《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)近日发表牛津COVID-19疫苗2期临床试验最新结果,试验疫苗在健康老年人群(56岁及以上)和18-55岁的成年人群中的安全性和免疫原性结果是相似的。结果表明,老年人对该疫苗的耐受性比年轻人更好,且该疫苗可在老年人和年轻人体内诱导相似的免疫应答。但这项研究并未评估该疫苗的有效性,需要通过正在进行的3期试验来验证。
一项560名健康成年人(包括240名70岁及以上的老人)的研究初步证实了ChAdOx1 nCoV-19疫苗安全且能够诱导免疫应答。
加拿大达尔豪西大学(Dalhousie University, Canada)的Dr Melissa Andrew(未参与该研究)在一篇相关评论中写道:“鼓舞人心的是,越来越多的研究正在老年人群中进行,有望实现更细致地分析现实世界中老年人潜在健康状况和虚弱的身体条件对疫苗安全性、反应原性、免疫原性和有效性的影响。老年人(涵盖整个体弱人群谱系)和关心他们的人都在翘首期盼研发出安全、有效的COVID-19疫苗。”END
This study was funded by UK Research and Innovation, National Institutes for Health Research (NIHR), Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Thames Valley and South Midlands NIHR Clinical Research Network, and AstraZeneca. A full list of the authors and their institutions is available in the paper.
[1] Quote direct from author and cannot be found in the text of the Article.
[2] See figure 1 for full detail. 300 participants were enrolled to the low-dose cohort, and 260 to the standard-dose cohort.
In the low-dose cohort, there were 100 18-55 year olds (50 in the two-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, and 50 in the two-dose control group), 80 56-69 year olds (30 in the one-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, 10 in the one-dose control group, 30 in the two-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, and 10 in the two-dose control group), and 120 people aged over 70 (50 in the one-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, 10 in the one-dose control group, 50 in the two-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, and 10 in the two-dose control group).
In the standard-dose cohort, there were 60 18-55 year olds (50 in the two-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, and 10 in the two-dose control group), 80 56-69 year olds (30 in the one-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, 10 in the one-dose control group, 30 in the two-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, and 10 in the two-dose control group), and 120 people aged over 70 (50 in the one-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, 10 in the one-dose control group, 50 in the two-dose COVID-19 vaccine group, and 10 in the two-dose control group).
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