是向实验和即兴过渡的混乱的狂欢……现在这一切仍然在发生着,丝毫没有停下来给人鉴定的可能。


  • 2002 年 4 月,与废墟、木推瓜独立制作发行了 “麻音乐” 第一张合集《麻音乐(被侮辱的姿势)》;

  • 2004 年 10 月,独立制作专辑《美之瓜 9+2》,由 “去年我流行” 厂牌发行;

  • 2005 年 5 月,独立制作发行了专辑《请给我放大一张表妹的照片》

  • 2008 年 12 月,独立制作发行了专辑《脚步声阵阵》

Formed in 1996, Glamorous Pharmacy is one of the most experimental and subversive avant-garde rock bands in China. Their music is an amalgam of alternative folk, avant-garde rock and free jazz, and was evaluated as an exemplar of the evolution of Chinese rock and roll into independent music. They were once a surrealist folk-rock band, the purest performance art group in China, and a wild carnival of the advancement towards experimental and improvised music... All of these are still ongoing in the music of Glamorous Pharmacy, and there is no possible way for them to stop or to be categorized. 

Important Releases: 

  • Posture Insulted, April 2002, self-produced/released with Ruins (Chinese psychedelic rock band) and Wood Pushing Melon, the first compilation of "Ma Music" 

  • Mei Zhi Gua 9+2, October 2004, self-produced, released by independent music label "I Was Popular Last Year"

  • I'd Like to Enlarge a Picture of My Cousin, Please, May 2005, self-produced/released 

  • Rumbling Footsteps, independently December 2008, self-producedproduced/released

 20:20 - 21:20

演出者 Artist

Marisa Anderson – 吉他 Guitar

▲ 滑动阅读 Scroll to read more ▼

“作为独奏吉他领域中最好的情感灵媒之一,Anderson 是‘甜蜜又忧愁的小情绪’大师。”

──美国音乐网站 Pitchfork

Marisa Anderson 在从吉他历史中汲取营养的同时,不断拓展着传统的边界。她在基于蓝调、爵士、福音和乡村音乐的作曲之上,融入了包括极简主义、电子音乐、嗡鸣(drone)和 20 世纪古典音乐等在内的多种元素,这造就了她极具原创性的作品,也为美国音乐图景增添了另一种想象。《纽约客》杂志称其为 “她那一代人中最有特色的吉他手之一”,而美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)则称她为 “这个时代最有影响力的演奏家”。她的作品曾被诸多知名媒体推荐,如 Billboard、《滚石》杂志、美国音乐杂志 SPIN、Pitchfork、英国广播公司(BBC)和英国前卫音乐杂志 The Wire 等。她参演的音乐节包括美国 Big Ears Festival、Pitchfork Midwinter、荷兰 Le Guess Who? 音乐节和哥本哈根爵士音乐节等。 

Anderson 现已出版六张独奏专辑和多张合作作品,最新专辑  Still, Here 发布于 2022 年 9 月并获评论界广泛赞赏。她是业界备受追捧的作曲家及合作对象,参与了许多作品的录制,如 2020 年 Jim White(澳大利亚器乐摇滚乐队 Dirty Three 成员)的 The Quickening,2021 年吉他手 William Tyler 的 Lost Futures,还有美国实验电子二人组 Matmos、多器乐演奏家 Tara Jane O’Neil、创作歌手 Beth Ditto、Sharon Van Etten 和人声艺术家 Circuit Des Yeux 等的作品。她也为电影创作原声音乐,最新的一部是 2022 年在瑞士洛迦诺电影节首映的《驯鹿的完美一天》(A Perfect Day for Caribou)。接受过古典音乐训练的她,在乡村、爵士和马戏团乐队中不断锤炼自己的演奏技巧,目前在欧洲和北美进行广泛的巡演。

"One of the best emotional mediums in the field of solo guitar, Anderson is a master of lovely melancholy."

– Pitchfork

Marisa Anderson channels the history of the guitar and stretches the boundaries of tradition. Her deeply original work applies elements of minimalism, electronic music, drone and 20th century classical music to compositions based on blues, jazz, gospel and country music, re-imagining the landscape of American music. The New Yorker calls Anderson "one of the most distinctive guitar players of her generation" while NPR refers to her as among "this era's most powerful players". Her work has been featured in BillboardRolling StoneSPIN, Pitchfork, the BBC and The Wire. Festival appearances include Big Ears, Pitchfork Midwinter, Le Guess Who? and the Copenhagen Jazz Festival. 

Anderson's discography includes six solo records and multiple collaborations. Her latest release Still, Here was released to wide critical acclaim in September 2022. Anderson is sought after as a collaborator and composer, recording 2020's The Quickening with Jim White (Dirty Three) and 2021's Lost Futures with guitarist William Tyler, and contributing to recordings by Matmos, Tara Jane O'Neil, Beth Ditto, Sharon Van Etten and Circuit Des Yeux among others. She creates music for films and soundtracks, most recently contributing the score for A Perfect Day For Caribou which premiered in 2022 at the Locarno Film Festival.

