Thomas Cox :社区治理需要共识,EOS未来属于世界——EOS WTZ直播连线Block.one副总裁
EOS主网上线在即,EOS Go社区举办了一场全球最大规模的线上Party。为了能让国内的EOS爱好者们参与到这场盛宴中来,EOS WTZ获得了EOS Go的授权,采用了B站视频转播+图文微博的形式,为国内的观众们转播了本场Party的内容。
与此同时,EOS WTZ与国内外众多节点和DAPP进行了连线直播,为海外节点配备了同声传译。北京时间6月4日晚,我们有幸邀请到了区块链治理专家、Block.one官方产品副总裁Thomas Cox来到了我们的直播间,并与Thomas Cox就社区关心的问题进行了交流。
这是Thomas第一次以直播的形式,与中国社区进行互动。在采访将要结束之际,BM竟然出现在了我们的直播中,还亲切地与中国粉丝挥手问好!Thomas还答应EOS WTZ,每两周会直播连线一次,解答大家关心的问题,欢迎大家继续关注我们的后续活动。
EOS WTZ Interview Qs for 04-Jun-2018
1. We all read your article “Why 30 Stake-Weighted Approval Votes for EOSIO”. Is there anything you didn’t mention in this article make you and prefer 30 votes per token, and not just 1?
我们都读了您有关为什么采用30 票权重同意投票机制的文章。有没有一些其他的原因是文中没有提到的,但也促使您和Block One 最终选择每个代币三十票,而不是一票的机制?
We needed to create a flatter vote curve. Dan Larimer has experience with Approval Voting for DPOS chains. He established a similar approach earlier on Steemit, which behaved as expected. So, this model is based on real production blockchain experience.
我们希望构建一个平滑的投票曲线。Dan也就是BM, 在委托权益证明机制方面有同意投票的经验,他在Steemit上就应用了类似的机制,并取得了预期效果。因此,我们使用这个机制是基于实际的区块生产经验的。
The number 30 is big enough to give us the shape of vote curve we want, with a long tail, and is small enough that the voter is not overwhelmed with choices.
A one-vote model would, I believe, create a very steep curve and would not provide a long tail of standby producers. We need a large number of healthy standby producers in order to provide the redundancy that DPOS needs for stability and security.
2. Some EOS holders think inflation will devaluate the EOS they are holding. Could you explain how inflation could benefit to the community and also the EOS holders?
Inflation will certainly reduce the value of tokens. All inflation does this.
Inflation acts as a tax on all token holders, and is the only tax that is perfectly fair and applies to every token holder in proportion to their holdings -- everyone is diluted 5% each year. This is fair.
You should ask, what does this tax pay for? It pays for many things:
A. Securing the chain. Inflation pays for the per-block payments to Active BPs
B. Providing a deep bench of standby BPs. Inflation pays for per-vote payments to both Active and Standby BPs so the chain is more resilient to attack and disruption
3. As a non-BP community member, how I can claim the inflation rewards? What if I don’t speak English?
If you are not a BP, there is only one source of “inflation rewards” -- but the term “inflation rewards” is misleading. Remember that this is NOT a Proof of Stake chain where staking coins gives you rewards. It does not work that way.
Here’s a video that walks you through the method by which the EOSIO Software creates new tokens (via inflation) and distributes them:
In summary, the new tokens created by inflation go to three things:
A. Per-Block payment to BPs (about 318 new tokens per BP per day, ~6,678 total per day)
B. Per-Vote payments to BPs (about 200 new tokens per 1% of the vote per day, ~20,037 total per day)
C. Worker Proposal Funds (about 107,000 new tokens per day)
A. 以区块为单位来支付BP成员(每天约产生318枚新代币,21个节点每天总量高达6,678枚)
B. 以投票为单位来支付BP成员(每1%投票,每天约产生200枚新代币,每天总量高达20,037枚)
C. 工作提案资金池(每天约产生107,000枚新代币)
If you’re not a BP and you want some of those new tokens, you’ll need to tap into that Worker Proposal Fund.
How do you do that?
A. You write a Worker Proposal
B. You seek approval for it
C. It gets funded, and you do the work you promised to do
D. But you have to wait 6 to 12 months because the Worker Proposal System has not been built. And the Token Holders have to vote for that System via a Referendum, in order to bring the Worker Proposal System into existence.
E. And that vote is waiting on the creation and installation of the Referendum System. I personally expect to see a Referendum System created and installed within the next 60 to 90 days, but there is no official timeframe on that.
To repeat, there is no way in EOS to stake tokens to earn inflation. That is a feature of certain POS (Proof of Stake) chains, not our DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) chain.
The only possible exception that I am aware of is, that there has been talk of creating a “token leasing” system, whereby you could lease your tokens for a payment. This has not yet been created, and it will be an independent DApp, and not a feature of the core EOSIO Software.
4. What’s your next step of bring global community together? Especially encouraging more non-English people contribute to governance.
Let’s define governance. Governance can be thought of as having three elements:
A. Making collective decisions for a group
B. Carrying out those decisions, honestly and transparently
C. Altering the system of decision making, collectively
A. 为群体做出共同决策
B. 公正透明地执行这些决策
C. 共同改变决策体制
How will more people be able to contribute?
The pace is slowing down now, and I predict that the governance process will be more deliberative. It should become much easier for people of all languages to engage, because there will be time to translate, time to think, and time to discuss the decisions of governance.
I also predict that there will be an explosion in opportunities for engaging in governance at the DApp and Enclave level.
Enclaves are like neighborhoods or clubs. They are sub-communities inside the larger EOS framework. They will need their own governance, just as a village does, inside a state that has governance, inside a nation that has another layer of governance, inside the international order.
DApps and groups of DApps will need governance also.
5. Anything else you want to say to Chinese community as well as all the non-English-speaking community?
While English remains the international language of aviation, maritime navigation, and EOS core governance, EOS encompasses opportunities for all people worldwide. There is a great need for trainings and documentation to be translated, for classes to be offered in all the world’s languages, and for DApps to spring up to support people in their native language.
尽管英语仍是国际航空、航海,以及EOS 核心治理主要使用的语言,但EOS 的机遇是属于世界上所有人的。仍有许多课程和文件需要翻译,多种语言课程的需求也很大。同时,我们也希望有越来越多的应用程序能以多种语言呈现,让世界各地的人受益。
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