
虎哥课堂 2018-05-23





回顾这8年执政生涯,作为政客,奥巴马或许令人有些失望,他并未能够弥合一个日益分裂的世界。他甚至在离任演说中自嘲自己是lame duck(跛脚鸭)。或者,我们不该过分苛责奥巴马。毕竟民主制度下的美国总统大概是世上最不自由的职业了。更或者,政绩与争议总是共存,功过是非需要更长的时间沉淀后才能有效评价。

lame duck:任期将满,手无实权的政府官员。

Someone who has little real power, because his period of office is coming to an end.


虎 哥 课 堂

逗比翻译组 | 出品


Obama’s Secret to Surviving the White House Years: Books


Not since Lincoln has there been a president as fundamentally shaped — in his life, convictions and outlook on the world — by reading and writing as Barack Obama. 


During his eight years in the White House — in a noisy era of information overload, extreme partisanship and knee-jerk reactions — books were a sustaining source of ideas and inspiration, and gave him a renewed appreciation for the complexities and ambiguities of the human condition.


在信息如洪流般席卷而来的时代,奥巴马凭借书籍让自己慢下来(slow down),实现了认知升级,有所洞见(get perspective)。奥巴马对林肯推崇备至。白宫存有林肯为了慈善手抄的《葛底斯堡演说》的原件。奥巴马把它视若珍宝,摆放在家庭办公室旁,并时常阅读。书籍让奥巴马在白宫度过了一个又一个难熬的夜,是书籍让奥巴马在离任时笑看人生。

“At a time when events move so quickly and so much information istransmitted,” he said, reading gave him the ability to occasionally “slow down and get perspective” and “the ability to get in somebody else’s shoes.” These two things, he added, “have been invaluable to me.”



The writings of Lincoln, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, Mr. Obama found, were “particularly helpful” when “what you wanted was a sense of solidarity,” adding “during very difficult moments, this job can be very isolating.”





Mr. Obama’s long view of history and the optimism (combined with astirring reminder of the hard work required by democracy) that hearticulated in his farewell speech last week are part of a hard-won faith, grounded in his reading, in his knowledge of history (and its unexpected zigs and zags), and his embrace of artists like Shakespeare who saw the human situation entire: its follies, cruelties and madblunders, but also its resilience, decencies and acts of grace. 


The playwright’s tragedies, he says, have been “foundational for me in understanding how certain patterns repeat themselves and play themselves out between human beings.”



Even books initially picked up as escape reading like the Hugo Award-winning apocalyptic sci-fi epic “The Three-Body Problem” by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin, he said, could unexpectedly put things in perspective: “Thescope of it was immense. So that was fun to read, partly because my day-to-day problems with Congress seem fairly petty — not something to worry about. Aliens are about to invade!”




Such books were a way for the president to shift mental gears from the briefs and policy papers he studied during the day, a way “to get out of my own head,” a way to escape the White House bubble. 


Some novels helped him to better “imagine what’s going on in the lives of people” across the country — for instance, he found that Marilynne Robinson’s novels connected him emotionally to the people he was meeting in Iowa during the 2008 campaign, and to his own grandparents, who were from the Midwest, and the small town values of hard work and honesty and humility.



Other novels served as a kind of foil — something to argue with. V. S. Naipaul’s novel “A Bend in the River,” Mr. Obama recalls, “starts with the line ‘The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.’ And I always think about that line and I think about his novels when I’m thinking about the hardness of the world sometimes, particularly in foreign policy, and I resist and fight against sometimes that very cynical, more realistic view of the world. And yet, there are times where it feels as if that may be true.”


困难的不是开始,而是坚持。文艺青年奥巴马自学生时代就培养出对阅读和写作的热爱。这份喜爱始终伴随着他。阅读狂人奥巴马说:“阅读和写作帮助我整理那些流淌在生命横流里的一切—— 种族、阶级、家庭。我笃信,在某种意义上,这使支零破碎的自我整合成完人。”




本文编辑 | 海源

释义 | pikachu  老徐  笑笑  Iris  ewen  曹静娅


▸ outlook: /ˈautluk/ n. 展望;观点;景色

 overload: /ˌəuvəˈləud US ˌouvərˈloud/ n. 超载

▸ partisanship: /ˌpɑːtɪˈzænʃɪp US ˈpɑːrtɪzənʃɪp, -sən/ n. 党派性

Partisanship is support for a person or group without fair consideration of the facts and circumstances.

▸ knee-jerk reaction: 膝跳反应

▸ ambiguity: /ˌæmbɪˈgjuːɪti/ n. 含混性

the state of being unclear, confusing, or not certain, or things that produce this effect

 transmit: /trænzˈmɪt US træns-/ v. 传输;传播

to send or pass something from one person, place or thing to another

▸ perspective: /pəˈspektɪv US pər-/ n. 视角;对事情的洞察力;正确的眼光;全盘性的看法

▸ invaluable: /ɪnˈvæljuəbəl, -jʊbəl US -ˈvæljʊbəl/ adj. 无法估值的;非常贵重的

extremely useful

▸ solidarity: /ˌsɔlɪˈdærɪti US ˌsɑː-/ n. 团结

 stirring: /ˈstəːrɪŋ/ adj. 激动人心的

producing strong feelings or excitement in someone

▸ articulate: /ɑːˈtɪkjʊleɪt US ɑːr-/ v. 说出

to express your ideas or feelings in words

▸ hard-won: adj. 来之不易的

achieved only after a of lot effort and difficulty

▸ zigs and zags: 曲折

▸ folly: /ˈfɔli US ˈfɑːli/ n. 愚蠢

a very stupid thing to do, especially one that is likely to have serious results

▸ blunder: /ˈblʌndə US -ər/ n. 错误

a careless or stupid mistake

▸ resilience: /rɪˈzɪliəns/ n. 弹性;回复力

▸ foundational: /faunˈdeɪʃənəl/ adj. 根本的

▸ escape reading: 消遣式阅读

▸ apocalyptic: /əˌpɔkəˈlɪptɪk US əˌpɑː-/ adj. 启示录的

▸ sci-fi: /ˌsaɪ ˈfaɪ/ n. 科幻小说

Sci-fi is short for science fiction.

 epic: /ˈepɪk/ n. 史诗

▸ scope: /skəup US skoup/ n. 范围

the range of things that a subject, activity, book etc deals with

▸ petty: /ˈpeti/ adj. 微不足道的

▸ shift gear: 换挡

▸ brief: /briːf/

n. 简报

official instructions that explain what someone's job is, what their duties are etc

v. 简要告知(~ sb. on sth.)

to give someone all the information about a situation that they will need

 humility: /hjuːˈmɪlɪti/ n. 谦卑

the quality of not being too proud about yourself - use this to show approval

 foil: /fɔɪl/ n. 陪衬物

 cynical: /ˈsɪnɪkəl/ adj. 愤世嫉俗的


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