中西融合·国际美食节 | Pick 你心中的No.1!
5月13日,国际校区2023年第四届国际美食节在海纳居顺利举办。来自越南、阿尔及利亚、马来西亚、中国等国家的学生参与比赛,为大家分享了自己国家的特色美食,带大家感受跨文化、跨国家的饕餮盛宴。书院副院长兼学生事务部副部长吴行、书院副院长陈晶妍、ZJUI学生事务办公室副主任叶晨晨、ZIBS教学与学生事务部部长洪真真、国际生代表Maria Nazeer出席本次活动,并为获奖学生颁奖。
On the 13th of May, the 4thInternational Cuisine Appreciation was successfully held around Hai Club. Students from Vietnam, Algeria, Malaysia, China and other countries participated in the Food Competition, sharing special dishes from their own countries or regions and taking everyone on a cross-cultural and cross-national feast.
比赛现场锅碗瓢盆叮当作响,香气四溢,各国的参赛选手们纷纷拿出看家本领,展现他们的独特创意与精湛厨艺,在国际校区餐厅进行着美食的制作。参赛的作品中既有中国传统家常菜番茄牛腩、虾仁开口笑、糟卤鸡爪,也有别具风味的客家焦糖猪肉、越式春卷与炒饭,库斯库斯;甜品的种类也丰富多彩,中式甜品酒酿小圆子、马来西亚红豆冰 、巴基斯坦的酸辣奶球和菲律宾的蜜饯牛奶。
The participants from all over the world showed off their unique creativity and culinary skills in the campus canteen. The entries ranged from Vietnamese Spring Rolls & Fried Rice, Couscous, Ice kacang, Dahi Barhy, Pastillas de Leche, Sweet caramelized pork, Beef Brisket with Tomato, Shanghai Style Marinated Chicken Feet, Fried Shrimp Dumpling and Glutinous Rice Balls in Sweet Rice Wine.
All these delectable dishes were displayed in front of everyone, attracting many students, teachers and parents who visited the campus. Our competitors shared their food and culinary skills with joy with all the vistiors. Each visitor was both a taster and a judge of the food, who could casting their vote for their favourite dishes. The representative regional and national cuisines reflected the unique characteristics of different cultures and gave participants and tasters a glimpse of the charm of different culinary cultures.
美食人气王 Best Taste Award
味蕾之选奖 Favorful Delight Award
厨艺大师奖 Master Chef Award
创意烹饪奖 Creative Culinary Award
中西融合奖 Integration Award
慈善摊位 Charity Booth
Students from 12 countries and regions participated in this event, and the exciting game experience in booths full of exoticism was fascinating. Rolling rings, shuttlecock, moving sticks, bicycle races, and tug of war...while craft sessions allowed you to create a mini name tag for yourself with simple DIY paper, show pens, and an oven. All the money raised from the event was donated to the Haining Volunteer Association by the Residential College, International Campus, ZJU and the International Business School.
The platform "Integration" aims at cultivating students' intercultural communication, promoting the integration between Chinese and foreign civilizations, strengthening the promotion of Chinese Traditional Culture and building an international cultural exchange base in Residential College. The brand events include the "Traditional Culture Outreach Series", "Student Exchange Program of ZJU, HKU and UM" and "International Cuisine Appreciation", etc.
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责任编辑 | 郭霁瑶