
【GoMappED 直播间】聊聊在爱尔兰读书、找工作、找房子的经历

GoMappED 悠雁留学平台 2022-12-19





这里分享Ed Sheeran关于爱尔兰的一首歌《Nancy Mullingan》, 这首歌讲述了Ed Sheeran的祖父母相携一生的爱情故事,与爱尔兰诗人叶芝脍炙人口的诗《当你老了》相映成辉。爱尔兰岛上自然与爱情纯洁浪漫、温暖持久。


I was twenty-four years old / 我24岁的时候

When I met the woman I would call my own / 我遇到我的真命天女

Twenty-two grand kids now growing old / 当时那些儿孙如今都老了

In that house that your brother bought ya / 在你哥哥买給你的房子里

On the summer day when I proposed / 某个夏日 我对她求婚了 

I made that wedding ring from dentist gold / 我用金牙铸了一枚婚戒

And I asked her father, but her daddy said, "No / 但当我问她父亲 他却说:

You can't marry my daughter" / 「不,你不能娶我女儿。」


Well, I met her at Guy's in the second World War / 我在二战时期遇见了她

And she was working on a soldier's ward / 她当时在军人病房工作

Never had I seen such beauty before / 我从来沒看过这么美的女子

The moment that I saw her / 我永远记得初次看见她的那一刻

Nancy was my yellow rose / 她是我心中的黃玫瑰

And we got married wearing borrowed clothes / 婚礼上我们穿著借来的礼服

We got eight children, now growing old / 后来一起生下5男3女

Five sons and three daughters / 他们现在也都长大了


From her snow white streak in her jet black hair / 即使如今她的黑发开始苍白

Over sixty years I've been loving her / 这60年来我依然深爱着她

Now we're sat by the fire in our old armchairs / 现在我们坐在火炉边的扶手椅

You know Nancy, I adore ya / 你知道吗 南希 我好爱妳

From a farm boy born near Belfast town / 原本我只是个住在Belfast附近的农村男孩

I never worried about the king and crown / 我从未幻想过雍容华贵 

'Cause I found my heart upon the southern ground / 在南方有位佳人等着我

There's no difference, I assure ya / 拥有你 等于拥有了一切荣华


She and I went on the run / 于是我和她私奔了

Don't care about religion / 我们才不在乎宗教不同

I'm gonna marry the woman I love /我要娶一个我深愛的女人

Down by the Wexford border / 在Wexford城边

She was Nancy Mulligan / 她是南希茉莉根

And I was William Sheeran / 而我是威廉希伦

She took my name and then we were one / 她将冠上我的姓 我们也将永不分离

Down by the Wexford border / 在Wexford城边