Classically trained, she honed her skills playing in country, jazz and circus bands, and currently tours extensively throughout Europe and North America.

 21:40 - 22:40

演出者 Artists

吉田达也 Tatsuya Yoshida – 鼓 Drums

中尾宪太郎 Kentaro Nakao – 贝斯 Bass

▲ 滑动阅读 Scroll to read more ▼


在日本前卫音乐界,吉田达也是最具创造力的鼓手、作曲家和即兴乐手之一。他最为人熟知的身份包括:鼓 + 贝斯二重奏 Ruins (2004 年后继续以单人企划 Ruins Alone 的名义活动)创始成员,zeuhl 风格乐队高円寺百景创始人和领袖,以及许多其他乐队和组合的成员,如赤天、是巨人,以及无伴奏合唱三重奏 Zubi Zuva/Zubi Zuva X 等。他也是爵士核(jazzcore)风格的传奇乐队 Painkiller 的特邀成员。与吉田有过合作的其他知名乐手包括 John Zorn、Fred Frith、Derek Bailey、灰野敬二和大友良英等。


1999 年至 2002 年间,中尾宪太郎作为日本另类摇滚乐队 NUMBER GIRL 的贝斯手在乐坛崭露头角。此后,他组建了自己的乐队 Crypt City,并作为乐手加入了多个乐队,如 ACO、浅井健一 & THE INTERCHANGE KILLS、ART-SCHOOL、Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her 和 younGSounds 等。他同时也是美国效果器制造商 EarthQuaker Devices 的品牌大使。

自 2020 年起,他常用模块化合成器进行个人演出。近年来他活跃于即兴表演领域,与吉田达也、须贺大郎和中村达也等人有过合作。

Tatsuya Yoshida

Yoshida is one of the most innovative drummers, composers and improvisers on the Japanese avant-garde scene. He is best known as a founding member of the energetic drums+bass duo Ruins (continued as a solo project Ruins Alone since 2004), the founder and leader of the influential zeuhl band Koenji Hyakkei, and members of many other bands and collaborations, such as Akaten, Korekyojinn, and a capella trio Zubi Zuva/Zubi Zuva X. He is also an occasional member of the legendary jazzcore band PainKiller. Other notable collaborators of the artist include John Zorn, Fred Frith, Derek Bailey, Keiji Haino, Otomo Yoshihide.

Kentaro Nakao

From 1999 to 2002, Kentaro Nakao worked as a bassist for NUMBER GIRL, after which he formed his own band Crypt City, and joined ACO, Kenichi Asai & THE INTERCHANGE KILLS, ART-SCHOOL, Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her, and younGSounds. He is also the ambassador for the American pedal maker EarthQuaker Devices.

Since 2020, he has been doing solo performances using modular synths. In recent years, he actively involves in the improvisational scene, and has worked with Tatsuya Yoshida, Dairo Suga, and Tatsuya Nakamura among others.

  入场须知 Admission       

  1. 场地内全面禁止吸烟(含电子烟),如有需要请移步门外吸烟区。
    Smoking and vaping are strictly forbidden. Please use the the smoking area outside.

  2. 演出时,请将手机调至静音模式。
    During the show, please put your phone in silent mode.

  3. 演出时,禁止录像、录音,禁止使用闪光灯。个别演出或应艺人要求禁止拍照。
    During the show, no filming or recording is allowed. Do NOT use flashlight when taking photos. Please note that some performances may be prohibited from taking photos at the artists' request.

  4. 演出的音量可能会损伤您的听力。我们强烈建议您自备听力保护装置。您亦可至酒水区向工作人员免费索要耳塞。
    Please be aware that the volume of the show could damage your hearing. We strongly recommend you to use your own hearing protection. We also provide free earplugs at the bar.

  5. 禁止携带宠物、自拍杆、行李箱、锐物、玻璃瓶、气球、自行车、滑板等入场。
    Pets, selfie sticks, suitcases, sharp objects, glass bottles, balloons, bicycles, skateboards, etc. are forbidden inside the venue.

  6. 请自行保管随身物品,如有遗失,后果自负。有不法者利用演出机会盗取乐迷财物,请相互提醒并保持警惕。
    Please take care of your belongings. Any loss of personal belongings is at the audiences' own risk. Please be aware of theft. 

  7. 1.2m 以下儿童谢绝入场。
    No entry for children under 1.2 meters.

  8. 如有变动,请以现场工作人员的指示为准。
    In case of any changes, instructions from the on-site staff should prevail.

 明 天 见!

